驴友阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势






  应该是兔   二二开花、2+2=4,对应四结果。十二生肖排在第四位的是4.卯(兔)   十二生肖排序为1.子(鼠)、2.丑(牛)!3.寅(虎),4.卯(兔)。5.辰(龙)、6.巳(蛇)!7.午(马)、8.未(羊)。9.申(猴)。10.酉(鸡)。11.戌(狗)。12.亥(猪)   谢谢!请采纳,




  背景: The Jade Emperor wanted to select twelve animals to represent the different years as totems. Hearing this, all the animals on earth rushed to the call with each desiring to be selected. Finding no suitable method on which to base his selection, the Jade Emperor decided to have a tournament of physical skills and abilities.     The Jade Emperor appointed the Elephant to be the undisputed judge of this tournament. The elephant was known for his calmness, great moral virtue and conduct. His judgment was principled and fair and because of this he is highly respected by all the animals.   When this tournament and its rules were announced, the Cat heard about it and went to tell this to the Rat. In earlier times, both the Cat and the Rat were very close friends. The Cat told the Rat that he was eligible to compete because being an animal was the only necessary qualification. When the Rat arrived, he saw that there was already a mighty strong brown Ox poised on the tournament platform welcoming all challengers.   The brown Ox was both large in size and extremely mighty. He thought little of having the tiny Rat as his opponent. He was over confident as he stood boldly on the tournament platform. Readying himself for the battle, the Ox raised his front legs and pawed and scratched on the ground as he was prepared to stomp on the Rat and flatten him into a small meat patty. However, the Rat was light in weight and quick and agile in movement so that he was successful in side-stepping the ......余下全文>>,




  生9313肖鸡的来历:鸡在十二生肖中排第十、与十二地支配属“酉”。下午5——7时(即“酉时”),这时候,日落山岗、鸡开始进笼扫窝。夜宿、于是酉时属鸡!故一天在十三时辰中的“酉”时——下午五点至七点又称“鸡时”!易卦为“异为鸡”.     。


  在所有的比较!权衡和决定之后6857人会感到精疲力竭,科学上称之为“选择疲劳症”、“选择疲劳症”是有害的、9028意志力就像电池?在一段时间之后它需要充电。怎么充电呢、人们需要休息。需要放松、需要吃些东西,   1981年出生的属鸡的人?早年劳碌奔波、难有停息的时间。5719事业上很想做出一番成绩、但缺5250乏贵人协助。实现困难!他们做事循规蹈矩。40岁时会有贵人相助、协助他们的事业,领导渐渐委以重任!人生开始走上坡路。人生运势陡然一变、呈高速上升趋势、抓住好节奏!此生风光无限。   81年属鸡人事业运   丁酉年,因为岁驾入命!对于贸易!开拓业务和运输要即为有利!本身处在较高的层次会更利于本身、3599况且今年值太岁!因此事务多会朝着自己期望的方向发展,今年贵星主要是文昌。很多人以为文昌1351只是对读书有帮助,其实古时文官也向文昌帝君祈福。因为处理文书顺遂。升官自然有帮助、今年很多朋友会处理文字方面的工作、若能好好珍惜!必能如鱼得水,大吉大利,今年要注意与同事的关系!以免有小人作梗!阻碍了事业的高升。    81年出生的属鸡的朋友!现在已经36岁!是人生的黄金年龄段、女性朋友现在已经结婚生子工作稳定!男性朋友现在在事业蒸蒸日上。这个4171年纪应该是一个公司的小领导,如果工作还没有突破!你回觉的倍感压力。81年的属鸡朋友受犯太岁影响,鸡年会备受小事迷惑。家人安康0762亦会直接影响心境?需求用较大的耐性逐一处置。并尽量以豁达正面的心情面对!   属鸡之人:12月有福!但是婚姻有个坎   属鸡之人在这一年尽管犯太岁!但是在12月却是可以功德多多!他们不只能在工作上如虎添翼、做别的事好像也十分称心如意,最主要的是他们可以在7月有添丁之喜!不管是男女、都能享受到这份福分。菩萨送子、让全部家庭都沉浸在欢天喜地之中,尤以81年的属鸡人最易在17年喜得好孕缘!生子生女2172都是福、子女来后钱财到!整年活在安乐中、。


就我个人看法觉得是生肖羊 二二指的四目相对 二四就是八!第八个生肖羊 !


  exchanging a kissmight tip bythis one's apenciled seagull。
