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  南无阿弥陀佛     千万不要把佛菩萨像和罗汉像纹在身上!这是亵渎的行为。非常不恭敬、报应很大!极可能是地狱报应。佛菩萨是要恭敬诚心供奉的。也不要随意佩戴,      特别是只纹,画佛菩萨半身像或一个佛菩萨头!半魔半佛。报应一定在地狱!   连衣服上都不能印佛菩萨像!罗汉像、更别说纹到身上了!身上更污秽、所做事也污秽、想都想得到了!不要听纹身师乱说。既然信佛就要听佛经和祖师4881大德怎么说!千万不要纹佛菩萨像和罗汉像、最好也别纹鬼神。说可以纹佛菩萨像的很可能是魔子魔孙在推你下地狱。你见过有出家人跑去纹佛菩萨像吗,自己想想都知道了、     净空法师---7190供佛的半身像,菩萨的半身像!还有地方供佛菩萨一个头、供在那个地方造罪业。这个果报一定在地狱,     诸位现在有这个本子,这个地方在三十二面注解、倒数第二行最后一句!我念给你听、「又不许造半身像。善相不起。堕落生死!」希望大家要注重这一句,现在有很多地方供佛的半身像,菩萨的半身像,还有地方供佛菩萨一个头!供在那个地方造罪业,这个果报一定9143在地狱。供佛的半身像、已经罪业就不轻了,堕落生死没有功德,所以画菩萨的形像。也8949要画完整的!也要画全身像!不可以画半身像!无论1217是坐着的像、站0333着的像都要全身!这要特别注意?我们造人的像。可以造半身没有问题,佛菩萨像决定不可以?人的像可以造半身?你说哪一个人像造一个脑袋,其他都没有了,这在我们风俗习惯里头最不吉祥,脑袋被人砍下来了!4442哪可以这么作法,这不可以的,他在此地有这么一句!特别提醒诸位同修!     问:印有《心经》的T恤、这些衣服可以穿吗?     索达吉堪布答:不可以、有非常大的过失!衣服是用来遮体取暖的,而佛菩萨及经咒是要恭敬顶戴的!世尊说3116过:“末世五百年。我现文字相!作意彼为我、尔时当恭敬,” 将文字印成的《心经》穿在身上当装饰?可能只有不懂因果的人才敢这样做!现在这种现象比较普遍!许多厂家为了赚钱,就琢磨现代人求保佑的心理,投其所好、将佛菩萨像、《心经》、咒轮等做成工艺品!或者印在衣服上,以前也有人供养我印《心经》的杯子。笔筒!这8875些我都不敢用、不知道该怎么处理!如果这种趋势不改、以后会不会将《心经》印在裤子上也不好说!。


  南无阿弥陀佛     不要把佛经纹在身上、身体不洁。   千万不要把佛菩萨像和罗汉像纹在身上,这是亵渎的行为。非常不恭敬,报应很大。   连衣服上都不能画佛菩萨像和罗汉像。特别是只纹!画佛菩萨半身像或一个佛菩萨头、报应在地狱!。   不要听纹身师乱说。既然信佛就要听祖师大德怎么说、千万不要纹佛菩萨像和罗汉像!     净空法师---供佛的半身像。菩萨的半身像。还有地方供佛菩萨一个头。供在那个地方造罪业?这个果报一定在地狱?     诸位现在有这个本子、这个地方在三十二面注解。倒数第二行最0857后一句。我念给你听、「又不许造半身像、善相不起!堕落生死、」希望大家要注重这一句、现在有很多地方供佛的半身像!菩萨的半身像!还有地方供佛菩萨一个头!供在那个地方造罪业?这个果报一定3303在地狱、供佛的6313半身像。已经罪业就不轻了。堕落生死没有功德!所以画菩萨的形像!也要画完整的!也要画全身像、不可以画半身像、无论是坐着的像!站着的像都要全身,这要特别注意,我7103们造人的像,可以造半身没有问题,佛菩萨像决定不可以、人的像可以造半身、你说哪一个人像造一个脑袋。其他都没有了,这在我们风俗习惯里头最不吉祥。脑袋被人砍下来了,哪可以这么作法、这不可以的。他在此地有这么一句!特别提醒诸位同修!、




