驴友阁 >风水知识 >星座运势


  哈哈? 你是不是水瓶座的啊?   反正咱们水瓶座的普遍比较有个性 只要你喜欢,怎么都行!   管他别人怎么想呢   呵呵   想用做名字就做吧! 我支持``    呵呵   [、


  Mom is born in the year of monkey.!


  Scorpio 或者Scorpius 都可以   因为是拉丁文!




  dance   美 [dæns]   英 [dɑ:ns]   noun   1.[C] 舞蹈、舞步   a series of movements and steps that are usually performed to music; a particular example of these movements and steps   2.[U] 舞蹈(艺术)   the art of dancing, especially for entertainment   3.[C] 跳舞   an act of dancing   4.[C] 舞会   a social event at which people dance   5.[C] 舞曲   a piece of music for dancing to   verb   1.[V] 跳舞   to move your body to the sound and rhythm of music   2.[VN] 跳…舞   to do a particular type of dance   3.[V] 跳跃!雀跃。轻快地移动   to move in a lively way   第三人称单数:dances  复数:dances   现在分词:dancing  过去式:danced   过去分词:danced   。


  sue 英[su:] 美[su]   苏 (女子名),     Sue [sju:] 苏 含义: Susan的简写!!


  so cool。

狮子的英文怎么写 5分



  Scorpio (October 23, 24 to November 22)   The sign of the scorpion. Scorpions are the most sexual of the signs in terms of cravings and desires. Never satisfied with just one love. Scorpions are sly and have a bit of a dare devil[1] streak in them, definitely the most risqué[2] of all the signs. Never tell a scorpion a secret - they won't keep it!     Quality: Negative     Ruler: Pluto     Tr禒plicity: Fixed     Quadruplicity: Water     天蝎座(十月二十三或二十四日至十一月二十二日)     天蝎宫,就渴望和欲求来说。天蝎座在所有星宫中性欲最强,他们从来不会满足于一个情人!天蝎座的人狡猾阴险、而且性格中夹杂着几分冲动和冒险,无疑是十二星座中最为风流成性的一个。千万不要把秘密告诉天蝎座的人——他们不会保密的!     属性:阴性     主宰行星:冥王星     三分法:固定型     四分法:水相   参考资料:www.hongen.com/eng/fun/astro/0128scor.htm!


  如下、有些小区别   destiny:命运。天命   fate:指命中注定的祸福   furtune:指运气,机会。偏向好的方面   lot:由偶然因素引起的命运!
