驴友阁 >风水知识 >星座运势

星座用英语怎么说 天平座呢?

5340  星座Constellation天平座Libra。


  星座运势Constellation constellation 英[ˌkɒnstəˈleɪʃn] 美[ˌkɑ:nstəˈleɪʃn] n. 星座; 一群杰出人物; 一系列(相关的想法,事物); 一群(相关的人); [例句]Most patients have a constellation of diseases, with few clear-cut distinctions between them大多数患者的病症都很相似。鲜有明显的区别![其7085他] 复数:constellations!


  What's / What is your horoscope!/ Which horoscope/star sign are you? [你是什么星座! / 你是哪个星座,]   1. I'm (a) Capricorn [我是摩羯座]   2. My horoscope is Capricorn. [我的星座是摩羯座]     Horoscope可以用 Star Sign(星座)来代替,      属相。   What's/ What is your zodiac? [你的属相是什么、]   1.I'm a (属相、比如说:Dog/狗)[我是狗]   2.My zodiac is dog [我的属相是狗]   3.My animal is dog [我的动物是狗]   4.I was born on the year of the dog [我是在狗年出生的],


  气质有很多含义。所以不容易翻成英语!   temperament, aptitude, attitude, disposition, personal qualities, inner qualities 都有气质的意思、确实是要3797照语境翻译的!   1. (个性特点) temperament; disposition; mould:   他有艺术家的气质 He h厂s an artistic temperament.   2. (风格; 气度) qualities; makings:   革命者的气质 the makings of a revolutionary;   显著的东方人的气质 a distinctly oriental cast of mind;   他全然缺乏军人气质 He lacks all soldier-like qualities.!


  water shortage   例句:He thought it was due to a water shortage so he applied more water, only making things worse.    他想是缺水所致,于是多浇了水,结果反而更糟、,


  不要以为老外不懂什么是“金木水火土”, 中国的【五行】对老外来说也不陌生 “金木水火土”源出道家,道士是化学家的祖师爺,只可惜古中国不重理科,传到外国为洋人所学, 发扬光大,船坚炮利.辱我中华.醒来吧. 用英语怎么说? 就是Metal Wood Water Fire Earth,


  十二星座卡片任务奖励_有道翻译   翻译结果:   The zodiac card quest rewards   奖励   [劳经] award更多释义>>   [网络短语]     奖励 Rewards;award;Award   新站奖励 fresh site bonus   额外奖励 premiums;extra premium;extra bonus!

好美的景色啊 英语怎么说

  1.What a beautiful scene!   How beautiful the scene is!   2.The scene of the top of the mountain is too beautiful   3.I want to climb to the top of the mountain to see the sunrise with you tomorrow morning.   4.l want to see the sunrise /sunset with you   5.I want to go to the beach to see the sunset with you  7156 6.l want to go to the cinema to see a film with you two/three,


  招财进宝_百度汉语 [读音][zhāo cái jìn bǎo] [解释]招引进财气、财宝、 [出处]元·刘唐卿《降桑椹》:“招财进宝臻佳瑞。合家无虑保安存。” [例句]许多乡村延聘农业科技人员。把这当作~的好办法、 [近义]发财致富 [反义]招灾惹,


  coffee shop   n.咖啡店(=coffee house)   cafe也行,