  泰国佛牌的主要有分为“正牌”与“阴牌”两类。以下佛牌汇整理了佩戴佛牌“正牌“的禁忌:1。佩戴佛牌4532“正牌”时将佛链栓于颈后佛牌悬挂于胸前? 勿将佛牌挂于腰间或收于口袋里(古曼童除外)2,需脱下佛牌时请将佛牌放置于不易触碰干燥的地方以免损伤佛牌,置放佛牌的地方不可有污秽之物。3。沐浴。游泳时。不宜佩戴佛牌因多数佛牌外壳并不防水会对佛牌造成损伤,4、佩戴佛牌“正牌”时。不可将“阴牌”同时佩戴,“正牌”与“阴牌4703”也不可放置于一起!5。可同时佩戴多尊“正牌”于珠链上。注意保持珠链悬挂平衡。建议采用单数悬挂便于平衡,6!夫妻同房时请将佛牌取下。不可以佩戴着佛牌同房,同时佛牌需要回避同房!7,女性经期可以佩戴!不过上完厕所后需要先净手才能碰圣物!不建议长时间把圣物放在家里不携带,这样圣物的磁场很难影响到我们的磁场而改变我们的运气、8、如果佛牌不想戴了,可以送给亲朋好友或陌生人,在佛教中这称结善缘。也可以用红布包好。将佛牌埋在树下或者送回寺庙。9!请了阴牌后,是可以再5387请正牌的、这样可以为信善平衡阴阳之气、防止阴牌后期的影响、 以上为佛牌“正牌”主要的佩戴方式细节与忌讳,部分佛牌因督造大师的不同还有不同的忌讳、大家有兴趣可以多作了解。 对于佛牌正牌!佩戴时并没有太多的禁忌和注意事项、那么泰国佛牌阴牌有什么禁忌和注意事项呢!1. 首先!不管恭请什么圣物!正牌还是阴牌、自身一定要行得正、做的端。除了经常念经持咒,行善积德是必须的、2. 佛牌正牌是不需要供奉的!而阴牌是需要供奉的,对于不同时间和不同的阴灵有不同的讲究!3. 阴牌一般不4028跟身佩戴,如果去的场合需要佩戴、一般挂在腰间!阴牌材料和本灵都是阴性!不宜近头和心、4. 阴牌不能和正牌一起佩戴。也不能和正牌放在一起,!


  纹水 水生木 我个人的意见,你自己看着办   麻烦采纳!谢谢!!


  最近泰国刺符在中国人中间非常火热,想找一个好的刺符大师是非常困难的一件事情、刺符是一辈子的事情、需要对自己负责,因此需要慎重选择,   大家去泰国一般会去班拍寺刺符。推荐几个个人觉得挺好的师父:阿赞叻,鲁士mak、阿赞萨瓦!   我以前有介绍过其他的师父,这次来分享一下阿赞萨瓦的详细资料。 这个师父因为是非商业大师!网上资料应该很少,如果你考虑刺符!可以参考一下!   ,


  今天在看新闻的时候看到一个人手臂上纹了一个非常了看的图案!顺便就找了一下相差于纹身的忌讳和讲究和有哪些生活小常识、不看不知道一看吓一跳!原来纹身也是有这么多讲究在这里的。   我把我看以的资料都整理同来了、希望对于准备要纹身。或者是已经纹身的朋友都起到帮忙的作用。   大家一定在终身前要考虑清楚,如果对工作有影响的话又一定要纹、就可以把这图案放在身体比较不容易看到的位置上、因为一旦纹到身上了就不容易洗掉了。不过想一下现在的整容技术这么厉害!如果确实对工作有影响也可以把这些0986纹身给去掉的!   现在网上有非常多的关于纹身的忌讳和讲究口诀,我现现在整理一份出来分享给各位:   图案有讲,纹前多想。易纹难祛,深思熟虑、   神龙满背,权威尊贵,青龙过肩。财路无边。   吉祥锦鲤、大吉大利!鲤鱼跃起,福禄无比、   身3629纹大虎?必有大福,背有雄狮。王者雄姿!   青龙盘腿!财就像如洪水。身纹虎头,富贵不愁。   关公再前!人身安全、战马关公。事业有成,   关羽在后。大哥财厚,牡丹花开,富贵自来、   2785鹤报平安?财富节攀、雄鹰在肩!鸿图大展、   神鹰飞翔,志在四方。凤凰纹完。好运当前!   玫瑰纹后、浪漫风流、身纹鬼首!鸿运拥有。   纹完鬼面,奇缘自现,背有钟馗、自有雄威,   身有佛陀、事业执著!神像纹毕!妖魔自去。   身若纹豹!性力提高。人鱼若有!情海遨游,    美女天使?桃花不止。烈火麒麟!日进斗金。   蝴蝶翩翩、鸿利连连,蛇盘牡丹、富贵百年,   牡丹鲤鱼。富贵有余,梅花有香!傲骨自赏。    荷花清沌!恋人情深。红心百合,百年好合、   梵文密咒!神灵保佑!肩有飞云!快乐平安、    偶像纹完!心中坦然。十二属相!各有所长!    岳母剌字。纹剌之史。水浒剌青、东方文明!   中国图腾!文化传承,就像如今纹剌!时尚标志、终就像如所愿,名师接缘,吉祥一生、身份象征,    纹身前的建议和纹身后后的注意事项   纹身前   1,5891要保持充足的睡眠。有一个好的精神状态!   2。不要饮酒、或吸食毒品、!   3!如果长时间没有进食,纹身前一定要吃饭!避免空腹、   4!要纹身的部位不要有损伤,破口。或者阳光暴晒!   5,尽量穿宽松的服装。能把纹身的部位露出,   纹身后   1、纹身完成三至四小时后、用温水将纹身部位清洗干净?可用浴液,然后用卫生的毛巾擦干、保持干燥。每日清洗、只能淋浴不可泡澡。   2,不要涂抹纹身药膏以外的任何药膏!以免造成掉色!破坏整体美感。   3、在纹身的部位尚未痊愈之前。不可游泳、桑拿、晒太阳,下海!   4。三至五天呈现结痂、脱皮、发痒均为正常现象。千万不可抠挠!等结痂自然脱落?此时可以适当使用润肤露、   5,纹身如果纹在2594关节处或者易被抻拉的部位!结痂时要注意动作不宜过大、避免9102结痂裂开,影响以后的美观!   尽管纹身已不再被人们认为是不良人群的标志!但是!如果你认为就可以随意纹身!那么你是大错特错了!纹身不慎、恶果将伴随你一生   1!纹身“四兽”损气场:一些年轻人曲解风水中的“四兽”,在纹身中表现:左胳膊纹青龙、右胳膊纹白虎、前胸纹骷髅。后背纹玄武!这种纹5208身凶相连连、   且不说骷髅和玄武将给你带来诸多凶星   2!五官纹身神灯失:也有些时尚者在自己的脑袋纹,的确也煞是好看!然“好看不好用”,没准你的额前神灯就被自己糟踏啦,   3,**!下体纹身乱后人:更有甚者!在自己的**,肚脐眼、下体纹上巧妙的图案!不过、一个人最“藏风纳气”处气场外泻!那么。不是乱了自己的桃花运!就是乱了后人!要慎之又慎,   ......余下全文>>。




