驴友阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字


   Aries (白羊座英文介绍) 白羊座- OR ARIES RISING (Ruled by Mars火星) Aries is the first sign of the zodiac(十二宫图)and its symbol is the Ram(公羊). Positive Expression People born under the sign of Aries are energetic, spontaneous and outgoing. They are often courageous (勇敢的), ready to go bold-headed and willing to take risk. Their optimistic and enthusiastic outlook makes them exciting and stimulating company. Since Aries needs to forge ahead, individuals born under this sign generally act on impulse, enjoy challenges and the spice of danger. They excel in sport and are virtually unstoppable. Negative Expression Since Aries 'acts first and thinks later' he/she often regrets his rash action at a later stage. Their impulsive (冲动的) and hasty nature makes them impatient, tactless(不老练的), quick-tempered and aggressive. Their 'me-first' attitude sometimes turns an assertive Aries into a rude, pushy and in extreme cases a thoughtless 'bully'. Physical and Sexual Characteristics Because Aries is ruled by the 'red' planet Mars, they often have a ruddy complexion with freckles and reddish hair. Aries natives' strong sex drive makes them passionate lovers, but their desire for conquest and the need to prove themselves can lead to a 'Casanova' or 'Femme Fatale' syndrome. However, they able to form stable relationships with those who respect their great need for independence. Romance Profiles The sign of the Ram is graced by the element of Fire, and if......余下全文>>、


  Aries白羊座Twelve Constellations (12星座): 1.Aquarius水瓶座 2.Pisces双鱼座 3.Aries白羊座 4.T龚urus金牛座 5.Gemini双子座 6.Cancer巨蟹座 7.Leo狮子座 8.Virgo处女座 9.Libra天秤座 10.Scorpio天蝎座 11.Sagittarius射手座 12.Capricorn山羊座、


  Aires’s origin (3/21--4/19) In an ancient remote state, king and the empress divorces because of the disposition disagreement, again and has taken another female, what a pity this new empress inborn is good at envying, is unable to endure king pair of children who stays behind to the ex-wife to dote on in every possible way, therefore the evil plot forms gradually in her brain. Spring approaches, also will arrive the sowing seeds cultivation season, the new empress will fry the ripe wheat, transmits farmer who did not know the circumstances of the matter for the nation. Has already been thoroughly ripe wheat, regardless of how waters, applies fertilizer, certainly all is unable to send buds. Farmer who is kept in the dark, hundred thinks does not have its solution. The new empress on in this time, the dissemination related wheat swings the word, refers calls the wheat the reason that to be unable to germinate, is because this country has received the curse, but receives the curse all is because of the prince and princess's evil thought, has caused the day anger, causes the deity to the country the punishment. An individuality simple and honorable farmer tin, day! This also had! Because of the evil prince and princess, the national people all will sink into in the poor hungry abyss, this will be a how fearful matter! Very quickly, each place no matter the men and women, the whole families, all identically request king certainly to want to execute the prince ......余下全文>>、


  Vae、- =,、


  在动物园看见了大象用英语怎么说_   最佳答案:see elephants in the zoo,


  白羊座女性最适合的英文名字:   Malcolm 。Joan、Niki!Betty。Linda,Whitney,Lily     金牛座男性最适合的英文名字:   Fred,Gary!William。Charles。Michael!Karl     金牛座女性最适合的英文名字:   Barbara!Elizabeth。Helen,Katharine、Lee。Ann,Diana。Fiona     双子座男性最适合的英文名字:   Bob,John。Thomas!Dean!Paul、Jack、Brooke     双子座女性最适合的英文名字:   Judy。Doris。Rudy。Amanda。Shirley、Joan,Tracy     巨蟹座男性最适合的英文名字:   Kevin,Louis!John、George!Henry,Benjamin     巨蟹座女性最适合的英文名字:   Melody!Helen,Debbie。Lisa、Yvonne     狮子座男性最适合的英文名字:   Robert。Carl!Scott、Tom,Eddy,Kris、Peter     狮子座女性最适合的英文名字:   Shelly!Mary、Dolly!Nancy,Jane、Barbara     处女座男性最适合的英文名字:   Johnson。Bruce,Robert、Peter,Bill、Joseph!John     处女座女性最适合的英文名字:   Shirley。Emily,Sophia,Vivian!Lillian,Joy     天秤座男性最适合的英文名字:   Burt。Charlie!Elliot!George,Johnson     天秤座女性最适合的英文名字:   Ross,Julie、Gloria。Carol     天蝎座男性最适合的英文名字:   Richard,James,Charles! Bruce、David     天蝎座女性最适合的英文名字:   Taylor、Wendy!Grace。Vivian,Caroline!Samantha     射手座男性最适合的英文名字:   Nick、Walt,John!Mark!Sam,Davis、Neil,Carl。 Lewis,Billy     射手座女性最适合的英文名字:   Maria?Kate!Demi、Sunny,Wendy     摩羯座男性最适合的英文名字:   Richard、Howard Allen、Johnny,Robert,Martin、Jeff     摩羯座女性最适合的英文名字:   Ava、Christina!Judy、Susan!Grace!Alice     水瓶座男性最适合的英文名字:   Paul。Sam!Francis,Lewis,Stephen,Andy。Scott     水瓶座女性最适合的英文名字:   Joyce,Sally!Margaret。Rebecca,Teresa、Rita、Jessica     双鱼座男性最适合的英文名字:   Albert、Kevin,Michael、Taylor,Jackson,Jack,Jimmy,Allen,Martin, Vincent     双鱼座女性最适合的英文名字:   Elizabeth。Kelly、May,Julie,Amanda,Fiona      ABBYABBIE   是ABIGAIL的简写?人们认为ABBY是娇小可爱的女人。文静!令人喜爱!个性甜美、     ADA   (老式英语)"高贵"的意思、为ADELAIDE的简写,ADA给人的印象是年长保守、辛勤的工作者,     ADELINE   Adelaide的英文写法。Adeline被描绘为......余下全文>>、




