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  Decrement method: when the balance shows 0.0000 in the start put the weighting bottle containing tested sample onto the scale pan, record the weight, take away the weighting bottle, pour-out tested sample with necessary amount, put the weighting bottle onto the scale pan again, and record the weight, calculate to obtain the result.、


  ● ecliptic is the ninth constellation Sagittarius, he was represented by well-known fairy tales and a half man, half horse blame. The pursuit of knowledge and new challenges, love music adventure tourism is the main characteristic of the constellation. Sagittarius is a moment of the evening in late September, near the horizon in the South can see that it is holding with the Galaxy Scorpio distant relative, for the formation of the arrows in the shape of the arch. Basically, they never warm and rest. Sagittarius sun through the date of 11/23 to 12/21, is the cold winter season, Sagittarius people like his personality than the fierce wind blowing like fast, like like Arrows by leaps and bounds.   麻烦采纳、谢谢!。


  in the Year of the Ox(出生)在牛年   例:   他是猪年出生的!(他是属猪的。)   He was born in the year of pig.、


  1.Memory"梦魇 回忆"梦魇 2.Super.King 超级王者!


  射手座的人崇尚自由、并有幽闭恐惧4930的倾向,若长久处在相同的环境中会变得相当沮丧。情感上。他害怕一种被束缚的婚姻关系!易受感动,所以很容易被朋友或同事利用。占星学上射手座的象徵是一半人半马的形体手执弓箭瞄准目标,实际上也可印证在性格当中!他喜欢一切空间广阔的户外活动!特别是骑马奔驰,此星座的人无论精神上或是实际生活中都有向未知领域探索的倾向!他们认为生命是由一连串的挑战组合而成、对任何事都充满好奇心。在成长的过程中。若发现可以狩猎之处必如满弦之箭瞄准猎物、对射手座人而言,生命过程中的理想和憧憬、比目的更为重要、射手座年轻时作风莽撞!开车喜欢超速的快感而很少顾及安全问题、有过度追求刺激的倾向!且生性乐观。甚至有盲目乐观的倾向、因此射手座从犯错中受到教训的次数较其他星座频繁?年轻时常会有不合传统的举止,但年老时。很容易忘记年轻时的莽撞而成为古板的人!虽然他终生不改崇尚个人自由的习性!但总能发挥与生俱有的智慧和潜能!很可能会涉及和哲学有观的领域,射手座容易给人喜欢户外运动胜於智力活动的印象!事实上他们是相当擅2427长思考的?非常爱好真理及正义,喜欢探讨自己所不了解的领域。语言是他们拓展见闻的工具!因而积极拓展多方面的语言能力!常会着眼於自己能力所不及的事物。将之视为简单易得的目标而全力追求、却总是在完成一件事情之前就急於从事新的计划。射5710手座的人和双子座一样,天生多才多艺、经常从事一种以上的工作。具强烈的野心!有很好的折冲能力!是相当出色的执政人才!非常适於政治生涯。经常从事多方面的脑力活动、故需要大量的运动加以和缓压力!当他们感到疲倦时!多半是因为单调无聊所致、只要换个工作就能恢复一贯的生气!必须设法纠正不安分的缺陷。否则在事业或婚姻上难有美满的结局,   Sagittarius freedom, and have the tendency, if claustrophobic fear is long in the same environment will become quite upset.Emotionally, he was afraid to a bound marriage relationship, susceptibility, so easily be friends or colleagues.Astrology Sagittarius symbol is half of a target arrow hand form, but also can confirm in character.He likes all spacious outdoor activities, particularly ride. The constellation of spiritual or whatever in real life are to explore the unknown tendency, they think life is made up of a series of challenges.To anything with curiosity, in the process of growing up, if discover the hunting can be as full string at the arrow prey. For Sagittarius, life, and the ideal process is more important than the purpose. Sagittarius when you丁......余下全文>>、


  创世战魂 Creation fighting spirit   梦舞狂澜 Dream Dance vitality   魂噬苍穹 Soul bite the sky   龙战星野 Dragon Hoshino   罪恶魔灵 Evil Daimon、




  王位的正式继承人, challenge uncle scar,不畏一切. Simba naughty, and friend nana run around all day!并回到王国, the youngGlory Wang Guoguo Wang Mu method;s death、这个年轻的王子才领悟到了他应有的责任., disoriented, deported him and Timon and pumbaa lived as xanadu!但父亲的去世曾经一度使他迷失方向.   荣耀王国国王木法沙的儿子. Until nana, father and the mage'. grasped the significance of his responsibility;s advice.、挑战叔父刀疤?直到娜娜出现, and returned to the kingdom!辛巴顽皮!喧闹,彭彭过7372着世外桃源一样的生活,整天和好友娜娜东奔西跑、被驱逐出境的他和丁满、父亲及法师拉飞1795奇的指点, not afraid of everything, noisy, the son of sand formally in succession to the throne! Once made him but his father'!


  Lnverse kiss   逆吻   解释—5579在逆境中也能经受挫折。也能有斗志、

意境唯美的英文网名 (带翻译) 最好是关于花的

  fragrance (花香)   或者florescence (绽放)   或者bloom(花开)!flourish同义、
