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试试择名网、海外华人做的,可以按照英文名特征线上取英文名 、




  Cindi   译名金迪; 钦迪; 辛迪; 金狄; 金德!   解释女神 女王 华而不实。   起源拉丁; 现代英语; 英语,   名人名人Cindi Buchanan曾经使用过此名字,变体形式 Cinda; Cindee; Cindie; Cyndi; Cyndy; Cinthie; Cinthy; Cyntha; Cintha; Cyndee; Canda; Candee; Candi; Candie; Candy; Chanda; Channon; Chanta; Chantae; Chantai; Chantay; Chantaye; Chante; Chantea; Chanteau Edna   译名埃德娜; 艾德娜; 埃德纳!   解释优美温柔!   起源盖尔语; 希伯来; 英语; 凯尔特!   名人Edna E. Kelly ; Edna Simpson等约16位名人曾经使用过此名字,变体形式 Edith; Etna; Ethna; Eadaoin; Eden; Edyth; Edythe; Eaton; Edan; Edin; Edwin; Edwyn; Eitan; Ethan; Etienne; Eiddwen; Eithne; Ednah; Edem; Edom; Ethenia Sarah   译名莎拉; 萨拉; 撒拉; 赛拉,   解释公主、   排名23,   起源希伯来; 英语; 法文; 古英语; 德文; 圣经; 穆斯林。名人Sarah Caldwell ; Sarah McLachlan等约31位名人曾经使用过此名字变体形式 Sahar; Sara; Sarai; Sarha; Sari; Sarie; Sarra; Sarrah; Sarri; Sarrie; Sary; Shahar; Shara; Sharee; Sharri; Sharrie; Sharry; Shira; Shirah; Shiri; Sàri; Sarrha; Sarrey; Sarhah Rita   译名丽塔; 莉塔; 莉达; 里塔,   解释珍珠 雍容华贵!   排名104、   起源希腊; 西班牙; 德文; 荷兰语; 英语; 印地语; 意大利; 波兰; 挪威; 瑞典; 丹麦; 波斯,   名人Rio Rita; Lovely Rita等约19位名人曾经使用过此名字变体形式 Radha; Reda; Reita; Reta; Retha; Retta; Rheta; Rhoda; Rudy; Rutha; Ruthe; Ruthie; Ryette; Raad; Riyad; Roddy; Rudi; Ruedi; Rhetta; Rida; Radwa; Riet; Rati; Roda。


   杜TO 銘 MING 以上均為香港拼音,英文名可直接取MING TO(不是所有名字9406調轉就是英文名)!也8218可取MARCUS TO都可以, 杜TO 豫 YU 湘 SHEUNG 以上為香港拼音!可取YORK TO! 不過改英文名一般都是按照個人喜好或名字相近的音節去改的!以上改的均為相近名字的音節而改的。、


  Carling:有野心。具谋略、积极6453努力的小冠军   Nicole、Nicholle!Nickie。Niki:扬眉吐气的,昂首阔步的   Re弗an:领导的?

我叫笑笑 取个英文名

  Trista 翠丝特 拉丁 以微笑化解忧伤的女孩 Mavis 梅薇思 塞尔特 如画眉鸟的歌声,快乐、


http://www.behindthename.com/ ,


  不是很淑女!那想要个中性风格的名字吧?推荐几个男孩女孩都能用的给你   Alex   Chris   Jerry   Justice   Jessie   Summer   Nicole虽然是女名、不过蛮好听的!意思是胜利     下面是全部的中性英文名,自己挑喜欢开头字母和音节的吧   Addison -Much more popular for girls than boys.   Alex -Alex just barely makes it on the top 1000 for girls, but is a top 100 boys name.   Alexis -A really popular name for both genders.   Ali -This name skyrocketed in popularity because of the prize-fighting namesake.   Amari -Makes the top 500 for both boys and girls.   Angel -A popular Latin name for boys, and a heavenly name for girls.   Ariel -Simply a great name, especially for girls.   Ashton -Another name affected by celebrity induced baby naming popularity.   Avery -Label this one a great name for either gender.   Bailey -Simply a great name for a girl, and not bad for a boy either!   Cameron -Used a lot, but more for a boy than a girl.   Campbell -Just barely making the top 1000 for either gender.   Carson -Cool name for girl, even better for a boy.   Casey -An alltime favorite.   Chase -Much less common for a girl.   Christian -A biblical baby name makes the list.   Dakota -This old west name is hip again.   Devin -Devin and its alternate spelling are popular.   Devon -A popular African American baby name.   Devyn -The less popular form of Devin.   Dominique -It makes the list year after year after year.   Drew -The girls name just barely creeps into the top 1000.   Dylan -A top 20 most popular baby boys name.   Emerson -It surprises us so many girls are named Emerson.   Guadalupe -A popular latin name for either ......余下全文>>!


  Leo 利奥1990(涵义:狮子)   Sky 斯凯(涵义:天空)、


当然有啦、 。
