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知识改变命运 搞笑动漫视频

  你要说动漫 我9787真不知道你在说什么~~大概是多素材mad之类的?   有个MV 叫This Song Saved My Life作者 Simple Plan 倒是蛮贴切的~~!


 3584 可以微博搜“唐绮阳”,也是台湾星座大师。关注很久了~。


6094  云百度盘,


  中文名   林志玲   外文名   Lin Chi-ling   别 名   玲玲。冰淇凌!志玲姐姐   国 籍   中国   民 族   汉族   星 座   射手座   血 型   O型   身 高   173cm   体 重   54kg   出生地   台湾省台北市   出生日期   1974年11月29日!




  Sparks fly   Its like electricity   I might die   When I forget how to breath   You get closer and there's   No where in this world I'd rather be   Time stops   Like everything around me   Its frozen   And nothing matters but these   Few moments when you open my mind to things   I've never seen   Cause when I'm kissing you   My senses come alive   Almost like the puzzle piece   I've been trying to find   Falls right into place   You're all that it takes   My doubts fade away   When I'm kissing you   When I'm kissing you   It all starts making sense   And all the questions   I've been asking in my head   Like are you the one should I really trust   Crystal clear it becomes   When I'm kissing you   Past loves   They never got very far   Walls of made sure   I've got in my heart   And I promise I wouldn't do this till   I knew it was right for me   But no one (no one)   No guy that I met before   Could make me (make me)   Feel so right and secure   And have you noticed   I lose my focus   And the world around me disappears   Cause when I'm kissing you   My senses come alive   Almost like the puzzle piece   I've been trying to find   Falls right into place   You're all that it takes   My doubts fade away   When I'm kissing you   When I'm kissing you   It all starts making sense   And all the questions   I've been asking in my head   Like are you the one should I really trust   Crystal clear it becomes   When I'm kissing you   I've never felt nothing like this   You're making me open up   No point in even tryi......余下全文>>,




  那 就 用 卡 通 小 鸡 吧 、 最 近 挺 流 行 《 猫 狗 霸 屏 年 代 、 出 现 了 一 只 鸡 》 正 好 符 合 鸡 年 的 主 题 呢 。、

一个姓黄的台湾主持人 忘了叫什么 是比较搞笑的那个 看上去有点傻得那个

