驴友阁 >女人面相 >面相命运

对联 我的命运 由我做主



  我的命运我做主   !

我的人生我做主,我的命运我主宰 ……怎么翻译成英文?

  My life, my interests and I am master of my fate,


  “如果命运是一条孤独的河流,你才是你灵魂最好的摆渡人”   "If fate is a lonely River, you are the best ferry man of your soul."?

决定人生的不是命运,而是选择 英文怎么说

  决定人生的是选择、不是命运    It is choices, not fate, that defines your life.?


  命运   fate   destiny   参考例句   人人都是自己命运的建筑师(各人的幸福靠自己去创造)、   Every man is the architect of his own fortune.   他们相信他们相遇是命运的安排。   They were sure that fate was responsible for their meeting.   命运的宠儿则属于第二类人。   But Fortune’s favoured children belong to the second class.   这一历史上着名的战役改变了两个民族的命运!   The historic battle changed the fate of two nations.   两家人的命运息息相关,   The fates of the two families were closely bound up.   法官的话决定了该囚犯的命运、   The judge's words sealed the prisoner's fate.   相信上帝,相信命运   Trust in the Lord. Trust to destiny.   法官宣布了决定命运的判决。   The judge pronounced the fateful words.、

做主播 取个独一无二有特色的艺名 我是女生要文艺些的

  我想来想去~~~~~~不如就叫 .........小红........ 大家很亲切的名字、从小学就认识、


  我相信命运但我不相信你   I believe in fate, but I don't believe you   英 [feit] 美 [fet]   n. 命运,宿命; 灾难、死亡; 命中注定的事(尤指坏事);   v. 注定;!

打造周边命运共同体英文是什么?build a peripheral community of sh

  打造周边命运共同体   Building a Community of Common Destiny   例句   我们要加强战略协调!深化务实合作。携手7049共谋发展?将中巴命运共同体打造成为中国同周边国家构建0192命运共同体的典范,   We need to enhance strategic coordination, deepen practical cooperation and work together for common development. We will build the China-Pakistan community of common destiny and set a fine example for such efforts by China and its neighbouring countries.!


  Do you think university education could change one's personal fate? In what way and why?!
