驴友阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  My favourite star   My favorite star is Tao Ze. He is born in Hong Kong in 1969.He lives in Taibei in his childhood .He has a satisfactory family.His father is one of famous singers in Taiwan who has great influence on him.   As a result, he has a good basic training on singing. I have obsessed with His sentient voice. When he sings, he like a prince of Europe .Apprently,he is my favorite star.   我最喜欢的明星   我最喜欢的明星是陶泽。他是天生的在香港1969,他住在台北的童年时光!他有一个良好的家庭,他的父亲是9816台湾的一个著名的歌手对他影响很大?   因此,他有一个好的歌唱基本训练,我已9660经沉迷于他的智慧的声音!当他唱的时候、他像一个王子的欧洲,很明显。他是我最喜欢的明星。   __ ________________________________________________________________________   Our school   Look,this is our shool .Our school is big and nice.There are two builings in our schooi .Our classroom is on the first of the classroom builing A. The computer room is on the scend floor.     Buside classroom builing B is a small garden . There are some red flower ,some yellow flower and so on.And there are some trees in the garden.Behind garden there are two domritos .   There is a big playground in our school,we can play on it .   How a morden school. I am very glad to be a student in our school.I like our school very much.   我们的学校   看!这是我们的学校!0740我们的学校又大又漂亮的!在我们学校有两个建筑、我们的教室在教室和机房建设首先是在第二楼,   课堂建设B是一个小花园。有一些红色的花,有黄色4049的花等、有一些树木的花园,在花园的后面有两栋建筑!   我们有一个大操场。我们可以发挥它,  7009 如何一个现代化的学校,我是一个在我们学校的学生很高兴!我很喜欢我们的学校,   __________________________________________________________________________   Protecting the environmen   Environmental problems are bec、


  蛇Which one do you like most in twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac animal, most afraid of which one? I think everyone for the snake will not have much good? Snakes often appear in our life, the thought of its soft slippery body, all can't help to get goose bumps. Comparison of snakes and dragons, really have a world of difference. Recorded in ancient books, see the Dragon represents a good omen, and saw the snake, is drought disaster. But in science developed today, for this record is only laugh out of court, after all, the snake has its lovely side, we should see it in a different way.?


  I went to Hainan with my parents when I was eight years old . We went there by air. It was my first time to take a plane so I felt really excited and happy. We stayed there for four days .The weather was pleasant and the air was fresh.   We Walked on the beach on the first day .there were only a few people. The quietness and pleasure we had is just like walking in our own garden .   the next day ,we went to Wuzhizhou Island. The sea there was clean and it is the best place to go diving .we could enjoy the beauty of the limitless sea and the blue sky . we lied down on the beach and listened to the sound of waves . At the perfect moment, I felt I was on a sailing boat above blue sea.   We took a car which is for sightseeing to travel around the island .the wind there is quite big.   There were many kinds of water sports such as swimming ,diving and so on . we went diving .Before we dived ,the instructor had already taught us how to dive .Although we didn’t know how to swim , we had a really fantastic time there .    On The third day ,we went to the Yanuoda Rain Forest. We Saw many kinds of trees and flowers there. We also went to the Butterfly Valley. we saw many butterflies and they were really wonderful.   In all , we had a wonderful time in Hainan .and I want to visit again .!




  十二生肖。是中国传统文化的主要部分?由12种源于自然界的动物即鼠!牛。虎、兔、龙,蛇。马、羊,猴,鸡。狗、猪以及传说中的龙所组成!用于记年,顺序排列为子鼠!丑牛、寅虎。卯兔,辰龙,巳蛇、午马!未羊!申猴!酉鸡,戌狗。亥猪!在中华文化圈内被广泛使用。有诸多描写十二生4828肖的文学作品,同时!十二生肖还被用于中药药材和动画片名称,   到了南北朝!生肖已普遍使用,南朝《南齐书·五行志》中已经有具体的按人的出生年份称属某种动物的记载。南朝··陈·诗人沈炯,曾创作了一首十二属相诗。其言曰:   鼠迹生尘案,牛羊暮下来。   虎哺坐空谷,兔月向窗开!    龙隰远青翠、蛇柳近徘徊、   马兰方远摘、羊负始春栽、   猴4967栗羞芳果!鸡砧引清杯、   狗4542其怀物外?猪蠡窅悠哉,”   这首十二属相诗明显是按十二地支所配动物的顺序写成的,说明当时十二生肖已为人们所十分熟悉。,


  鼠 Rat (Mouse)牛 Ox虎 Tiger兔 Rabbit龙 Dragon蛇 Snake马 Horse羊 Ram (Goat, Sheep)猴 Monkey鸡 Rooster狗 Dog猪 Pig (Boar) 、

