驴友阁 >风水知识 >星座运势




  I'm Aries.,

属虎的白羊座 女 适合什么字母开头的英语名?



  我昨天梦到你了   英语中大多用被动式来表示:You were in my d偿eam last night.(or:You appeared in my dream last night.),


  招财猫   Fortune Cat   双语例句   1   招财猫自古以来被日本视为招财招福的吉祥物。   Since ancient time, plutus cat has been regarded as a mascot for wealth and luck in Japan.        *   2   这是个招财猫挂件可以挂车上或者家里有风的地方铃声响的时候是一种祝福。   And this plutus cat pendant, which designs to be hung in your car or at home as a wind bell, as the bell rings, it brings blessings to you.?


  气质有很多含义?所以不容易翻成英语!   temperament, aptitude, attitude, disposition, personal qualities, inner qualities 都有气质的意思,确实是要照语境翻译的、   1. (个性特点) temperament; disposition; mould:   他有艺术家的气质 He h厂s an artistic temperament.   2. (风格; 气度) qualities; makings:   革命者的气质 the makings of a revolutionary;   显著的东方人的气质 a distinctly oriental cast of mind;   他全然缺乏军人气质 He lacks all soldier-like qualities.!


  例句 A stroke of fortune or fate; lot. 运气!命运 One's fortune in life; fate. 命运!运气某人一生的运气、命运 Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one. 命运命运、尤指厄运或劫数 The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot. 命运一个特定的人或事注定的不可避免的运气。命运 The turns of luck in the course of one's life. 时运、命运人一生7327中运气的转变   满意请采纳!

我是典型的水瓶座 英语怎么说

  I am a typical Aquarius!


  [网络] My Pretty Baby; lovely baby; Cute baby;   [例句]看看那张画,那张可爱宝宝的画,文章!   Look at the picture, the picture of a lovely baby's?

你可以沿着河乘船 用英语怎么说

  You can take a boat along the river   敬请采纳!。
