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十二生肖电影在古堡中偷鸡首的时候的那个中英文插曲叫什么名字 好像第一句是one two three

  One Two Three Profite De Ta Vie   爱和梦想在飞翔   飞到遥远的地方(si la li)   没有什么能阻挡   在我的胸膛 有温暖的阳光   也许我们曾一样   走过了失落和彷徨(si la li)   风雨过后是晴朗   方向在前方 挥挥手大声唱   One Two Three Profite De Ta Vie   A li fa zi Profite De Ta Vie   一起唱   One Two Three Profite De Ta Vie   A li fa zi Profite De Ta Vie   达勒达勒达勒……!

成龙电影《十二生肖》里面,有一段女生唱的中英文插曲,41分57秒唱的在那个女的古堡里放的。求歌名.谢谢 10分



  水瓶座 Aquarius [ə'kweriəs]   双鱼座 Pisces ['pisi:z]   白羊座 Aries ['ɛəri:z]   金牛座 Taurus [Tau]   双子座 Gemini ['dA鸡;eminai]   巨蟹座 Cancer ['kænsə]   狮子座 Leo ['li(:)əu]   处女座 Virgo ['və:gəu]   天秤座 Libra ['laibrə]   天蝎座 Scorpio ['skɔ:piəu]   射手座 Sagittarius [.sædʒi'tɛəriəs]   摩羯座 Capricornus [.kæpri'kɔ:nəs],

请问谁有:办公用品 中英文对照表?越全越好,最好是大全~~

汉语 English 办公花瓶 mini vase 办公用大头针 office pi贰 办公锺 office clock 笔架 penholder 笔座 pen holder 便条, 短笺 notepaper 尺 ruler 磁碟座 CD holder 地球仪 globe 订书钉 Staple 订书机 Stapler 告示帖座 memo holder 工字针 paper fastener 胶纸座 tape dispenser 咖啡机 coffee machine 开信刀 letter opener 美工刀 cutter 名片 business card 名片夹 business card holder 铅笔刀 pencil sharpener 切纸刀 paper cutter 日记簿 diary book 书立 book stand 塑封机 plastic-envelop machine 万字夹 paper clip holder 档案袋 expanding file 档案柜 document cabinet 文具架 stationery rack 相框 photo frame 信报箱 letter box 修改胶带 correction tap 桌上办公用品 desk accessories 桌上日历 desktop calendar 、




圣诞节英文:Christmas 圣诞节就要到了。今天就给大家讲讲Christmas Day的故事、 Christmas day had to arrive, today gives everybody to speakChristmas Day the story. Christmas是Christ(基督)和Mass(凯撒)的缩写, 恺撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式、7500圣诞节是一个宗教节日,是基督教徒纪1804念耶稣诞生的日子、因而又名“耶1501诞节”! Christmas is Christ (Christ) and Mass (Caesar) the abbreviation,Caesar is the church one kind of week ceremony. Christmas day is areligious holiday, is the Christian commemorates the day which Jesusis born, thus also names "Ye Danjie". 每年的12月25日?世界所有的基督教会都会举行特别的礼拜仪式、到了19世纪,圣诞卡的流行、圣诞老人的出现?圣诞节也开始流行起来,有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联,有人说耶稣在夏末秋初诞生、并非12月25日,然而。圣诞节究竟是否耶稣诞辰之日对于现代人来说已经不那么重要!它就像我们的春节一样。大家相聚一堂,交换礼物!寄圣诞卡、吃火鸡大餐!是一个普天同庆的日子。 Every year on December 25, the world all Christian church can hold thespecial week ceremony. To 19th century, the Christmas card has beenpopular, Santa Claus's appearance, Christmas day also starts popularlyto get up. Has very many Christmas days to joyfully celebrate theactivity and the religion and the non- least bit connection. Somepeople said Jesus in at the end of the summer 秋初 birth, by nomeans on December 25. However, Christmas day actually whether date ofthe Jesus birthday regarding the modern people did say already notthat was important, it liked our Spring Festival to be same, everybodypoly a hall, the exchange gift, sent the Christmas card, ate theturkey western-style food, was a worldwide celebration day! 西方人以红,绿、白三色为圣诞色。圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰!红色的有圣诞花(一品红?poinsettia)和圣诞蜡烛、绿色的是圣诞树。它是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉。柏一类呈塔形的常青树......馀下全文>> !


