驴友阁 >风水知识 >易经入门


  On the Lunar New Year story, is a very interesting topic, and the story is here, including the myths and legends, stories and so on.   In qualifying on the Chinese zodiac, why mouse small to large, it ranked first? First of all, let this issue of human philosophers and wise men of today's baffling: On the body, tiny mouse, people can play live to an open palm in the shares between the zodiac animals, it is the smallest a. ; Of brute force, with cattle strong, the mighty tiger, the dragon of the divine power, horses prance, it can not be the same day and language; on quality, ease of cattle, rabbits good, hard-working horse, the docile sheep, pigs Reality, it seems better than the rats many times; again on the wisdom of the smart monkey, a dog's intelligence, also in rats above. Said calmly, even the most vicious than anyone else, I am afraid that the snake is also the front row in the mouse. But the fact is that little mouse is the Zodiac's Top boss!   This issue is still pending, it was said today that probably only one explanation: the guy in charge of the Chinese zodiac Ranking is corrupt corrupt officials, he collected the rats have done a great trading power for money benefits of color when , the first gold corona increases in non-German non-heads only a small mouse. This, of course, is just a far-fetched joke. But indeed, the human has ne攻er found a convincing explanation. However, human after all, is the most intelligent animals senior animals,......余下全文>>。


  Never give up,   Never lose hope.   Always have faith,   It allows you to cope.   Trying times will pass,   As they always do.   Just have patience,   Your dreams will come true.   So put on a smile,   You'll live through your pain.   Know it will pass,   And strength you will gain   励志正能量~鼓励人永不放弃~,




  Mafia黑手党 ----- 世界上最大的黑帮发源于西西里(Sicily)。!


  第一段:   Simba(辛巴!简称S):Dad, we are pals, right? 爸,我们是好伙伴、对吗、   Mufasa(木法沙!简称M):Hnn, right. 恩,对   S:And we'll always be together, right? 那么我们会永远在一起!对吗、   M:Simba, let me tell you something that my father told me. Look at the stars, the great kings of the past look down on us from those stars. 辛巴,我来告诉你一些我父亲告诉我的事。看看那些星星,过去那些伟大的君王,正在0183上面俯视着我们!   S:Really? 真的,   M:Yes. So whenever you feel alone, just remember, that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I. 是的。所以,当你感到孤独地时候,要记住!我5938们的先辈一直在指引着你?我也会。     第二段:   Simba:That's not my father,it's just my reflection.   Rafiki:No,look harder.You see,he lives in you.   Mufasa:Simba!   Simba:Father?   Mufasa:Simba,you have forgot me.   Simba:No,how could I?   Mufasa:You have forgot who you are,and you've forgot me.Look inside yourself Simba, you're more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life.   Simba:How can I go back?I'm not I used to be.   Mufasa:Remember who you are,you are my son,and the one true king.Remember who you are.   Simba:Please,don't leave me!   Mufasa:Remember!   Simba:Father!   Mufasa:Remember!Remember!...   辛巴:那不是我爸爸。那只是我的倒影、   6109拉飞奇:不!仔细看。你看,他活在你心中,   木法沙:辛巴,   辛巴:爸?   木法沙9748:辛巴。已经忘了我!    辛巴:不!怎么会、   木法沙:你已经忘了你是谁、你也忘了我、看看你自己。辛巴、你比你的外表还要勇猛!你必须找到自己的位置,   辛巴:我该怎么做,我已经不是从前的我了、   木法沙:要记住你是谁。你是我儿子,也是真正的国王。要记住!你是谁。   辛巴:不!求求你别离开、   木法沙:要记住!   辛巴:爸!   木法沙:要记住。要记住。。!...余下全文>>、


  Saute Spicy Chicken   主料母鸡1只 面粉200克 土豆250克   The main hen 1 flour 200 grams 250 grams of potato   辅料葱1棵 尖椒30克 红尖椒30克 香叶5片 八角2个 桂皮1片 姜3片 植物油2汤匙 食盐1.5茶匙 白糖1茶匙 生抽2汤匙 小葱2根   Accessories onion 1 pepper 30 grams 30 grams of red pepper geraniol 5 octagonal 2 cinnamon 1 slices ginger 3 pieces of vegetable oil 2 tablespoon salt 1.5 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon soy sauce 2 tbsp shallot 2   大盘鸡的做法   The practice of large chicken   1.烧热锅、放油!下鸡块,煸炒至略带金黄   1 hot pot, put oil, chicken, stir fry with yellow   2.然后把葱姜!香叶。桂皮,八角放入煸3047出香味!并同时沿锅边蘸洒料酒增香去腥气   2 then onion ginger, geraniol, cinnamon, anise add stir fragrance, and at the same time along the edge of the pot with cooking wine sprinkled aroma to the smell   3.这时可以加入适量的盐。白糖。生抽。继续煸炒。炒的时候。注意火候!不要糊底了!同时也要有耐心!慢慢来,炒香鸡肉为主   3 then you can add salt, sugar, soy sauce amount and continue to stir fry, stir fry, pay attention to the temperature, do not paste the bottom, but also have the patience, slowly, fried chicken.   4.倒入适量的开水?如果有高汤那就更好!同时放入土豆块   4 into the amount of boiling water, it would be better if there is stock, and put the potatoes   5.趁着烧鸡块的时候,200克面粉加100克水。揉成面团!把面团擀成大薄饼   5 while Roasted Chicken block, 200 grams of flour plus 100 grams of water, knead the dough, roll the dough into Griddle Cake   6.切成宽条,抖散开来   6 cut into wide strips, shake off   7.放入汤锅中煮熟   7 into the pot cooked   8.然后捞出过凉水!同时放少许的芝麻油拌匀。防止粘连   8 then remove cold water, and put a little sesame oil mix, prevent adhesion   9.此时锅内的鸡块已经烧至成熟、把里面的香料都挑出来、这样吃起来就绝无负担喽   The 9 chicken pot has burned to mature, the inside o......5512余下全文>>,




