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 3985 你把所有星座的描述全打乱再乱组合。估计你会发现无论金牛座是什么样子的都是对的。、




  含雅   寻8253妮   雪梦   落璃   梦璃   悠吟   幕浅,


  要是按照狮子座来说 应该只是一种普通的赞美 但是如果你俩的关系不一般的话、、!也可以认为是一种表达喜欢的方式,


  一!做男生!可以剃个蛮有个性的大光头!穿着翻白边的牛仔裤!随手抄起一本金庸名著!在一个太阳照着屁股的早晨,在热乎乎的被窝中!大练九阳神功,(-_-!!这是女生无论如何都不能去做的。羡慕ing,真好、~)   二、做男生。可以蓄谋已久,留起长长的头发。戴上心爱的太阳眼镜。背着重重的电吉他、站在吾人的操场、怒吼一曲《让我一次爱个girl》?(^_^真希望以后的男朋友是这样、下辈子一定投胎做男生。)   三!做男生,可以在心情愉快的时候。放声大笑、不必害怕会4362有人用扫把把你赶走?可以潇洒的做着每一个3443体育运动!(女生们啊、羡慕吧,55555 为虾米做男生那么自在、@_@、)   四、做男生、也可以和几个死党在无聊的时候。拿起背包带上足球!挥汗如雨!驰骋飞奔,不必在乎对手的阻截,任由自己的思绪洒落、球到那里人就到哪里。男生聚到一起总是有用不完的活力?(我7976们女生呢!~ 走也走不动、跑也跑不动,~ 哎。继续羡慕中……)   五!做男生、根本不必为穿哪件衣服!为梳哪种头型,也不必为了满足我们眼中的他们而改变自己。什么洒脱!什么随心、什么就是他们的最爱。(做女生就是累?要看男生们的眼神过日子。累吐血我,-_-,)   六。做男生,尽管还是个小孩!却不会在父母身边撒娇。做起自己能做的事情!让老爸老妈看看、他们已经是可以支持家庭的男子汉了,(我们女生以后也做女子汉…… 我真汗了,,   -_-、!)   七。做男生、可以在寒冷的冬夜、穿着单薄的衣服,还挽起袖子对雪球似的女友说:“我、我……我、没事!”心里却幸福的说:只要你不冷,(就是潇洒。帅!)   八!做男生。可以在女友升职后!陪她去逛街,为其掏腰包!并鼓励说“你证明了自己的能力”‘在厉害。看见蟑螂!还不是得求男生杀死!’(女生啊、就是胆子小,哎!让我头痛的毛病。胆小,)   九!做男生!在时髦的衣服与新款的球鞋面前。会毅然决然的选择后者,(如果是女生,会豪不犹豫的选择前者,很浪费钱啊。)   十。男生锻炼身体是为了强大这个世界!而男生不仅喜欢体育!更善与创造——女生在自习楼看课本的时候,男生正在向未知的领域迈出脚步?(哇噻,这就是男生。)   附送英语   First, make boys, giving a pleasing personality can shave a big bald head, dressed in jeans PDB edge, readily took a famous one of Jin Yong, a sun shining in the bottom of the morning, and warm blanket, large practice 9 sun Magic Power. (-_-!! This is the girls can not do in any case. Envy ing. Nice! ~)   Second, do boys, can deliberate, Liu Qi long hair, wear a favorite sunglasses, carrying a heavy electric guitar, I stood in the playground, bellowing the song "I once loved a girl". (^ _ ^ Really hope that the boyfriend is. Next life reincarnation do some boys!)   Third, do male students, the time can be happy, laugh, not afraid to get rid of someone with a broom can be chic doing every sport. (Girls, ah! Envy now! 55 555 men for the shrimp to do so itself !@_@!)   Fourth, do men, but also can be bored a few buddies at the time, picked up on the football Beibao Dai, sweating, gallop gallop, do not care about opponents block, let his thoughts spilled the ball to where people go to where boys got together and always have used up the energy! (We girls do? ~ Walk walk too. Run has not run! ~ Hey. To continue the envy of the ... ...)   Fifth, do boys, do not have to as what clothes to wear, what kind of head for the hair type, but also do not have to meet our eyes change their own, what joy and what blossoms, what is their favorite. (Do girl is tired. To see the boys live eyes. Tired hematemesis I !-_-!)   6, do boys, although still a child, but not their parents coquetry, to start their own can do so dad mom look, they can support a family man! (We girls have done after the Chinese woman ... ... I really sweat a..   -_-! ! )   7, so boys can be a cold winter night, wearing thin clothes, but also roll up the sleeves of the snowball-like girlfriend, said: "I, I ... ... I'm all right." Heart was happy to say: As long as you do not cold . (That is unrestrained. Shuai!)   8, do boys, after promotion in girlfriend, go with her shopping, to its pocket, and to encourage that, "You have proven your ability to" 'the powerful, saw cockroaches, not the men were seeking to kill. '(Girl ah! Is cold feet. Hey. Let me headache problems. Timid!)   9, do boys, in trendy clothes and new sneakers in front of the choice of the latter will resolutely. (If the girls. Would not hesitate to choose the former high. Is a waste of Qiana!)   10, boys to exercise power in this world, not only boys like sports, and create more good - women in the study hall floor, read a textbook when the boys were taken to unknown areas of the pace. (Wow thiophene. This is the boys!)。


  金牛座&狮子座   友情:★★   爱情:★★★★   婚姻:★★★   亲情:★★★   无妨一试的组合!基本上本性上会有很大的不同。金牛座是属于保守而朴实的类型。狮子座则是开朗兼豪华的人种。两个人碰在一起很自然会被对方拥有自己身上没有的东西而吸引?不过相处下去!会常因价值观的不同而产生矛盾!双方必须让步一下才可天长地久、,

怎么让金牛座女爱上自己? 5分



基本上。金牛座无办法适应双子座那种“没一刻能停下来”的性格!虽然大家的交往的过程中!双础座会带给金牛座很多很多乐趣、但相处久了、金牛座往往会跟不上双子座的步伐。双子座的人又会为金牛座那一种沉默稳定的生活方式感到乏味、两个人要想0910走在一起?大家都要付出很多、 。


