驴友阁 >招财风水 >生意风水

打算开一个橱柜公司,想给公司起个名字。要求高端大气易记且有创意,要英文的。xxxx kitchen 100分



  敏驰   尊驰   新驰   风驰   栄驰   华驰   秉驰   禀驰   赋驰   可能有些已被注册,   奥驰   妃驰   缜驰   阔驰   也可将两字前後对调。   中驰    丽驰   甄驰   也可两字组合加驰!如“中丽驰”“丽中驰”、     咦!!我写的都是繁体字,系统自动给变成简体字叻、繁体字好看点、。


  Telephone-Lady GaGa&Beyoncéhello hello baby you called i can't hear a thing嗨,宝贝,你打的电话我听不到i have got no service in the club you see see…你知道的,我在club里收不到信号wha-wha-what did you say什么?你说什么oh you're breaking up on me…哦,原来你要和我分手sorry i cannot hear you i'm kinda busy抱歉,我听不清楚你在说什么.因为我有点儿忙k-kinda busy k-kinda busy有点儿忙sorry i cannot hear you i'm kinda busy抱歉,我听不清楚你在说什么.因为我有点儿忙just a second it's my favorite song they're gonna play等一下,他们现在正在放我最喜欢的歌and i cannot text you with a drink in my hand eh…我手里拿着饮料所以就不能给你发信息了you shoulda made some plans with me你也知道我是自由身了you knew that i was free所以你做什么事逗该和我商量一下and now you won't stop calling me那么现在就停止给我打电话吧i'm kinda busy因为我在忙stop callin' stop callin'别再打来了i don't wanna think anymore!我什么也不要想i left my hand and my heart on the dance floor只要全身心的投入到舞池里stop callin' stop callin'别再打了i don't wanna talk anymore!我什么也不想说i left my hand and my heart on the dance floor只要全身心的投入到舞池里eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…stop telephonin' me!停止给我打电话eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…i'm busy!我很忙eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…stop telephonin' me!停止给我打电话eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…can call all you want but there's no one home你随时都可以打来,只是不会有人在家and you're not gonna reach my telephone!你也不会得到我的号码out in the club and i'm sippin' that bub我正在club和那个家伙一起喝着香槟and you're not gonna reach my telephone!你也不会得到我的号码call when you want but there's no one home你随时都可以打来,只是不会有人在家and you're not gonna reach my telephone!你也不会得到我的号码out in the club and i'm sippin' that bub我正在club和那个家伙一起喝着香槟and you're not gonna reach my telephone!你不会得到我的号码boy the way you blowin' up my phone宝贝,用这种方法轰炸我的手机won't make me leave no faster不会使我离开你的脚步放慢put my coat on faster leave my girls no faster迅速的穿上外衣,等女友们跟上我的节奏i shoulda left my phone at home我本应该把电话放在家的'cause this is a disaster!而现在它简直像灾难一样callin' like a collector -sorry i cannot answer!不停地响就像有自动拨打它 抱歉,这让我无法接听not that i don't like you i'm just at a party并不是我不喜欢你,只是我正在参加派对and i am sick and tired of my phone r-ringing我对我电话响个不停已经感到厌烦了sometimes i feel like i live in grand central station有的时候我甚至感觉自己就像站在中央车站一样tonight i'm not takin' no calls 'cause i'll be dancin'今晚我一个电话也不会接,因为我要热舞'cause i'll be dancin'因为我要跳舞'cause i'll be dancin'因为我要跳舞tonight i'm not takin' no calls 'cause i'll be dancin'!今晚一个电话我也不会接,因为我要跳舞stop callin' stop callin'很抱歉,您所拨打的号码i don't wanna think anymore!现在不在服务区i left my hand and my heart on the dance floor请核实该号码,或稍后重播stop callin' stop callin'别再打了i don't wanna talk anymore!我什么也不想说i left my hand and my heart on the dance floor只要全身心的投入到舞池里stop callin' stop callin'别再打来了i don't wanna think anymore!我什么也不要想i left my hand and my heart on the dance floor只要全身心的投入到舞池里stop callin' stop callin'别再打了i don't wanna talk anymore!我什么也不想说i left my hand and my heart on the dance floor只要全身心的投入到舞池里eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…stop telephonin' me!停止给我打电话eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…i'm busy!我很忙eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…stop telephonin' me!停止给我打电话eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh…can call all you want but there's no one home你随时都可以打来,只是不会有人在家you're not gonna reach my telephone!你也不会得到我的号码'cause i'm out in the club and i'm sippin' that bub我正在club和那个家伙一起喝着香槟and you're not gonna reach my telephone!你也不会得到我的号码call when you want but there's no one home你随时都可以打来,只是不会有人在家and you're not gonna reach my telephone!你也不会得到我的号码'cause i'm out in the club and i m sippin that and you re not gonna reach my telephone....我正在club和那个家伙一起喝着香槟 你不会得到我的号码,

高端洋气的大酒店名字! 5分



  CLIMB(有扶摇直上的用意)- 意思是攀登。爬上,登攀。越、


Prague Holešovice railway station ,

大家帮忙取一个 大气有科技感的公司名字!最好能附带谐音英文!谢谢

  新概念科技有限公司 NCT.LTD,

求一个商贸公司的名字,希望高端大气上档次有内涵! 15分



  有创意的钢结构英文公司名字   Creative steel structure English company name,

刘姓女孩名字高端大气 m.liemingwang.com

