驴友阁 >风水知识 >星座运势


  屎盆   Shit Basin   尿盆   Urinal!

“一块蛋糕”和“两块蛋糕”用英语分别怎么说? “一个蛋糕”和“两个蛋糕”用英语分别怎么说?

  a piece of cake ; two pieces of cake a cake ; two cakes?


  a brown horse,

天平 英语怎么说

  天平: balance,scales!Balances、lifting beam   微量天平: microbalance,microbalancemicrobalancer。QCM-D!micro[analytical] balance   比重天平: specific gravity balance,balance-SG!density balance!specific balance   托盘天平: table balance!counter balance,bench balance!elevator balance table balance   电磁天平: magnetoelectricbalance!electromagnetic balance!magneticsensor   药物天平: balance for weighing medicine。apothecary balance、pharmacistbalance   电流天平: current balance!Current Balance、ampere balance、current   高温天平: thermo-balance?high temperature balance   密度天平: density balance,de ity balance   刻度天平: dial balance,


  I was born in the tiger year.i was born in the year of tiger.(Chinese lunar year.如果不懂就补充这个.)!


  unexpected help   容易找到新机会或贵人相助、但升职容易受阻,   It's easier to find new opportunities and get unexpected help. However, a promotion will be harder to come by.   因为相学里所谓“贵人”。未必是富贵之人!而是指他帮了你大忙。而这个人往往是个陌生人、所谓“出门遇贵人”、他这个帮助就是不在你预期之内的。所以叫unexected help。太绝了、中译英的最高境界了,!


  周公解梦   网络释义   周公海梦:Zhougong Dream Dictionary、


  Every dog has his day.   这是句谚语也就是风水轮流转了、、   Dark Ranger   黑暗游侠   Ready - "Im here. As always." ---我在这,总是!   Warcry - "Let phantom arrows fly." ---让幻影之箭飞出,   What1 - "My bow is ready." ---箭已在弦!   What2 - "I will aid you." ---我来支援你。   What3 - "Direct my hatred." ---指引我的憎恨!   What4 - "Let the living beware." ---活着的家伙你们小心点、(她是undead。!)   What5 - "End my torment." ---请结束我的痛苦。(0536仍然“活”在痛苦中,!)   Yes1 - "If that is your wish." ---如果你那样想!   Yes2 - "If I must." ---我必须!   Yes3 - "I go." ---我这就去干!   Yes4 - "Will this ever end?" ---永无终结。。   YesAttack1 - "Embrace the end."---拥抱终结,(这几句话大家应该比较熟悉!是女妖,她原来就是女妖、)   YesAttack2 - "Goal: death."---目标:死亡,   YesAttack3 - "You're the lucky one." ---算你走运!   Pissed1 - "I hate what i've become." ---我恨我现在的样子?   Pissed2 - "The living haunt me." ---到处都是活物?   Pissed3 - "Men are from Mars, I'm from the grave." ---男人来自火星、我来自墓穴,(开始开玩笑了,这女的还蛮有点意思的)   Pissed4 - "I went on a job interview the other day and they were like 'uhh, whats that smell?' and I was like, 'Oh, sorry, it's me'. And then they said they didn't think i'd be able to fit in with the other employees, 'cause they're living and, you know, i'm dead, so i wouldn't be a team player. But then I said I could work 24 hours. And they said 'Oh, right. You could work the graveyard shift'."   ---曾经有一天我去参加了一个工作的面试?他们总是问“恩,什么味道,”(死人嘛、总是会有点味道的),然后总是我说“噢、对不起、那是我”。他们于是认为我不能够和其他同事共处、那是因为他们是活人。你知道、我是死人,所以我不能成为团队中的一员!但是接着我说我能够一天24小时工作,于是他们说“啊、对了。你可以干夜班、”(graveyard-shift:全体夜班的工人、而graveyard就是墓穴)   这个是对争霸的黑暗游侠   貌似楼主找的是Evil Sylvanas (ES)这个啊   就听懂了几句   show me the target   i'm here   give me order   i'm listenning   show them the mercy   watch me attack   may i aim be true   我没看见有那句啊 lz听错了,。


  Zodiac mahogany   桃7465木   [网络] Mahogany; Peach; Myrtus; peach wood;   桃木   [网络] Mahogany; Peach; Myrtus; peach wood;!


  我觉得no way(没门)还可以,其他的没有听过,   over my dead body.不是句话是个短语,中文就是 你休想的意思!   比如说:you can come into this room over my dead body.我只要活着你 休想进这屋!
