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  让我告诉你吧,当然能,这世上估计2016年结婚的一定不少,毕竟,外国人不信这个、 婚姻:只要有感情基础的,互敬互爱,那结成的夫妻这辈子都会幸福的!。










  穿红的!或者是带红线   一般听别人讲本命年的话没有什么特别坏的就已经不错了,所以做好心理准备吧。、


  the Year of Golden Pig   The year 2007 is the ‘Year of the Pig,’ based on the lunar calendar. But it is not just an ordinary pig, it is a ‘golden pig.’ According to some fortunetellers, it is going to be the ‘Year of the Golden Pig’ which comes every 600 years.   Babies born in the ‘year of the golden pig’ are believed to have good fortune and will lead a comfortable and wealthy life.   However, most fortunetellers and folklorists doubt the belief. According to a member of a fortunetellers’ association, they don’t know where the myth came from. It is only a saying among people and there are no grounds for it.   People who believe in the year of the golden pig say the special year comes every 600 years. They came to this conclusion through calculations, using a combination of the Chinese zodiac and the yin and yang theory.   However, a folklore professor, Joo Young-ha, at the Academy of Korean Studies rebuts the theory. He explained that if the year 2007 is the golden pig year which comes every 600 years, there should be records about the special year written in the ‘Taejong Sillok,’ archives of King Taejong. King Taejong ruled the Joseon Dynasty 600 years ago. But there are no such records, which makes him believe the myth was made not long ago.   Also, Baek Woon-san, head of the Korean Fortune-tellers Association, thinks the whole thing is an exaggeration. However, he said that there have been many people with good fortune who were born in the year of the pig, when the energy of bright light and clear water are harmoniously joined together.   Some even believe the myth was created to boost the ever-decreasing birthrate in recent years. In fact, Korea’s birthrate is expected to increase this year. Many obstetrics and gynecology clinics are actually providing more pregnancy counseling these days.   Whatever the belief is, marketing is already in full swing. You will notice golden pig items everywhere you go in Korea. Gold colored piggy banks are selling well and are also a popular promotional item for companies. They are actually very cute.   Some businesses, including banks, are even presenting gold bars as a lottery prize to people who open a bank account these days. Also, demand for gold is increasing as more people are using gold as gifts for relatives and friends, wishing them good luck.   Baby product companies are also quick to jump on the gilded bandwagon. For example, toy companies are making various toy pigs.!


  马年的人在2015年!   桃花运会旺。   会遇到喜欢的人、   也会被人喜欢,   希望能帮到你哦,,

猪年对联 对联 春联

  吉日生财猪拱户,5837新春纳福鹊登梅   朱门北启新春色!紫气东来大吉祥   朱红春帖千门瑞,翠绿柳风万户新   朱笔题名于雁塔!绿风摇柳动莺声   名题雁塔登金榜,猪拱华门报吉祥   花香鸟语春无限!沃土肥田猪有功!


