驴友阁 >风水知识 >易经入门


  In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures must be taken before things get worse. For one thing, it is essential that laws and regulations be worked out and enforced impose a heavy penalty on those who waste or contaminate waster deliberately . Secondly, a large-scale education campaign should be launched to inform the public of the significance of economizing on water. With these measures taken, it is reasonable for us to believe that this problem can be perfectly solved in the near future.。


  金牛座往往是最可靠的、持久!忠诚、耐心和慷慨的。弱点是他们的一些固执?懒惰!占有欲强。物质!自我放纵,这款是金牛座装扮游戏!假如你是金牛座就赶快来玩吧,   Taurus is often the most reliable, durable, loyalty, patience and generous. Weakness is that some of their stubborn, lazy, possessive, substance, self-indulgence. This is Taurus dress up game, if you are just start to play with Taurus.。


  最佳答案     别让眼泪成为最后7589一滴水 水。对人类有着极为重要的意义!没有水、人类将无法生存, 这个道理大家都懂!但我们大多数人并未因此而觉得水有多么珍贵!虽然在电视上见过偏远农村的贫水情况。村民们吃水得到十几里甚至几十里地外去担!滴水贵如油、绝大多数村民一辈子都不知洗澡是什么滋味!但是、对我们这些居住5363在城镇的人们来说、自来水一开、清水哗哗来、仿佛取之不尽。用之不竭。一吨水才几角钱。浪费一点仿佛没有什么、所以我们可以打一壶水喝不了两杯就倒掉、洗一件衣6629服漂上几遍十几遍,涮拖把哗哗猛冲上十分钟!尤其是公共场所。“水漫金山”无人过问、入厕1358洗完手水龙头不关就扬长而去?诸如此类的事情俯拾皆是! 在肆意挥霍水资源的同时。我们似乎没有听见、“缺水”的脚步正在日益逼近!大自然是有情的,她馈赠给我们人类极为丰富的自然资源、大自然又是无情的。破坏性掠夺和滥用资源的人类必将遭到她的报复、当今地球上的沙漠面积以惊人的速度扩张,就是她给予人类滥砍滥伐森林资源的惩罚、随狂风肆虐逞威的沙尘暴、是她向我们人类发出的警告,如果我们再不珍惜水资源!对用水加以节制,缺水必将成0534为我们人类生存的一大困扰!引滦入津,引黄入津、那些兴师动众的庞大工程!耗费了大量人力物力财力。就是为了解决8411天津的缺水问题!而现在!我国的很多大城市也都面临缺水的威胁!不得不采取分片限时供水?到5095外地调水等措施暂时应付难题! 如果没有了水,人类将会怎样?这是一个电视公益广告提出的问题、随后屏幕上展示的是:一片片干涸。龟裂的土地,一群群蓬头垢面的人们、向天空伸出干枯的双臂,翕动同样干涸龟裂的嘴唇!嗫嚅着绝望的呻吟和企盼!这景象触目惊心,如果我们再肆无忌惮地浪费水资源、也许我们中的一部分!就将“有幸”经历这想象的惨景了!我们的后代子孙。也将“拜我们所赐”,遭受贫水的困境折磨、 有一个广告说道:如果再不节约水、地球上的最后一滴水。将是我们人类的泪水。读后振聋发聩、令人如醍醐灌顶,为了我们子孙后代的未来!为了人类的繁荣昌盛,为了不让我们3015绝望的泪水成为地球上最后一滴水!让我们每一个人,从现在开始!从一点一滴做起。珍惜每一滴水?!


  I was born on 1992,so in Chinese lunar month,I was born on the year of monkey,so I'm a "monkey".Because of that,I really like a monkey sometimes. I love to do sports,my classmates said I just as smart as a monkey.I run very fast,nobody can catch me,I'm very happy about that!I'm outgoing and active,that's another point to show I like a monkey.And I'm quick mind and clever,you can see that I like to answer teachers' questions on the class. But I also have short commings.I'm careless and forgetful.I know I have to change.This is the short comming of a monkey too. Anyway,I am a good student.Remember me,a smart student who likes a monkey!、


  There was a big fire in one office building in our neighborhood at about nine4 o’clock last night. Many firemen and fire engines came. In the beginning, we saw flames with thick black smoke coming out from the sixth floor; and we also heard the explosion of the gas tank mixed with the noisy sounds from shattering windows. Soon the fire spread one by one to the floors above, and finally reach the top floor. Some aluminum window frames and some brick walls meted and collapsed from the heat. Many people like myself stood outside on the streets watching the fire in horror as we heard the sirens and gas explosions. Luckily there was no one in that office building when the fire broke out. The fire-men were unable to control the fire until the top floor was burned out; it took about one and a half hours for the firemen to put out the big fire. The next morning newspapers carried the story and pictures of the fire.!


