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  滕姓介绍   滕姓   1。据《姓氏考略》,《通志·氏族略》,《广韵》所载。周文王第9000十四子姬叔绣(又名错叔绣)。武王封之于滕(故城在今山东滕州西南四十里)。为滕侯。后世子孙以国为氏。   2。据《万姓统谱》。《史记7796·索隐》所载,黄帝有二十五个儿子?而其中十四个儿子分别得十二姓,其中含有滕姓!   得姓始祖   姬叔绣、周文王第十四子!武王弟。西周初诸侯。武王克商灭纣后、大封天下。除分封有功之臣外、为加强王权,还分封了不少同姓诸侯、其中将姬叔绣封于滕。为侯爵、史称滕叔绣!子孙以国为氏、称滕姓!并尊姬叔绣为其始祖。   繁衍播迁   滕国见诸史册之国君有滕昭公,滕定公及其子滕文公!滕失国后、子孙离开滕国——今山东滕州,散居与今山东,河南等地者、   东汉时、滕姓在北海郡繁衍昌盛、其族大人众,名人辈出、此际滕姓见于史册者三人:滕延。滕咨,滕抚,均为北3538海郡人,可见最迟在东汉时滕姓北海郡望已经形成,汉末动乱时、北海郡之滕胄、滕耽等避乱渡江!归属孙叔。尤可一提的是滕胄与孙权结为儿女亲家,壮大了北海郡滕姓之盛名。   吴末时。北海人滕牧女适孙皓!贵为皇后!后因失宠、6600滕牧被遣居苍梧(今广西梧州)!吴灭后,孙皓与滕皇后迁于洛阳,两晋时期,繁衍于南阳郡!开8849封县之滕姓昌盛浩大,名家辈出、为该地之名门望族,   两晋南北朝至隋、北方持续动荡不宁。更加剧滕姓南行的步伐!加上汉6112末的滕姓南迁!今安徽!江苏,浙江。江西!湖北、广西。湖南等地均有了滕姓人家!当然。滕姓散居北方各省亦是不争之史实、    唐代及其以后!浙江金华(古称东阳或婺州)的滕家一支独秀,出了不少杰出人物。有白居易作诗为证:“身着锦衣儿戏绣,东阳门外数滕家。”另据安远《滕氏族谱》、《石城县志》所载。唐有滕文纪、家居江西抚州临川县滕家州,子三!其三子学珠自临川徙居福建汀州宁化招得里南桥岭,至宋时。传八世。榜二居邵武、榜遂迁延平、榜仪移广东。   宋靖康之耻后。北方滕姓有迁居浙江临安的!其中应天宋城(今河南商丘)人滕康因仕宦居湖南永州,其孙滕宬徙居吴县(今江苏苏州)。宋末元初的动乱。再加元末的动乱、使滕姓分布于广大南方省份!今四川、云南均有滕姓人落籍、   明初。山西滕姓作为洪洞大槐村迁民姓氏之一,被分迁于山东。河南。江苏等地。明中叶时、滕学珠之裔有迁居江西8329石城丰山。高田者。明末张献忠屠川后!有湖南,湖北之滕姓填四川!   清康乾年间以后!有冀鲁豫地之滕姓闯关东进入东三省,并有沿海之滕姓迁居台湾以及东南亚等地,   如今!滕姓在全国分布较广!尤以广西,黑龙江。辽宁。湖南多此姓,上述四省之滕姓约占全国汉族滕姓人口的百分之七十!   郡望堂号   滕姓在长期的繁衍播迁过程中。形成如下郡望:   1!北海郡、汉分齐郡置郡!治所在营陵(故城在今山东昌乐东南)!东汉移治剧(故城在今山东寿光东南)。隋改称高阳郡、   2!开封县。汉代置县!即今河南开封、   3、南阳郡!秦代置郡。治所在宛县(即今河南南阳),   堂号:“南阳”,“北海”!“方正”,“廉靖”等!   宗族特征   1,滕姓人才济济!多文人雅士和书画家!   2,滕姓得姓距今已有近三千多年的历史。   3、在宋人编著的《百家姓》中。滕姓位列第鼎十三位。   名人精粹   滕文公:战国时滕国国君,为太子时!曾在宋国见孟子,孟子为之说教!定公死。他4998派人问丧礼于孟子、请教井田制以及小国如何才能生存。   滕抚:北海剧人、东汉官吏、为涿令、有文武才!太守委任郡职。兼领六县,历九江太守,入为左冯翊。性方直,后因得罪太尉而9839被罢职, 2546  滕延:北海人、......余下全文>>?

