驴友阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  12生肖鸡   12 zodiac chicken   鸡   [名] (家禽的一种,也叫家鸡) chicken; chook;   [例句]鸡炸了窝了!   The chickens have all fled from their coop.、


  你好!   正版老牌一字拆生肖   The original Chinese zodiac sign.,


  翻译如下12生肖兽首fountain head depicting the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac!

“本命年” 用英语怎么说?

  本命年:   The Current Year in a 12-Year Cycle     本命年:year of fate.     In ancient China, people believed that a person’s fate was a determined at birth, so the zodiac year of one’s birt丁 would be one’s “year of fate.”!


  looking for Ms/Mr Right   looking for the one?


  At the end of January:一月底   In early February:二月初!诚信为您作答,如有8878疑问请追问、如觉满意请赏个采纳。祝楼主万事如意!、

我在做梦吗? 英语怎么说啊

  Am I dreaming?,


  属相shǔ xiàng   中文解释 - 英文翻译   属相的中文解释   以下结果由汉典提供词典解释   基本解释     [any of the twelve animals, representing the twelve Earthly Branches, used to symbolize the year in which a person is born] 用十二地支与十二种动物(鼠。牛、虎。兔!龙、蛇!马,羊。猴、鸡!狗。猪)相配合来记人生出年6308份,如子年出生则属鼠,称“属相”。又称“生肖”     详细解释     用十二地支与十二种动物(鼠、牛,虎!兔,龙,蛇。马,羊。猴!鸡!犬,猪)相配合来记人出生年份,如4383子年出生则属鼠!称属相。又称生肖。   《红楼梦》第五七回:“他不在家,或是属相生日不对、所以先说与兄弟了!”《儿女英雄传》第二八回:“ 张太太 又属相不对,忌他!便留在上房张罗、” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》五:“ 小二黑 从小就聪明。象那些算属相。卜六壬课……不几天就都弄熟了!”   属相的英文翻译   以下结果由译典通提供词典解释   1.birthpet,


  What's your animal?    你属什么   ox、

你可以沿着河乘船 用英语怎么说

  You can take a boat along the river   敬请采纳。,
