驴友阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字




  its name 它的名字(its 无撇)。




  I have a lovely cat, I gave it a good name, called "beibei".   "Beibei" snowball all white, fluffy, feels soft, slippery. It is a long a pair of very special eyes, at night, it is big and round eyes, like black grapes, during the day, with the light and strong, its eyes and turned into a joint. Its mouth and long beard, looks very powerful, very air. My father told me, the whiskers of a cat to catch mice is used.   "Beibei" very naughty, sometimes, I hold out their hands, it with the claws tickled me, open the small mouth, teeth and gently bite me. A ball of string, a toy, can let it excited, jumping and scratch and bite, is really extremely naughty.   When it is quiet, I was sleeping, curled body, also kept on calling, it looks like sleeping soundly.   I really like our little "babe".,


 8556 vic哗y是victoria的简称,个人觉得不太适合你   Isabelle belle伊莎贝尔不错哦   morrian,morry   Luniana luna   Cynica   Teresania     ...!


   hold English. 厚德英语、


  英语念中文姓名一般念法是姓氏在后面、名字在前面、汉语拼音拼出,名字和姓氏之间需要空格!   如果是一个字的名字,名字和姓氏首字母都要大写、两个字及以上的名字只需姓氏和名字第一个首字母大写且名字中间不需空格,例如:于美琪就写做Meiqi Yu。雷锋写做 Lei Feng!   、

给我想个,带 荣 字的男性名字,要两个字的

  荣熠 泽荣 子荣 荣峰   宇荣 荣逸 荣腾 荣斌   天荣 梓荣 荣煜?

英语 煤矿mine 是可数名字吗

  n. 名词 [C]   1. 矿; 矿山, 矿井   2. 宝库, 源泉[S][(+of)]   My neighbor is a mine of information about history. 我的一位邻居历史知识十分渊博,   3. 地雷, 水雷    4. 坑道     作名词是可数的!所以有复数、


  英雄英语   Hero english!