  When the lady greets to exotic, even so, you are not to shake hands with such as physical contact, but should instead of distance. In addition, women in something not directly to monk pass monk, through the man. Avoid give monk money. The priest shall meet monk, give them money, because of the money is not accept others JinLv Buddhism. Avoid has profaned the Buddha, Buddha is allowed to photograph. See figure of Buddha, Buddha to avoid pat no respect, buddhist statue was riding in the above photographs of Thai people cannot tolerate profane act, there is the behavior of people may be sentenced to. Into the temple, socks, should take off shoe, otherwise you will incur barefoot into trouble. In addition, scruffy, TanXiongLouBei, wear vest, shorts into a temple, considered profane act, is strictly prohibited. The head is the inviolable. Touch other head is considered to be touched a crying shame. If you accidentally touch the head, and others sincerely apologize immediately. The child cannot touch head, because the child that "Thailand has elves" head accommodation, touch the head is that children will give children bring luck ". Children's head only allow the king, monks, and their parents touch. Even the barber also cannot touch others in the head before the barber, say "I must". Women should be huge, and dignified legs together, otherwise considered not civilization, lack of education. Avoid using left. The left hand is considered unclean, avoid using hand, because the thais delivered with left hand is to think of a despised. Formal occasions, such as something to send CARDS to each other, and shall be delivered to your hands, with our respect and delivery of the same things etiquette. Avoid against others. Pat the shoulders of others is not considered a friendly gesture, considered a civilized manner. Avoid trample threshold. In Thailand, do not enter home on the threshold of Thailand, because that threshold under occupation spirit. Avoid using red sign. Only in the coffin in Thailand on the names of the dead in red, when to use red sign is dead. In our country also avoid writing, signed with the red pen, because with the red pen write hinted diffidation, with the red pen is to sign the ungodly. Avoid sitting cross-legged or sole to people. In Thailand, sitting cross-legged or sole on people or to the Buddha is not polite. Whether sitting or standing, don't allow thais clearly see your sole, because the sole of others is a "will trample on the" other people in Thailand, insulting is absolutely unacceptable. Brown in color, taboo, like red, yellow, and blue well disposed, in their eyes, the blue symbolizes "eternal" and "stability". In the middle of a conversation should avoid discussing politics, religion and royal aspects of topic, And Thailand, don't boast businessman of national economy, don't ask Mrs. Some married. The topics include proper culture, history and Thai food. Gifts Thailand businessman like gift-giving. Calligraphy and painting, children's toys and flowers to Thailand is comely gifts. But should pay attention to avoid sends with "" and" turtle "pattern of the soul, Business gifts, because the Thai people think a crane is a kind of" sex "bird, Turtle was regarded as a sickening low-level animal, give a person with a kind of "ugly" and "sex", "insulting" impression. Therefore, this two animals with its design and the goods that Thailand is taboo. In addition, flowers, don't send carnations or marigold's national flower lotus is people very favorite. Young people prefer foreign universities T-shirt. And when the same host, the etiquette received a gift in front of you not to open it. If you receive a Thai people's gift to you, you also need to open it, thank you, unless you can open it requests. The final decision businessman talks in Thailand for a long time, often need to be patient, maintain a positive attitude of "the best things are difficult to get opportunities will no doubt. In addition, business negotiations in Thailand, don't expect a talk to have enough psychological preparation, and not a spirit of facilities, strive for success of the negotiations. Business etiquette embody the businessmen of personal comprehensive quality and cultural literacy, represent the company's professional image and reflect in the national civilization. Thailand as a predominantly buddhist has its unique traditional etiquette for our country, in the business activity, must respect its religious tradition and culture, avoid some taboo behavior, only such ability and tai shang good business communication, win their trust, and finally obtain business opportunities.,