  Dragon Boat Festival   The great poet Qu Yuan Jiang himself to vote, people have used the dumplings, egg into River, so that the doctor Qu Yuan's body from the water in Jiang's animal damage. Since then, a year early in May - Qu Yuan to vote on Jiang's martyrs, people are drawn to the River Boat, for dumplings, to commemorate the great patriotic poet, the Dragon Boat Festival customs handed down this way.   Mid-Autumn Festival   Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as Zhongqiu, Ba Yuejie, Tuan Yuanjie practices: a reunion, the full moon, eat moon cakes folklore: resentment husband Hou Yi Chang-e fickle, and steal his drugs die on August 15 night It flew up into the moon, Hou Yi regret it, mid-night on August 15, Moon set up for, pray for the family reunion, non-derived Garden Festival on the reunion culture   Halloween   Legend: More than 2000 years ago, the Catholic Church in Europe will be on November 1 as "the world on the day of Latter-day Saints".Legend from 500 BC, living in Ireland, Scotland and other places of the Celtic festival this move forward one day, that is, on October 31.They think that date is the end of the summer days, that is, at the beginning of the new year, the harsh winter to start the day. At that time people believed that the spirits of the old friends will return to the former residence of the day in the living body to look for people to regeneration, and this is埂the person after death can be the only hope for regener......余下全文>>,

中国节日中英文(注明时间)一定要全面,农历阳历例如(清明节国庆节)都写上,按日期排序 20分

  元旦 New Year' s Day Jan.1   国际劳动妇女节 International Working women' s Day   (wornen's Day) Mar.8   国际劳动节 Internatlonal Labor Day   (May. Day)May.1   中国青年节 Chinese Youth Day May.4   国际儿童节 International Children's Day   (Children's Day)June .1   中国共产党诞生纪念日 (党的生日)Anniversary of the Foundlng of the ChineseCommunist Party (the Party' s Birthday)July .1   建军节 Army Day August .1   教师节 Teachers , DaySept.1   国庆节 National DeyOctober.1     中国传统节日     春节(农历正月初一) the Sprlng Festival ( New Yearls Day of the Chinese lunar calendar)   元宵节(灯节。农历正月十五) the Lantern Festival   清明节(四月五日前后) the Qing Ming Festival(Tomb-Sweeping Day)   端午节(农历五月初五) the Dragon-Boat Festival   中秋节(农历八月十五) the MidAutumn Festival (the Moon Festival)   重阳节(农历九月初九) the Double Ninth Festival。

英国一些特别的礼仪 习俗 禁忌等 中英文对照

  英国人通行西方礼仪 英国人崇尚彬彬有礼、举止得当的绅士淑女风度 女士优先原则 感情不外露 很有教养 遵守纪律 排日程要求准确,避免日程的突然变动 公务约会赴约要准时、可吃到几分钟、但不能提前 社交活动最好迟到片刻 英国人见面相互握手,道安。男子之间切忌拥抱 比较内向,寡言。与人交往初期比较矜持 交谈时,双方距离不要太近 忌讳打听个人私事 要回避北爱尔兰问题政治色彩较浓的话题 英国人不喜欢被统称为English(英国兰人)!可将他们称为British(不列颠人)   忌讳数字13、不喜欢星期五。视13日! 星期五为不祥的日子 厌恶墨绿色(纳粹军服色) 忌讳黑色(丧服颜色)不喜欢红色 忌用山羊图案(讨厌的动物)大象图案(象征愚蠢)孔雀图案(视为淫鸟、祸鸟)百合花图案(象征死亡) 蝙蝠图案(象征吸血鬼)黑猫图案(不祥之兆) 送花时、忌送百合花,菊花!红玫瑰(象征爱情)支数和花朵数不能是13或双数。鲜花不得用纸包扎   British advocating passage of the British West polite etiquette, proper manners ladies and gentlemen Ladies first principle of grace is not feeling very exposed and disciplined education agenda requires a precise schedule, to avoid sudden changes in official appointment schedule an appointment on time, can eat a few minutes , but not before the British social activities to meet the best moment of shaking hands late, Road Safety, the man should not embrace the comparison between the introverted, reticent, reserved with people in the early conversation, the two sides away from taboo to inquire about a private matter not too close to the North to avoid Irish question the topic of the British political flatted not like to be referred to as English (UK blue one), you can call them British (British people)   Taboo number 13, do not like Friday, as Friday, 13 days of disgust for the ominous dark green (Nazi uniform color) taboo black (mourning colors) do not like the red hanged goat patterns (hate animals) elephant logo (a symbol of stupid) peacock logo (as prostitution birds, bad birds) fleur de lis (a symbol of death) bat logo (a symbol of the vampire) black pattern (ominous) flowers, the bogey to send lilies, chrysanthemums, red roses (symbol of love ) count and number of flowers can not be 13 or even number, not paper wrapped flowers,


  Sky~菇凉XX(女的)   Sky~骚年XX(男的)   望采纳、
