驴友阁 >养鱼风水






  天蝎外表似冰内心似火 双鱼天生浪漫易幻想 又是女孩子更是向往童话里的王子公主但是天蝎在平时如果不深入了解会给人非常不合群孤傲离群之感 双鱼会期待天蝎的关怀其实天蝎主要肯放下身价 主动呵护双鱼 让她小小的幻想稍微得到些满足 相信会给你带来意想不到的收获 感情都是双方的 若是真心喜欢 你难道愿意眼睁睁的看着依赖你的双鱼女生一6695直隔着冰一样的你么、、


  命运共同体destiny integrated entity。


  学习英语的建议 Advice on learning English   Dear Wang Lin, I hear you have some problems in learning English. Don’t worry. Let me give you some advice.If you want to improve your listening skills, you’d better listen to the English tapes and radio programs. You can also watch the English TV programs, video tapes or films. I think they’re helpful. As for your spoken English. I think it is good to read aloud in the morning. I’m sure the more you practice listening and speaking, the better you’ll do in them. You can take part in some English activities. Such as English corner and English club. If you accept my advice, I believe you’ll make great progress in your English study.   亲爱的王麟、我听说你在学习英语方面有一些问题,别担心!让我给你提些建议,如果你想提高听力技能、你最好听英语磁带和广播节目、你还可以看英语5278电视节目?录像带或电影!我认为他们很有帮助、至于你的英语口语!我想在早晨大声朗读是好的!我相信你越听越听?说的越多、你就越做越好。你可以参加一些7566英语活动?如英7994语角和英语俱乐部!如果你接受我的建议,我相信你会在英语学习上取得很大进步!。


  unique auto accessories    一般汽车用auto表达的较多 尤其美国   automobile products一般都认为指汽车产品。包括整车。配件之类的、而汽车9307产品与汽车用品还是有一定差别的,因此 accessories更加准确,




  复活节Easter Day,


  ambitious   例句:   在房价和收入比12:1的大城市、寻找合适的伴侣是那些高学历,事业心强的女性的头疼的事情   In major cities-where the rate of housing costs to income can reach 12:1-finding a goodmatch is a constant worry for educated, ambitious women,


  ● ecliptic is the ninth constellation Sagittarius, he was represented by well-known fairy tales and a half man, half horse blame. The pursuit of knowledge and new challenges, love music adventure tourism is the main characteristic of the constellation. Sagittarius is a moment of the evening in late September, near the horizon in the South can see that it is holding with the Galaxy Scorpio distant relative, for the formation of the arrows in the shape of the arch. Basically, they never warm and rest. Sagittarius sun through the date of 11/23 to 12/21, is the cold winter season, Sagittarius people like his personality than the fierce wind blowing like fast, like like Arrows by leaps and bounds.   麻烦采纳,谢谢!、

