驴友阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势



他在做梦 英文翻译

  He is dreaming,希望采纳一下。

相生相克 英文翻译

  Promoting and constraining mutually!


  Fate decides who will enter our lives, but our heart decides who join us side by side.!

你星座是什么? 英文翻译 5分



  八戒——猪   八珍鸡——鸡   目前想到了两个?想到了在给你写上、


  Like the fate of palmprint, even perplexing, also in their own hands.、


  The concept of fate: from ancient times to the present, has played an irreplaceable role in literature, in the literature creation, fate is an invisible hand, which affect the author's creation, into the role of shaping, and even the reader deeply into the unable to extricate themselves. In the 'Thunderstorm' and 'Oedipus' two works in the view of destiny is to become as a classic tragedy works. The 'Oedipus complex' and 'killed his father and married his mother' theme has the same prototype architecture, and often because of the tragic fate of the similar concept of being mentioned in the same breath. But careful study, it is not difficult to find the 'Thunderstorm' is affected by the factors such as age, is no longer simply killed his father and married his mother archetype of the feedback, the fate of the more subjective and fierce collision. By comparing the sense of tragic fate, with its own material and image structure as the starting point, the study also reflects the oedipus oedipus complex of the two works, to find Cao Yu in the creation of 'Thunderstorm' in the subject the connotation of the times under the influence of factors such as the traditional tragedy 'Oedipus the king' sublimation.   翻译难度较大,建议采纳,!

易有太极,是生两仪,两仪生四象,四象生八卦 如何用英文翻译 上课演讲要用 瞎起哄的朋友就不要掺和了



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