一篇关于梦想的英语作文 260词及以上

  题主你好!很高兴为你解答   本人知识范0940围有限、难免有疏漏!敬请谅解   Dream   Dream is strength.The strength can bring us wherever we want to get to and it can   bring us a lot of wonders on our way to the place in our dreams.   Dream is beauty.Maybe you can see the things full of magic and maybe you will be   moved by your own dream.Have you dreamed of being a princess? Have you dreamed of   being a successful person? 0h,you can understand clearly that all the things in your   dreams is unrealistic.The world is so real that all the dreams seem weak.But should   we have our life without dreams? 0f course not.   The truth never fails to tell you: no dream,no hope.If nobody had dreamed of   flying like a bird,we should never have known that a machine called plane could bring   us to the places in the air.And we would never have got the chance of development any   more.Some people have said that the world would be in darkness if there hadn’t been   Edison.He ever had a dream of keeping the sun above our head day and night and he   really lightens our life.So what will happen if everyone has a dream and get down to   making it come true? There is nothing impossible if you d   Here,Ialso have my dreams.Ihope that Ican live a genteel life to enjoy a pure-   nice happiness.Ihave a dream that all the people could pursue their dream freely anareanget 1equal chances to everything.Ihave a dreamthat evil will lose their life and   love will fill up the blanket.Ihave a dream that one day Ican stand with all of you   to see the dream turn to reality together.   Mly Dream   Everyone has a dream.Ialso have a dream.Iwant to be a computer programmer.Because   Ilike playing computer games,and thenI want to make my own games.Of course,I know it   is difficult to be a good computer programmer.So,I have to learn more the knowledges   tthe computer.For example,I' l1have some computer lessons when Ihave time.And I   will ead more computer books everyday.' hat' s,I' l1join the compcomputer club in high   school.In conclusion,I will do some things to improve my computer operation.I am sure   my dream will come true one day.   My Dream   Everybody have a dream,because we’re dreaners.In our heart,there is a colorful   dream.Sometimes the dream is perfect,sometimes it’s special,sometimes it’s sweet,   sometimes it' s yumy.   In my dream,there are some children.Ialways play games with them and enjoy   ourselves.There are so many candies,too.Blue candies,pink candies,orange candies,   apple candies""How delicious! In my dream,there is a special sky.In our world,the   sky is blue,but the sky of my dream is pink,some angels are having fun there.In my   dream,white bird can fly high,flowers can sing songs,frogs have a jump race,   tomatoes are blue,potatoes are yellow,all the things are different.   In my dream,Chinese people,Korean people,Japanese people,Italian people,   Spanish people,American people and Russian people are hand in hand.All the people   smile for ever.It is a balanced world.   In my dream,everything is wonderful,but our world isn' t like it.Sc we must likemy dream,to let our world get more beautiful!   (未分段。所以格式看起来有些别扭)    纯手敲很累望采纳?


  我的家乡是“吕四”、那里即美丽又富饶!是一个海产丰富的地区!大家知道“吕四 ”名字的由来吗,这还有一番情趣:听说是吕洞宾骑着那雪白的仙鹤来到这里四次、所以就叫“吕四 2436”又叫“鹤城”?这里有许多美丽的景物。但是最为壮观的还是大海、   看、那波澜壮阔的大海。那一道道蓝色的波纹。就像一座座起伏的山峰在海面上翻滚奔腾,听,那“叭叭叭”的声音就是海浪拍打石头的声音,海浪在展现它那婀多姿的身材,而石头则尽情地一展歌喉!铸成了海上一曲欢乐的歌,这就是涨潮,   怎么回事。大海怎么不跳舞了、石头怎么不唱歌了、我茫然地望着水平如镜的大海?这时,有许多人成9146群结队地跑到石头上玩耍.嬉戏.拍照!我也不甘示弱地 奔到石头上翻了几个跟斗、大海睡觉了(退潮 )   啊,多么美丽的大海呀。它千姿百态、它婀、

英语对话视频十二生肖 鸡的英语怎么说

  英文原文:   chicken鸡   英式音标:   [ˈtʃɪkɪn]   美式音标:    [ˈtʃɪkɪn]?

春节闹社火的英语作文 急需!!! 谢谢!

  New Year's Eve is real buzz. Families rush to do New Year's dinner, wine and meat is full of flavor. Men and women are wearing new clothes, the door labeled red couplets, posted good house colored paintings. New Year's Eve every family lights the night, and not intermittent, firecrackers, day and night without a break. A lot of people outside, unless a last resort, must get home to eat reunion dinner. That night, in addition to small children, no one sleep, should stay up.   First day of New Year's Eve with different circumstances: shop are on the board, set off firecrackers last night piled in front of cardboard, the whole city was at rest.   The men in the morning to relatives, friends home New Year. Women at home to receive guests. Many temple festivals held outside the city, outside the temple stall hawkers selling tea, food and toys. Children are particularly fond of visiting the temple, in order to have a chance to look at the scenery and wildlife outside, you can ride a donkey, but also buy the toys unique New Year. Horse racing, as well as camel racing in the temple. These games are not to fight anyone who first second, but in front of an audience for a better attitude and skill skilled performance horses, camels and the rider.   Most shop opened in the sixth month, but not too busy, the guys in the shop can also turn teach temple, visiting the bridge and listen to opera.   Lantern listing, the Spring Festival and a climax to. Fifteenth, everywhere decorated, the whole street like a wedding, prosperous and beautiful. Famous old shop have hung out a few hundred light years, Gexinggese, is always some glass, some invariably horns, and some are Shadeng, some painted all All "Dream of Red Mansions", or "Water Margin "story. This year is also a kind of advertising. Hanging from a lamp, anyone can enter the shop to visit. Candle lights at night on the mid-point, the audience even more.   Young children to buy all kinds of fireworks set off, if not go to the street naug、
