驴友阁 >风水知识 >易经入门


  cinquain五行诗英语五行诗:第一行由一个名词组成!第二行由两个形容词组成。第三行由三个动词组成,第四行由四个单词组成!第五行由一个名词组成。如:BrotherBeautiful,athleticTeasing,shouting,laughingFriend and enemy tooMine,


  1.Thanks to father The year has turned its circle,The seasons come and go.The harvest is all gathered in And chilly north winds blow.Orchards have shared their treasures,The fields,their yellow grain.So open wide the doorway- Thanksgiving comes again!Father,We Thank Thee Father,we thank Thee for the night,And for the pleasant morning light,For rest and food and loving care,And all that makes the world so fair.Help us to do the things we should,To be to others kind and good,In all we do,in all we say,To grow more loving every day.2.I think about my father on his special day ---he makes my heart smile.My shirt sticks to me ---I watch the cork disappearas the fish gets fed.Limericks have always been a favorite because they are supposed to be funny!There are five lines.The first,second,and fifth line rhyme with each other and the third and fourth linesrhyme with each other.Most begin with "There once was a ..." Try one of these to make your father laugh!There once was a dad that I knew,He tried to "teach me a thing or two,"He taught me to fishAnd how to cook a dishAnd how to fly a kite when the wind blew.There was a dad from Illinois,To know him was such a joy.He told silly talesAnd made castles with pailsAnd acted just like a small boy.There once were a mom and a dad,They loved me even when I was bad.If sometimes I did wrong,They weren't mad for longThey're the best parents I ever had.。

五行诗关于爱情的 英语

  LoveSweet,warmStairing,smiling, huggingBring care and joy Forever,




  建议:   1! 用剪刀小心的将较长的胡须剪短(不要剪到胡须末端,以免伤到自己的皮肤)   2!留的胡须长度以看起来不邋遢、配自己的脸型为佳(我高中时一般习惯留1-2毫米左右)   3。不建议经常剪!除非你想要吸引许多的异性(实际上也没多大必要)。3361能忍则忍   4。实在是太想帅点的话、买把电动剃须刀吧(以实用为主),


  你现在还喜欢他吗 !如果不喜欢了!就当做普通朋友吧!如果还喜欢、先问问他有没有对象。再要到联系方式?然后大胆追求吧、


  诗 金 13 多才贤能。理智充足!官运旺!中年成功隆昌。出国之字! (吉)   悦 金 11 清雅伶俐。多才巧智!出外吉祥!刑偶伤子。成功隆昌。 (吉)、


  On summer holiday my parents took me to Beijing.We stayed at Huabei Hotel.On the first day,we went to the Great Wall.The Great Wall is very long and old.It has millions of bricks.Each brick is very big and heavy.Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall.We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.We also went to the Palace Museum.The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces.It has a very long history.I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum.What nice palaces these are!I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited.If you want to know more about the Palace Museum,you can go to Beijing and have a look.,


静夜思 。


  梦见高中的我们是同桌的梦境解释:   这两天的财运大幅上升,可能有自己没有预期的入账!亦或是周遭人的宴请与礼品!让你觉得这两天十足的丰收哦、此外本日不宜太坚持己见!其实顺其自然反而更顺利!要是一开始太坚决。最后反而会出现漏洞与疏失。还是多听听大家的意见吧!     梦见高中的我们是同桌的吉凶:   基础稳固安然、财源广进、又有父祖之荫益及上司之提拔。易得意外之助力!而可获得大成功,大发展。名利丰收。威权,名望,地位俱皆兴隆宽宏殊胜之配置! 【大吉昌】!
