驴友阁 >风水知识


  “how to protect ourselves in a fire disaster”. When a fire breaks out, we should keep calm and dial 119 as soon as possible and remember to tell the exact site where the fire broke out. Cut off the electricity and don’t open any windows because the oxygen comes in will make the fire bigger. If possible, try to find the extinguisher to put out the fire. Don’t take elevators and stick to the stairs if you are trying to escape. Also, we should cover our mouths and noses with a wet cloth to protect ourselves from the smoke. I hope these tips can give you a great help in your daily life.   翻译:“如何在火灾中保护自己”,火灾发生时,我们应保持冷静、并尽快拨打119,并记得9975告诉确切地点火灾发生!切断电源。不要打开任何窗户、因为氧气进来会使火更大。如果可能的话!试着找灭火器把火扑灭.!如果你想逃跑,不要乘电梯,坚持走楼梯.。此外!我们应该用湿布覆盖我们的嘴和鼻子,以保护自己免受烟雾!希望这些小贴士能给你的生活带来很大的帮助?,


  If there is a fire, what should we do?   First, found that after the fire, to make alarm calls "119" report to the police. If telephone lines for fire is blocked, you can cry out, or by radio alarm.   Second, if there are other people in the home, to remind them to escape, don't you run away.   Third, if the fire is small, can use the quilt be stained with water, put in the body, if there is smoke, into three layers, should use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose, crawl on the ground, even small and shallow breathing.   Fourth, when firefighters couldn't get there in time, can be to escape. If the stairs are heat sealed, the place such as lower floors can from the balcony, with tear sheets into a rope, such as the floor is higher, to take advantage of the smaller fires to put out the fire, if the stairs to escape, should escape from the stairs. Avoid by all means don't take the elevator at this moment, because the elevator may be because of the fire power outage, make people trapped inside, choked to death.   Fifth, if you have children, the elderly and patients trapped upstairs, more should be timely rescue. At this time, can use the string (not tear the rope with a sheet of knotting) throw upstairs, let people trapped slid out.   Sixth, take the baby to escape, you can gently with wet cloth on his face, holding his hand, one hand grip.   假如发生火灾,我们该怎么办!   第一。发现火灾发生后、要先拨打火警电话“119”报警。如果电话线路因火被阻断、可以大声呼喊或通过无线电报警。   第二。如果家里还有其他人、要提醒他们逃生,不要只7087顾自己逃跑,   第三,如果火势比较小!可以用被子沾上水,披在身上,如果有浓烟,应该用湿毛巾折成三层。捂住口鼻!在地上4437匍匐前进、呼吸2802还要小而浅!   第四。当消防员不能及时赶到时,可以进行自行逃生!如果楼梯被火封住!楼层较低的可以从阳台等地方、用床单撕开结成绳子滑下。如楼层较高。要趁火势较小扑灭火,如果楼梯可以逃生!应该从1534楼梯逃生!切忌这时千万不要乘电梯。因为电梯可能会因为火而停电,使人被困在里面,窒息而死。   第五、如果有小孩,老人,病人等被困在楼上。更应该及时抢救、这时。可以用绳子(没有绳子的用床单撕开结绳)掷到楼上!让被困的人滑出来、   第六!带婴儿逃离时,可以用湿布轻轻蒙上他的脸、一手抱着他、一手抓地逃生。,


  If you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas, the power source. Greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take away. The jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittle things admit in the low cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts. The cabinet gate should shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object. Below prepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: Fresh fresh water and emergency food, flashlight, fire extinguisher. Is far away these possibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate in outdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough is sturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly fall. Runs away spacious to place most ideal, but if does not have the enough time,stays is possibly safer in the room, on the avenue speech, the gas piping or the electric wire which bursts can increase the risk. Passes in and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded by the building in bricks and stones.In room: When the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially the big window (including mirror and so on). In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. Perhaps the low ground or the basement can provide the best survival opportunity. Hides in under the table bottom or other firm furniture, this not only can provide the protection to you, moreover also has the big breath space. When store, is far away the big cargo exhibition hall, thesecargos possibly can drop down. Also is loaded with the elevator in the multilayered building in the office, in-situ hides in the desk bottom. Do not enter the elevator, the staircase also possibly can crowd the panic-stricken people. .Che Zhong: As far as possible quickly and safely stops - but stays in the vehicle may avoid hit by the whereabouts object. Crouches in hiding under the seat, if has the thing to fall on the vehicle, you will be able to obtain the protection. When vibrates stops down, the attention observation obstacle and possibly appears danger: Destroyed the electric cable, damages the path and collapses bridge.Outdoors: When outdoors lie in the ground, do not have to run. This can throw down, also possibly is embezzled by the crack. Is far away the big construction. Toward derground walk or do not enter the gallery, this can cause to be stranded. Like you already prepared to the outdoors, did not return to in the building. The earthquake causes any construction not too to be all reliable for the first time, if then again occurs slightly shakes, the building can cave in. Is safer to the summit. In the pitch earth stone is easy to fall, if crushes by the number thousand ton heavy soil block or the rock (they to have fearful speed), very little has the opportunity which fortunately survives. Rolls equally on the place like the ball changes the survival.Beach place: So long as under the cliff cannot the suitable security, but because the tsunami follows the earthquake but to come frequently, therefore after vibrates stops leaving the beach as soon as possible to the higher open field shift. The aftershock risk did not like the tsunami to be so fearful.!


  如果发现火灾发生,最重要的是报警,这样才能及时扑救!控制火势,减轻火灾造成损失。火警电话的号码是 119、这个号码应当牢记!在全国任何地区!向公安消防部门报告火警的电话号码都是一样的、格根据这个号码、每年的11月9日、被确定为消防安全日!不能随意拨打火警电话。假报火警是扰乱社会公共秩序的违法行为。在没有电话的情况下?应大声呼5722喊或采取其他方法引起邻居、行人注意,协助灭火或报警!!


  An interesting thing happened on yesterday.At night,when I was sleepping ,I dreamed I sleeping on a dog's body,and the dog suddenly jumping up and shouting at me,he said:"I want to eat you,you smell very delicious!"Then I ran away quickly."ling ling ling!"A big sound was happened,I woke up quickly,then,I thought,where I am?Oh,that is my dream,just a dream.   中:昨晚发生了一件有趣的事情.晚上,当我睡觉的时候,我梦到自己睡在一只狗的身上.这只狗突然跳起来,并且冲着我大叫:“我要吃了你,你闻起来太美味了.”我吓的快速的逃跑.“呤呤呤”我在一阵响亮的声音中醒来,然后想:我在哪?哦,我在做梦,幸好那仅仅是一个梦.,


  1)短路,(2)过负荷。6654(3)接触电阻热!(4)电火花和电弧。(5)照明灯具,电热元件!电热工具的表面热。(6)过压热。(7)涡流热   电气设备过热,电气设备本身的温升是有规定的,这与绝缘材料允许耐受温度有关。当温度大大超过绝缘材料允许温升后、不仅4794会引起加速老化!还会引起绝缘材料燃烧!7725当电气设备正常运行遭破坏时,发热量增加!温度升高、在一定条1841件下引起火灾,   引起电气设备过热的原因是:1)短路:相线与零线之间或相线之间造成金属性接触即为短路!短路时温度急剧升高、引起绝缘材料燃烧而产生火灾,2)过载:电气线路或设备所通过的电流值超过其允许的数值则为过载,过载可引起绝缘烧毁。3)接触不良:电器连接部分常用焊接或螺栓连接!一旦松动。则连接部分接触电阻增加!接头过热、导致灾害,4)铁芯发热:铁芯绝缘损坏因发热量增大会产生高温。5)散热不良:电器散热措施受到破坏。会造成过热、   (2)电火花或电弧。电弧是大量电火花汇集成的,电弧温度可高8273达6000摄氏度!因此电火花或电弧不仅能引起绝缘物质燃烧!而且可以4399引起金属熔化、飞溅!构成火灾!爆炸的火源。电火花可分为工作火花和事故火花、工作火花如开关或接触器触头分合时的火花,事故火花是电器或线路发生故障时产生的火花、如发生短路时产生的火花!绝缘损坏或保险丝熔断时出现的闪络等,事故火花还包括外来原因产生的火花。如雷电火花。静电火花!高频感应电火花等。电气设备本身除多油断路器!电力变压器。电力电容器。充油套管等充油设备可能炸裂外!一般不会出现爆炸事故、   以下情况可能引起空间爆炸,   1)周围空气有爆炸性混合物、在危险温度或电火花作用下引起空间爆炸,2)充油设备的绝缘油在电弧作用下分解或气化、喷出大量油雾和可燃气体、引起爆炸、3)发电机氢冷却装9843置漏气,酸性蓄电池排出氢气等!形5925成爆炸混合物,引5238起空间爆炸! 电气线路,电动机!油浸电力变压器。开关设备、电灯、电热设9784备等由于结构。运行特点不同,火灾和爆炸的危险性和原因也各不相同,但总的看来!除设备缺陷,安装不当等原因外、在运行中、电流的热量和电流的火花或电弧是引起火灾爆炸的直接原因, 所以、我们根据以上的电气原因导致火灾爆炸的情况。采取相应的措施来避免火灾爆炸事故的发生、最重要的是。我们应该经常进行安全检查,做到将事故消灭在萌芽状态,确保生命和财产的安全。、


  ①!火势初起时,立即用自来水,湿毛由灭火自救!如火势已大,要立即撤离火场,   ②,迅速拨打火警电话“119”!   ③、宿舍充斥大量烟气时,撤离时可用湿毛巾捂住口鼻!并弯腰低姿快行。   ④,当宿舍发生火灾,烟火封住出口时,住一层宿舍的人员可从窗口跳出去,二、三层宿舍的可用床单。被套。窗帘制成安全绳。从窗口缓缓下滑。   ⑤!别的宿舍着火!火势尚未控制楼阁时!应9129立即离开宿舍?迅速通过安全通道向外疏散、从高层宿舍下撤时。不要乘电梯!   ⑥、当烟火封住下撤楼道、大门时。可撤往楼顶平台,等待救援、   ⑦,当烟火封住宿舍门时,应将宿舍1568门紧闭!用衣被者塞门缝!防止烟气侵入。等待救援!   ,


  法律上没有政府对此赔偿的规定。如果因此生活困难、或许可以4175申请临时性救助,   你没有参加火险就不能得到赔偿!,


  The heavy rain has been pouring down all the time for there days.Not only fields but also villages have been fooded.Last night,houses were washed away by the flood and the villagers were in danger and struggling in the water,cryingfor help.Just then the PLA men hurried over by steamboat,They did their best to save villagers and helped them to move onto the riverbank.The government for the villaders very much.Tents,food,clothes and medicine were sent to them without delay.Without the Party and the PLA men,a large number of people would have lost their lives ia the flood or died of hunger.,


  俗话说:“水火无情”、一场大火。能让一座高楼倒塌、一场大火,能让一个家庭破碎、一场大火。能让许多人丧失生命、在许许多多的家庭火灾事故中、有90%是因为扑救不利和不会逃生导致的。那么我们在家遇到火灾时应该如何自救,如何逃生呢、   在家中。如果油锅中的油不慎着火,可用锅盖盖灭、如果纸箱着火,可及时用水扑灭。但如果没抑制住火种,我们应该做到不慌张。先打火警电话!再用湿毛巾捂住嘴鼻逃生或躲在卫生间中把门关住。及时在门上浇水,使火不能进入卫生间,若被困周围烟雾很大,这可比火更为可怕、因为烟雾中含有大量的有毒有害气体。如1737果不加防备?就会被有毒有害烟气熏倒、这往往是火灾事故中死亡率最高的原因?如果一定要冲出烟雾区、必须用湿毛巾等捂住鼻嘴!尽可能地猫腰贴地跑出、这样才能减少烟气的吸入量、以免中毒倒下!   如果建筑物有避难房!疏散楼梯的!可以先躲进避难房或由疏散楼梯撤至安全地方!如多层建筑物火灾!楼梯已被烧断、或者火势已相当猛烈时!可以利用房屋的老虎窗,阳台!下水管道或其他可以接地牢固的物件逃生!   如生命受到威胁,又无逃生之路时,可以用绳索或将床单撕成条状连接起来。一端拴在固定物件上!再顺着绳索或布条滑下,如果万分情急决定跳楼出逃时、可先往地下抛出一些衣物棉被等,以增加缓冲。然后手扶窗台往下滑。以缩小跳落高度!并尽力保持双脚着地。尽可能地保全性命!   “隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾。责任重于泰山”!我们须更多的学习和掌握消防知识?如:火灾基本常识!灭火器基本常识、初起火灾扑救方法,人员疏散和火场逃生知识等,   遵守各项防火制度、积极参与住宅小区消防工作!使我们的小区形成“人人关心消防、处处注意防火”的群防群治的局面!从根本上减少或避免家6004庭火灾事故的发生,,