  0690房屋风水学的四大原则   一!房子要方正   做人要方正!长相也要方正!屋相如人相,屋也一样。一定要方方正正,大忌三尖八角。人与屋是有感应的、如果你住的房子是方方正正的!久而久之为人处事都会公公正正!而长相也会有变化,随时间的变异而长相男的会变得方方正正,女的会变得端庄大方!反之!如果你居住的房子是不方正的。时间一长。人的心也会变得歪斜、而长相上鼻子及腰骨都会变弯曲、同时、方正的房子1255给人一种稳定安全的感觉!而不方正的房子给人一种不安全的感觉!   二。周边环境好   购买房子、周边的环境9926也相当重要!除了传统的左青龙、右白虎!前朱雀、后玄武等之外!还要考虑周边有没有煞气存在、如低压煞(四面有楼、天桥。招牌下压等),反光煞(强光反射)、声音煞、气味煞。割脚煞(过近马路)!镰刀煞(桥或马路成反弓)!白虎煞(楼宇右方有动土)?穿剑煞(走廊过长),飞刃煞、梯冲煞等,此外房屋也0957不要对正政府机关。消防队。医院!电房,垃圾池,电线杆等煞气重的地方、   三,阳气要足够   中国易经的灵魂在于阴阳的平衡!人要阴阳平衡、房屋要阴阳平衡、房屋的光线也要阴阳平衡!书云:阴阳者,天地之理也!暗属阴。光属阳、阴阳平衡万物得以生长,经7706云:孤阴不生!独阳不长,房子的窗户太多,阳气过盛!财也难聚!窗户少!终日不见阳光!太暗。阴气重、容易招致阴灵作怪、病痛多。8755所以房子的光线适中、阴阳平衡,则财运也好。身体也会好,   四!水火忌十字   这里的水是指厕所。火指厨房、古书有云:水火不留十字线!意思是说在房屋的正前!正后,正左。正右之位置及宅之中心点不宜有厨房及厕所,这是基于以下考虑!厕所是污秽之地!孤阴之地,要居不利之方。而厨房是煮食之地!独阳之方!要居有利之方,而现代建筑中,厨!厕都0985是固定的!所以购买时一定要观察清楚!不要在十字线上!水火相犯、易生不如意之事,财运反复、疾病丛生!桃花是非多多。厕所在屋中间的话,为水浸心、易得心,胃,肝、肺,小肠诸疾、房屋的十字,为阴阳不调!易患排泄、头,眼!口。手脚之疾,。


  命运是由自己创造的   全部释义和例句>>Destiny is created by ourselves.   命运是由自己创造的   全部释义和例句>>Destiny is created by ourselves.,


  安全疏散是指发生火灾时!在火灾初期阶段!建筑内所有人员及时撤离建筑物到达安全地9749点的过程?能否实现安全疏散,取2905决于许多因素?但从建筑物本身的构造来说!应坚持以下基本原则:   1、合理布置疏散路线   所谓合理的安全疏散路线!是指火灾时紧急疏散的路线线越来越安全!就是说,应该做到人们从着火房间或部位?跑到公共走道。再由公共走道到达疏散楼梯间。然后由疏散楼梯间到室外或其他安全处。一步比一步安全,不能产生“逆流”,   2、疏散楼梯的数量要足够位置要得当   为了保证人们在火灾时能顺利疏散,高层建筑至少应设两个疏散楼梯。并且设在两个不同的方向上、最好是在靠近主体建筑标准层或防火分区的两侧设置,这是因为人们在火灾时往往是冲向熟悉的楼梯或出口。但若遇到烟火阻碍6081就会掉头寻找出路!只有一个疏散路线是不安全的。两个疏散楼梯过于集中也不利于疏散!   3,疏散顺序   疏8020散顺序,就是指先疏散哪部分人员。后疏散哪部分人员!这是制定疏散预案首先要考虑的。一般原则是先疏散着火层,然后是着火层以上楼层。最后是着火层以下楼层!   4。疏散路线   疏散路线应选择离4610安全出口!疏散楼梯最近的路线、一般是沿疏散指示标志所指的方向疏散、但如果是着火层,应考虑着火的位置。着火房间附近房间的人,应向着火相反的方向疏散,竖向疏5312散一般先考虑向地面疏散?因为疏散到地面是最安全的,但也要考虑到竖向通道万一被封堵。也可以向楼顶疏散,设有避难间!避难层的高层建筑?可考虑向避难间,避难层疏散。   5、疏散指挥   整个疏散过程必须在统一指挥下!按照预定的顺序。路线进行。否则,就5615可能造成混乱、影响疏散。总指挥应当在消防控制室。各楼层或防火分区要有现场指挥员(或称引导员)、现场指挥员要及时向总指挥报告疏散情况,   6。避免设置袋形走道   袋形走道的致命弱点是只有一个疏散路线(或出口)!火灾时、一旦这个出口被火封住,处在这部分的人员就会陷入“死胡同”而难以脱险。因此!高层建筑应尽量不设置袋形走道!   7。辅助安全疏散设施要可靠、方便使用   消防7799安全疏散设施不完善往往影响疏散、因此。高层建筑应根据需要。除7581设置疏散楼梯外!增设相应的辅助安全疏散设施?如救生软梯。救生绳、救生袋,缓降器等!这些辅助安全疏散设施要构造简单。方便操作!安全可靠。。