  首先!作为曾经也为作文头痛的笔者,也和大家一样、首先就是头疼题材!   写那种老题材吧、好像不新颖,写那种新颖的吧、貌似也没什么可写。   这里纠正大家一个观点,就是不写以前写过的题材,关于题材。如果实在是想不到要8112写什么。你可以5710就写那几个老题材!例如!“送伞”,“考试失败、父母(同学)鼓励我”的题材、   虽然这些题材看起来很老、但如果你描写仔细?一样是篇佳作。   另外!就是大家可3429以写以前写过的题材、在拿到一个作文题时仔细想想?0557以前写过的XX事能不能用到这个作文里面。如果能用,接着想想。上次写的那篇。有什么不足的地方、这次可以改正!接着就可以动笔写了!这也是在不知不觉得提高自己的作文能力!你要知道!不管你把这个题材写了多少遍。但至少。在中考!高考里面,摆在阅卷老师面前的就是一篇新作文?一个从没读过的题材。、


  例文   0It is worth mentioning that the Chinese and westerners see problem indeed there are differences in many aspects, and the differences in their Chinese students, literally become the obstacle in their English writing, so that they can't speak freely, not accurate and simple to express ideas. Therefore, in the light of the problems about English writing often express several differences between English and Chinese.   One, first of all, let's focus on British and American people and the Chinese way of thinking is different, British and American people's way of thinking is linear, they followed in the phrasing textual from general (general) to concrete (specific), from the general (summarize) to, for example (exemplify), as a whole (whole) to the principle of individual (respective). Please see essay:?

英语作文 怎么处理同学之间的矛盾

  A person over a lifetime can not be isolated,and human contact is bound to be,it is necessary to live in the dealings of human beings.Contacts with people,it is not possible as all of them as your parents,let your pet,give,there is always friction,collisions,in particular,many students are now more self-consciousness,in a sense I dominated drawcircle conflict inevitable.Therefore,students can not slightly unpleasant won on may not be wronged,and students no longer contact with their own closed.Contradictions between students,often because of some life some trivial matters,and sometimes is a word,a look,a small bump,a small contact,or hearsay,or very often caused by misunderstanding.!


  I heard you the last test failed because of very depressed. In fact, this failure not so much. As the saying goes, "Failure is the mother of success", your research in the right direction, as long as the little improvement can be successful. I hope you cheer up, to continue its efforts will be successful.。


  大清早,阳光刚刚洒到茂密的森林和碧波荡漾的湖水上、忽然听见天上传来清脆的叫声:“地球妈妈已经严重缺水了、”原来是小黄鹂急急忙忙地飞过来、听到这个消息、大森林里的小动物们都很着急、大象伯伯马上召集小猴子?小兔子。小熊还有小鹿阿姨等许多小动物在湖畔召开一次紧急会议!讨论“怎样节水来帮助地球妈妈”!   会议一开始、大象伯伯用沉重的声音给大家介绍了小黄鹂带回来的消息:“因为人类对地球上水资源的浪费、造成地球妈妈已经严重缺水了、我们森林里的动物和人类是紧密相连的好朋友,大家都生活在这个唯一的地球上,我们应该帮助人类想一想怎样节约水资源、否则我们动物的世界也要面临灭亡的危险、”   小鹿阿姨首先发言:“节5962约用水应该从一点一滴的小事开始?比如:每次用水时把水龙头开到最小,这样就会省很多水,人类在这方面浪费的水太多了、”   爱动脑筋的小兔子接着说:“妈妈7289告诉我,水是可以重复利用的!人类在这一点上做得很不够?比如:他们做米饭淘米的水完全可以用来浸泡蔬菜,既节约了水,又可以去除蔬菜上残留的农药呢!这样一举两得的好事、可是有些人就是嫌麻烦!”   憨憨的小熊拍拍脑门!若有所思的说:“嗯嗯,小兔子说得很有道理哦,重复利用是最简单易行的节水办法了。我们洗脸洗手的水可以来洗脚,然后再用来冲马桶,可以省多少水呀!”   机灵的小猴子呼的一下从树上荡下来、抢着说:“洗完衣服的水可以拖地,可以冲厕,还有洗菜水可以浇花,我们要告诉小朋友们!多动动脑筋在生活中发现还有什么8239地方可以节约用水?”   这时,池塘里突然跳出来一只小青蛙!鼓着腮呱呱的说:“我一直藏在荷叶下面听你们讨论呢,我也要发言,有些小朋友喜欢玩水,都白白流走了!家里的水是饮用水、是要通过很多很多道程序过滤得来的,国家要花很多很多的钱,怎么可以拿来玩呢。他们的爸爸妈妈可以带他们去海边或河边去2202玩,这样又不会浪费家里的饮用水,还可以1991锻炼身体啊!”   刚才一直认真听大家发言的小黄鹂飞上枝头,用动听的声音说:“我觉得把天上的雨水收集起来也是可以再利用的啊,例如人类可以建造雨水窖,下雨的时候雨水流到雨水窖,然后就可以用来浇灌绿地,打扫大街等等,这样也会省去不少的水呢!”   小动物们的发言赢得了阵阵喝彩!大家一致认为通过讨论得出了很多节水的好主意!还有其他许多小动物都发表了自己对节水的建议,大象伯伯一一做了纪录!最后!大象伯伯总结了大家的节水小窍门,语重心长地说:“这些节约水资源的小窍门我会转告给我们的人类朋友们。地球只有一个。我们要开发建设地球这个美好的家园。有很多很多地方都需要用水。我们一定要从身边小事做起!要有充分的节水意识!否则地球上的最后一滴水将是我们的眼泪!”、
