驴友阁 >风水知识


  Happy Year of the Pig 猪年快乐   Happy Year of the mouse鼠年快乐   Happy Year of the Ox 牛年快乐   Happy Year of the Tiger 虎年快乐   Happy Year of the Rabbit 兔年快乐   Happy Year of the Horse马年快乐     Happy Year of the snake 蛇年快乐   Happy Year of the sheep 羊年快乐   Happy Year of the Monkey 猴年快乐   happy year of the rooster鸡年快乐   Happy Year of the dog狗年快乐?


  Happy the Year of Pig?


  the Year of Golden Pig   The year 2007 is the ‘Year of the Pig,’ based on the lunar calendar. But it is not just an ordinary pig, it is a ‘golden pig.’ According to some fortunetellers, it is going to be the ‘Year of the Golden Pig’ which comes every 600 years.   Babies born in the ‘year of the golden pig’ are believed to have good fortune and will lead a comfortable and wealthy life.   However, most fortunetellers and folklorists doubt the belief. According to a member of a fortunetellers’ association, they don’t know where the myth came from. It is only a saying among people and there are no grounds for it.   People who believe in the year of the golden pig say the special year comes every 600 years. They came to this conclusion through calculations, using a combination of the Chinese zodiac and the yin and yang theory.   However, a folklore professor, Joo Young-ha, at the Academy of Korean Studies rebuts the theory. He explained that if the year 2007 is the golden pig year which comes every 600 years, there should be records about the special year written in the ‘Taejong Sillok,’ archives of King Taejong. King Taejong ruled the Joseon Dynasty 600 years ago. But there are no such records, which makes him believe the myth was made not long ago.   Also, Baek Woon-san, head of the Korean Fortune-tellers Association, thinks the whole thing is an exaggeration. However, he said that there have been many people with good fortune who were born in the year of the pig, when the energy of bright light and clear water are harmoniously joined together.   Some even believe the myth was created to boost the ever-decreasing birthrate in recent years. In fact, Korea’s birthrate is expected to increase this year. Many obstetrics and gynecology clinics are actually providing more pregnancy counseling these days.   Whatever the belief is, marketing is already in full swing. You will notice golden pig items everywhere you go in Korea. Gold colored piggy banks are selling well and are also a popular promotional item for companies. They are actually very cute.   Some businesses, including banks, are even presenting gold bars as a lottery prize to people who open a bank account these days. Also, demand for gold is increasing as more people are using gold as gifts for relatives and friends, wishing them good luck.   Baby product companies are also quick to jump on the gilded bandwagon. For example, toy companies are making various toy pigs.。


  春节献礼:猪年对联,发布人:旗开得胜日期:2007-02-16来源:中国制造(MadeinCHN)。猪年五字春联一年春作首、六畜猪为先人开致富路。猪拱发财门,!   猪年对联:。


  华丽贵族变身的。   我乃宇宙中的天之骄子 我这么完美帅气是有原因的—— 我有平衡时间善恶的力量 我有平衡万物美丑的力量 我代替上天来审判这一切 我要扫除世上所有的不公不义!还有不美 我乃万物的尺度 我乃世界的希望 我是天秤座的战士 我是十二星座中的贵族 我是帅戈。大明星帅戈,,

女孩给男孩发微信说: 今天感恩节,感谢遇见你,感谢我的生命里有你,感恩节快乐! 是什么意思啊!!

  感谢你的出现让她快乐,遇见你真是好。   1)单纯的朋友之间感谢   2)掺杂些告白的意思、




  献上一4725段:   甲:你最近干什么哪,   乙:我最近正在搞研究哪。   甲:你都搞些什么研究呢、   乙:我在研究猪哪,   甲:猪有什么可研究的。   乙:可研究的问题多了。   甲:说说看,   乙:我问你。你吃过猪肉吗,   甲:吃过,   乙:可是你知道猪是怎么来的吗。   甲:不知道。    乙:告诉你吧,那是天上的天蓬元帅?因酒后调戏嫦娥、被玉皇大帝罚下天庭,投胎转世投错了地方,变成了猪八戒、猪就是这么来的,我们今天吃的猪肉、就是八戒的后代变的。   甲:怎么吃的猪肉都是八戒的后代变的、   乙:我问你,你知道八戒的老丈人姓什么!家住哪里吗、   甲:不知道,   乙:八戒的老丈人姓高、高员外、家住在高老庄、八戒在保唐僧西天取经时!途径高老庄!因八戒憨厚老实。力大稳重!被高员外之女高小姐看上,订下终身!西天取经回来后,与高小姐结婚生子!繁衍后代。所以我们今天吃的猪肉都是八戒的后代,这是西游记里说的。人人都知道。   甲:这么说。猪对人类的贡献太大了、   乙:是的!你看、今天全国人民在党的改革开放政策指引下。人民的生活发生了翻天履地的变化,不光穿得好!人们生活的餐桌上,也发生了巨大的变化、顿顿吃白面馍馍、餐餐有肉吃,   甲:这倒是,   乙:这所有的变化都9246是党的富民政策带来的!   甲:党的改革开6101放政策好!   乙:由于人们的生活好了、对吃肉要求也高了。   甲:怎么个高法。   乙:没改革开放以前。由于当时社会环境造成的原因,全国人民都吃大锅饭,地里不打粮,打的粮食都不够人吃的。哪有多余的粮食喂猪啊!再加上当时把喂猪当成割资本主义尾巴!所以人民很难吃上猪肉、城镇居民过年过节吃肉都是凭票供应。   甲:当时确实是这样、   乙:就拿我们家来说吧。哪时兄弟姊妹多,每人8787每月供应的食用油只有四两,为了解决吃的问题!所以买肉都买肥的、有时买肥肉还得走后门,没有后门的只有买瘦肉了。   甲:你这说使我想0353起小时候见过的一个场面:那时我们公社食品站,每逢五天的集市只宰两头猪。卖肉摊前是人头涌动。可往往是靠前的买不上,只见后边有人把钱包包上一小石子,嗖一声,投到卖肉的操刀师傅前!只听又声嗖!一块肥肉掠过人头飞出来,   乙:你说的哪是过去!但现在不同了!现在是肥肉没人吃瘦肉随便买!   甲:现在的生活就是好,   乙:由于生活好,猪肉的吃法也多种多样!品味也越来越高。   甲:说说看, 5104  乙:红烧肉!麻辣肉、清蒸肉、粉蒸肉,红烧排骨。红烧猪蹄、最有名的是东坡肘子。    甲:吃法真不少?   乙:现在人们还把猪肉加工成火腿肠,出口创汇,把猪皮加工成皮衣、皮鞋、皮带等等!   甲:猪真是做到了全心全意为人民服务、   乙:尽管猪丰富了人类的物质生活、给人类的生活带来这么多的好处。6515但也有人对猪们非常不友好。   甲:怎么不友好,   乙:有些不法分子为了获得高额利润,给猪减肥。不顾人民的身体健康,给猪们喂瘦肉精。   甲:真缺德,   乙:还有些人!用城市垃圾喂养猪,致使猪们得了五号病!严重损坏了猪的健康、也损坏了人民的身体健康!   甲:真可误,   乙:有些猪犯子及不法分子卖猪的时候,7197更是掺杂使假!   甲:怎么个掺杂使假?   乙:他们用菅子强行插入猪肚子、用机器压缩把泥沙灌入猪的肚子里。猪3344的体重立时大增!   甲:真够残忍的,    乙:比这残忍的还有……!有些人宰猪的时候?不是让猪们痛快的死!为了刮毛省事!把好多头猪活活放进大开水锅里!猪们拼死挣扎!抓挤、碰撞!翻滚、等到猪全部不动的时候,身上的猪毛也就脱干净了,   甲:简直是残无猪道。   乙:所1777以今天人们在吃猪肉的时候,也要手留情。讲文明!讲环保、更好的饲养猪。爱护猪,也要叫猪们活得舒心,死的安静。否则的话……!   甲:那可是死猪不怕开水烫。猪八戒会找你算账、。




