驴友阁 >风水知识 >周公解梦


  What this means is that we live fully, wherever we are, not hesitating because conditions are not perfect, or we might end up moving, or we haven’t found our life partner. This can be scary, because we might feel that we are giving up our cherished dreams if we do not agree to wait for them. But this notion that we have to hold back our life force now in order to find happiness later doesn’t really make sense. What might really be happening is that we are afraid to embrace this moment, and ourselves, just exactly?


  last night i had one of the most bizzare dreams ever.First,i dream   that i scored poorly on my Euclid math contest.I have done so bad to an   extent that my friend who i know didn't try at all have beaten me.I was   infuriated!Then,all of a sudden,i was on a train.A train that would   almost crash on the the tail of another train.Then i realized later that   this was a train that "wrapped" around the whole world.Astonished,i   woke up.Feeling funny and scared,i went to the washroom and started my   day.   昨晚,我做了一个非常奇怪的梦.我梦见上次的数学竞赛成绩相当的差,差得连我那个没复习的朋友都没有比过.5640我非常的生气!可是突然,我做   上了一跳火车.当我看见火车马上要撞到另一辆火车的尾巴时,我才发现这跳火车长达整个世界!惊讶之时,我醒了!我去了厕所而开始了我新的一天!   给分吧!本人10岁来加拿大,现在17了!中文还可以吧!,




  1.那照片让她想起淹死在海里的爱人,她哭了.当她走出房间时,尽管已拭去了泪水,但仍掩盖不住脸上的悲伤.(remind...of drown weep wipe sadness)   the picture reminded her of her lover who had been drawned in the sea, so she cried. when she went out of the room, she couldn't concealed the sadness though the tears were ripped.   2.多年来。这位身居墨西哥的老人日夜梦想着回到自己的祖国.(mexico day and night)   for many years, the old man who is living in mexico has been dreaming of returning to his own country day and night.   3.这位精力旺盛的诗人也没有能够找出这些词的起源.(energetic,poet origin)   the energetic poet wasn't able to find out the origin of the words neither.   4.我们又见面时、他为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望2363我能原谅他.(keep one's word apologize forgive)   when we met again, he aplogized for not keeping his word, and hoped that i could forgive him.   5.根据专家们的预测。他会荣获今年金鸡奖的最佳男演员奖(prediction award rooster)   according to the experts' prediction, he will be awarded the rooster of best actor this year.   6.很明显、他在尽力屏住呼吸.(obvious hold one's breath)   obviously, he was trying his best to hold his breath.   7.如,


  I dreamed one person last night.,


  学习英语的建议 Advice on learning English   Dear Wang Lin, I hear you have some problems in learning English. Don’t worry. Let me give you some advice.If you want to improve your listening skills, you’d better listen to the English tapes and radio programs. You can also watch the English TV programs, video tapes or films. I think they’re helpful. As for your spoken English. I think it is good to read aloud in the morning. I’m sure the more you practice listening and speaking, the better you’ll do in them. You can take part in some English activities. Such as English corner and English club. If you accept my advice, I believe you’ll make great progress in your English study.   亲爱的王麟,我听说你在学3386习英语方面有一些问题!别担心。让我给你提些建议!如果你想提高听力技能。你最好听英语磁带和广播节目、你还可以看英语电视节目,录像带或电影、我认为他们很有帮助?至于你的英语口语、我想在早晨大声朗读是好的!2024我相信你越听越听?说的越多!你就越做越好!你可以参加一些英语活动。如英语角4290和英语俱乐部?如果你接受我的建议、我相信你会在英语学习上取得很大进步、!

北京xx商贸有限责任公司 英语怎么翻译

Beijing XX Commercial and Trade Co., L订d 这是专业说法!合胃口不! !


   Miller 米勒   Mickey 米奇、


  梦见   see in a dream   希望对你有帮助   望采纳,


  你说的是现在完成时,意思是“我有做过一个梦吗、” “我是不是在做梦”是现在进行时、应当是Am I dreaming?!