  亲,这些都不错:A monologue. 独白! Dear,don't be silly° 亲爱的!别傻了! Excuses° 借口 ∝   Gloaming 薄暮城 ╰一God bless me上帝保佑、 Quorra's chord. 心弦 忆往昔 Recalling the past 乱世浮生 The crying game ╭─╮Sadness to bury ─╮ 埋葬悲伤 The awakening of Andersen 安徒生的觉醒 The clown in the world 小丑的世界 Acting in the play 演的狠入戏。


  基本释意  贵宾 guìbīn   (1) [honored guest;distinguished guest]∶地位显贵的宾客,今多指外宾   (2) [guest]∶对宾客的敬称   现多用“VIP”代指、“Very Important Person” 的简写 ——非常重要的人,。


  茉莉花 :学名:Jasminum sambac   玫瑰花:英文:Rose   丁香花:学名:Syringa oblata   桂花:英文:Sweet Osmanthus   康乃馨:英文:Carnation   紫罗兰:学名:Matthiola incana   百合:学名:LiliumL   水仙花:英文:Chinese Narsissus   荷花:英文:Hindu Lotus   莲花:英文:Hindu Lotus   百合:英文:Lily   rose 玫瑰花   tulip 郁金香   balsam 凤仙花   canna 美人蕉   lily 百合花   jasmine 茉莉   sweet pea 香豌豆花   sunflower 向日葵   geranium 大竺葵   morning-glory 牵牛花   cosmos 大波斯菊   pansy 三色堇   poppy 罂粟花   marigold 金盏花   carnation 麝香石竹   amaryllis 孤挺花   dahlia 大丽花   pink 石竹花   crocus 番红花   iris 蝴蝶花   hyacinth 风信花   daffodil 黄水仙   chrysanthemum 菊   marguerite, daisy 雏菊   gladiolus 剑兰   cantury plant 龙舌兰   magnolia 木兰   yucca 丝兰   orchid 兰花   freesia 小苍兰   cyclamen 仙客来   begonia 秋海棠   anemone 银莲花   wisteria 柴藤   redbud 紫荆   dogwood 山茱萸   hawthorn 山楂   camellia 山茶   hydrangea 八仙花   hibiscus 木槿   peony 芍药   azalea 杜鹃   rhododendron 杜鹃花   daphne 瑞香   gardenia 栀子   lilac 紫丁香     中文名 英文名 花语 中文名 英文名 花语     中国水仙 new year lily 自尊/单恋 石榴 pomegranate 相思/永生   月桂 victor\'s laurel 胜利/不诚实 报春花 polyanthus 初恋/自作多情   木棉 cotton tree 热情 紫丁香 lilac 青春的回忆   吊钟 lady\'s eardrops 尝试/热心 紫荆 chinese redbud 故情/手足情   百合 lily 纯净/神圣 紫罗兰 wall flower 信任/爱的羁绊   桃花 peach 被你俘虏 紫藤 wistaria 沉迷的爱   杜鹃 azalea 爱的快乐/节制 铃兰 lily-of-the-valley 纤细/希望/纯洁   牡丹 tree paeony 富贵/羞怯 银杏 ginkgo 长寿   芍药 paeony 害羞 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 幸福/纯洁/吉祥   辛夷 violet magnolia 友情/爱自然 蟹爪仙人掌 christmas cactus 锦上添花   玫瑰 rose 爱情/爱与美 郁金香 tulip 名誉/慈善/美丽   茶花 common camelia 美德/谦逊 千日红 common globe-amaranth 永恒的爱/不朽   非洲堇 african vioet 永恒的美 天人菊......余下全文>>!
