驴友阁 >风水知识


  这样说:     dad, thank you very much for your support and advices, i really appreciate your hope and trust in me. most 础mportantly, you are a wonderful parent! happy fathers day!     你也可以到这里看看:     wilstar.com/holidays/fathers.htm#QUOTES。


  春联只有中文的   就算是老外看不懂 也2644要贴中文的   因为这是一种文化   你见过哪个书法大师用英文写大字的吗,   只能说你太无知了```、


  我上课的一篇文章,复制给你吧   'Pigs might fly'   I'm a pig, my son is a rabbit, I have snakes for daughters, and my wife, believe it or not, is a dragon! Do I live in a zoo? No, of course not! I am talking about our Chinese zodiac signs.   Depending on the year of your birth, each person has an animal for a sign. That's why I am a pig and my wife is a dragon.   February the 18th is Chinese New Year and 2007 is the year of the pig, so let's take a closer look at this interesting animal.   Pigs were first domesticated by man about 9,000 years ago, and are still a very common farm animal in many parts of the world. We don't just use pigs for their meat – almost every part of the animal is used. The bones and skin are used for glue and footballs. The hair is used for artists' brushes and insulation. The fat is used in the manufacture of insecticides, floor waxes, rubber and plastics. Amazingly, pigs are a source of nearly 40 pharmaceutical drugs and their heart valves can be used in surgery to replace human ones.   Pigs have also been important in the world of entertainment. In 1995 the film 'Babe' starred a loveable talking pig as its main character. The film won an Oscar and was nominated for 6 more.   In England you can even go to watch pig racing. A farmer, Rob Shepherd, has been raising money for charity by staging pig races on his farm. The events have been very successful. People don't just want to eat pigs, it seems!   Pigs also feature in the English language. To say that something is unlikely to happen you can say "Pigs might fly!" A man that thinks men are superior to women is a "chauvinist pig". Hungry? Well then, you can "pig out" and eat lots of food. And what if someone rescues you? Well, you can say that they "saved your bacon".   If you, like me, were born in the year of the pig, then you are brave, thoughtful and loyal. The year of the pig is filled with good fortune. Happy Chinese New Year!   GLOSSARY 词汇表   zodiac十二生肖glue 胶水insulation 绝缘insecticides 杀虫剂pharmaceutical drugs药制品loveable 可爱的charity 慈善chauvinist 沙文主义者brave 勇敢的loyal 忠诚的 domesticated饲养的brushes 刷子manufacture 生产waxes 蜡heart valves 心脏瓣膜nominated 提名staging 举行bacon 咸肉thoughtful 考虑周到的good fortune 好财运!




  生肖属鼠的人乐天知命、适应力强、不宜从0320事行政及团体工作!对人积极热肠!容易受人爱戴、但缺点是胆量不足、胸无大志、但面对猪年。鼠人不得不作出人生之最大决定!因为猪年是鼠人之转运年。习惯了惯常际遇之鼠人会对猪年之变化。有一种忐忑不安!既喜且忧的情结,鼠人猪年财运极佳、尤以生于一九三六年之鼠人财运最顺!   由于“陌越”星加临命宫。主变化不定。鼠人猪年会为旅游,移民。转业,搬迁等问题困扰、事业及投资亦有很多新的机会。鼠人应听取生肖属牛!猴及龙之意见,勇于创运、才可利用猪年之运势,为自己未来数年铺出黄金大路、鼠人猪年宜于农历三月及十一月作重要决定?鼠人猪年财库大动、鼠人在猪年要特别留意文件签署及人为是非、尤以农历十月为最!   猪年是“抉择年”。鼠人一直不喜改变、但猪年要鼠人决定的事特别多!对于鼠人的性格。有较多的挑战、。








  在2007年出生的小宝宝、首要禁忌就是在本年度里不能接近4804或见到兵器,比如刀枪、匕首之类的铁器、会对健康不利、其次!在2243动物宠物方面,比较忌讳牲畜或爬虫类。尤其是蛇!猴及猪此三类!关于这些动物宠物要尽量避免看到、相关图,画像也要尽量避免在家中摆挂。因为这几种动物会对孩子形成相冲!相刑。相害。除此之外,2007年出生的小宝宝,在方向上、要尽量不去或少去出生地的东南方及西南方向,其它方向则比较有利,   而对处于2007本命年的成年人来讲、在本年内最重要的忌讳。就是要尽量避免参与规模大的风险类投资!即使是一般的投资也要尽量减少,在交友和工作中要多注意周边的陌生人或朋友,避免交友不慎,以免上当受骗、在外出时要格外注意交通安全,要注意避免摔伤碰撞,在方位上不宜去南方或西北方向发展,与生肖属蛇或猴的朋友接触需多加注意。与这两种属相的动物也要尽量避免接触。总而言之,本年内多有不顺之事发生、要作好心理准备、在2007年本命年里对自己比较有利的贵人生肖是灵芝兔!这是一款转为2007本命年设计佩带的吉祥物!可助平安、健康,达到改运增运的效果,!


