驴友阁 >养鱼风水


  若是复姓。则名在前!复姓在后! 如 欧阳奋强——Fengqiang Ouyang   若是个性的那种!如父姓加母姓?再加名字!如 王梁美泽——Liangmeize Wong   希望楼主满意我的答复~~,


  在动物园看见了大象用英语怎么说_    最佳答案:see elephants in the zoo。




  archer 射手     Shooter 射击人员     Sagittarius 射手座     以上供您参考。希望能帮你您!!

写一篇英文的双鱼座性格介绍 10分

  Pisces is a always melancholy and moody.They are very kind, very happy, love fantasy.They also love to cry, just like the endless.They are very cute, like a gentle lamb. They are very gentle, like the spring breeze and smoked.They are illusions of competence in general, as if it were raining flowers.They are friendly to people, to any person not biased.骇n conclusion, Pisces is very clever.!


  On the morning of February 28, 2012, I saw a car accident in Green Street.The car hit a woman.Woman lying on the ground, the driver of the car was ready to escape.Stopped the driver, and called the police.The man finally stopped and told people the reason of this accident.Yesterday I worked late, so I was tired, he said.The way I go to work, out of the car accident.Finally, the woman was sent to hospital for an operation.The Two police officers took the man away.   在2012年2月28日的早晨。我看见了一场车祸在格林街。一辆汽车撞了一个女人,那个女人躺在地上,而轿车的司机却准备逃跑。人们拦住了那个司机,并且报了警、那个男人终于停了下来。告诉人们了他撞人的原因!他说。昨天我工作得太晚,所以我很累。在我去上班的途中!就出了这8032场车祸!最后!0351那个女人被送去了医院做手术!两个警察带走了3929那个男人,,


scorpion蠍子 不用谢。 !

英文地址怎么写?求大神翻译! 成都市金牛区营门口路48号熙城国际

  Xicheng international, no. 48, gate road, jinniu district, chengdu city、


  Working hard can change your destiny!


  April thirty!
