驴友阁 >风水知识

西方节日的由来(英文) 5分

  Stories behind Mother's Day   关于母亲节的来历、我们似乎并不陌生——一位名叫安娜·贾维思的女性在她母亲去世一年后。用自己的行动使这一具有悠久历史的纪8455念活动上升为官方节日。不过。在这之前。母亲节最早可追溯到古希腊的众神之母瑞亚!她是主神宙斯和天后赫8328拉的母亲、另外。不同国家、庆祝母亲节的日期也不尽相同、比如:我们3397熟悉的“五月的第二个星期日”实际上是采用了美国的习俗?而在英国!母亲节则定在四旬节的第四个星期日,   Jewish Proverb: God could not be everywhere and therefore be made mothers.   Ancient celebrations of motherhood   Rhea, Mother of the Greek gods   People in many ancient cultures celebrated holidays honoring motherhood, personified as a goddess. Here are just a few of those:   Ancient Greeks celebrated a holiday in honor of Rhea(Photo), the mother of t订e gods, including Zeus.   Ancient Romans celebrated a holiday in honor of Cybele, a mother goddess.   In the British Isles and Celtic Europe, the goddessBrigid(Photo), and later her successor St. Brigid, were honored with a spring Mother's Day.   Motherhood honoured in modern times   Mothers' Day is not celebrated on the same day throughout the world, for instance, in America Mother's Day occurs on the second Sunday in May while in Britain it is honored on the fourth Sunday in Lent(For more information on Lent, please check out Lent in "Easter's dictionary" or Carnival in "Word & Story").   ** Mother's Day in Britain (March 21st, 2006 )   simnel cake, a rich fruitcake sometimes covered with almond paste   Mothering Sunday was celebrated in Britain beginning in the 17th century.   It began as a day when apprentices and servants could return h......余下全文>>!


  鸡年大吉,   The year of the rooster   英 [ˈru:stə] 美 [ˈrustɚ]   n. 公鸡; [美]狂妄自负的人,好斗者;!


  the year of the rooster   or   the cock year、


boyfriend 要是不之一个就是boyfriends 弗在大家都用流行英语了!也可以缩写成BF ,


  在家享受一个宁静美好的晚上是我的爱好、 A nice。 quiet evening at home   -- that’s my cup of tea.     美好的光景 happy life     美好的将来 happy future     美好的回忆 happy memories     美好的景色 fine view     美好的理想 glorious ideals     美好的日子 happy days; a happy life     美好的远景 magnificent prospects     展望美好的明天 look forward to a bright future     有美好的前程 have good prospects     美好的前景 good prospects; a bright future     美好的未来 a glorious future; a bright future     珍视美好的生活 prize the happy life     我们公司有美好的发展前景! Our company has great prospects for   development.     我们憧憬着一个美好的未来, We are looking forward to a beautiful future.!






4915  female,简写F!。


  Mutations, rebel, fraternity, unusual, eccentric Aquarius is the biggest characteristic of individualism, innovation, pursuit of a constellation, the heaviest belongs to his unique way of life, is his life attitude. But he will turn again, sometimes stubbornly elusive, but on humanitarian Aquarius is very friendly, but also seriously privacy, it is all because of the influence of Uranus. Innovation and changeful, stubborn and rebellious Aquarius, what is the meaning of a person? Actually they are not contradictory, who is reading the stranger, they also feel contradiction. When you first know a aquarians, easy to find him and you, because of Aquarius to communicate an absolute "friendship", he xi communicating and every kind of friends, but things are often three minutes to implement, and a heat of Aquarius, bosom friends who do fail to take a long time, At the same time, you know, in their bright appearance, in my heart for you order a fraction. Like fresh stimulus of Aquarius, work with a friend, turn, although he is very frequent meng, but he never just happened to his friend, but the family is cool and alienation.意思突变、反叛,博爱、不寻常、行为古8415怪 水瓶座最大的特点就是革新!个人主义最重的一个星座!追求属于3732自己独一无二的生活方式!是他的生活态度!但他又会偏向顽固一面、有时令人捉摸不定、不过注重人道6216主义的水瓶座对人友善!亦重视私隐,这一切皆由于天王星的影响!创新!多变。倔强!反叛的水瓶座,究意是甚么的一个人,其实他们是很矛盾的一类人。不单外人看们如是!连他们也感受到自己的矛盾,当你初认识一个水瓶座的人,很容易发觉他和你容易沟通。因为水瓶座绝对是个“友谊之星”。他喜颧和每一类人做朋友,但事实行往往是三分钟热度,要和一个水瓶座的人做到知心朋友。相人言要花漫长的时间、同时、认识你之初,在他们开朗的外表下!心中早已为你订下一个分数!喜欢新鲜刺激的水瓶座。识朋友同转工一样。非常频密虽然他是孟尝君。不过偏偏他永远只是对朋友好、对自己的家人却显得冷淡及疏远。是:、


dear / honey / darling / hubby(暱称老公..), 。,