哪个星座、生肖、血型的人最成功 20分





  你是广东的吧、、   有些地方是这样的!有点点迷信。   但我个人认为。一个人一生的幸福千万不要被所谓的生肖相冲就放弃,   我姐跟我姐夫也是生肖相冲!他们拍拖拍了七年,现在儿子都四岁多了!一样是很幸福的一家啊!、

姓皇甫的什么地方人最多? 10分



  我觉得不会 成功是要靠自己去努力的?


  The fate of each person are equal, those who complain about their bad fate, blaming Heaven, resentment, the resentment is vain untimely. Their own destiny on our own to grasp. All the winners are the masters of their own destiny. Through the successful struggle of the Jews, we will find: they are their own destiny into their own hands, from the self-start, constantly surpassing ourselves, eventually the strong achievements.   Jewish society, the individual's existence is higher than home, and even the existence of the family. Of course, here is not to say that home or family is not important, but personal success, the family and the family not a major factor, the most important factor is the individual himself, is a personal effort and struggle. It is precisely because of the awareness of the role of this concept, only Marx, Freud, Einstein and other great intelligence so minded, they did not come from a prominent family, they only rely on their own. "The inborn my material must be useful ." Everyone is their mission, the only way to maximize their own merits, as much as possible to serve the people in order to demonstrate the magical effect of life.   Professor Yu Dan once said: "people only take a hard look at themselves in order to surpass themselves!" This means that only people fully understand their own strengths and weaknesses in order to exert the advantages of as much as possible, to make up for deficiencies. Helen Keller without residual waste, and recognize their efforts to progress the story is a good example. Often in my reading, note want to goof off when Helen's name would be the impact of my heart; Whenever my students pessimistic when faced with difficult, I always use the story of Helen to activate them to overcome the difficulties and the confidence and determination. Helen and we are very far away, but I can always feel her throat tightly grip the hands of fate and challenge themselves to overcome the stubborn self-belief. She also deaf and dumb learn literacy, reading study, the University self-study courses, self-creation is very difficult course. Chain a pioneer in the United States by the poor wretch into Monopoly lubin story; financial family Rothschild family, the first generation of the founder of Meyer. Rothschild was born in a dirty dirty Jewish street kid, has experienced 20 years of trafficking in ancient currency, with the world on the fate of the preference ofancient money.steep turn become a millionaire, eventually become a shock.Europe and even the global financial tycoon; no arm杜兹纳artist worship at a dinner on the famous French artist Lei Ji scenes for the division , so I am very shocked. Short stature of non-arm杜兹纳are courteous towards Ji Lei, dark bow, the request for him admission Lei Ji Lei Ji only by the euphemism refuse. And he did not become discouraged and quickly added: "Although I have not hands, but I have feet." The owner then brought paper and pen, he sitting on the ground strokes with toe holding draw, and draw very well, and shows him some hard work over the next. The presence of all people marvel, Lei Ji very pleased him he would be his disciples. From then on, the more杜兹纳hard, not a few years the world has become a famous artist without arms.。


福气是一方面,但是成大事的 龙的比较多些 中国近代伟人里很多属龙的、 可以检视下历史资料 属龙的狮子座的普遍事业比较顺利,!, 这些都是没有可比性的(福气每个人的理解也不同)俗话都说属羊的命不好 但也有 十羊九不全 一全成神仙的说法 这其实都是没有什6713么科学依据 任何属性都有运气好的 有福气的 关键还是看你自己! 。
