驴友阁 >风水知识 >风水堪舆


  To Autumn   Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,   Conspiring with him how to load and bless   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;   秋颂   雾气洋溢,果实圆熟的秋!   你和成6028熟的太阳成为友伴,   你们密谋用累累的珠球、   缀满茅屋檐下的葡萄藤蔓、、


6789  题目描述不明确,

有关狗的五行诗 (英语的)

  Dog   Honest,lovely   Barking,shouting,Crying   Friend and servant   Yours   亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!   望采纳、thanks(thx)!、


  In your eyesI the buds of spring;I'm a red hot summer in your eyes;In your eyes I fall in the fields of large solid;In your eyes I am empty on a warm day in winter;Oh, you know you are in my eyes?In my eyes you are my waddle walk strong arm I babble words gentle lip;In my eyes you are the sea of fans to the birds of the sky seems a boat;You are my life-all the praiseyou are my life-all the love in your eyes, I Swaddle is life;In my eyes you are the everlasting arms. ...望采纳谢谢,


  In your eyesI the buds of spring;I'm a red hot summer in your eyes;In your eyes I fall in the fields of large solid;In your eyes I am empty on a warm day in winter;Oh, you know you are in my eyes?In my eyes you are my waddle walk strong arm I babble words gentle lip;In my eyes you are the sea of fans to the birds of the sky seems a boat;You are my life-all the praiseyou are my life-all the love in your eyes, I Swaddle is life;In my eyes you are the everlasting arms.!




  Headmaster (校长)   serious kind (严肃,和善)   Speaking Instructing Laughing (讲话、教导。大笑)   teacher and guide too (我人生的教师和指导者)   Mine   五行诗的特点:第一行(一个名词做主题)   第二行(两个形容词)   第三行(三个动词ing)   第四行(四个词表达感受)   第五行(回到写作者或重申主题)   对照上面的结构!试着写一下吧。!


  = = 是写英语字母单词吗。就是一个 写5次啦,如果是句子。就是一个句子写5次。




  Classmate同学   easygoing energetic 随和的、充满活力的   laughing playing talking 聊天 大笑 玩耍   friend and partner too我的朋友和伙伴   Mine、
