驴友阁 >风水知识 >周公解梦






  梦是潜意识所在,是大脑没有完成的东西由小脑来完成的!日有所思夜有所梦!或许是近日遇到或曾经想到的事。或许是张冠李戴,或许是移花接木;或许是书籍。影视作品的故事情节与现实生活串烧了;或许是睡姿不好、身体某部位不适!接融到类似的物品而2581出现相关的梦境!或许是梦者睡眠不好、思虑0148较多;或许是对亲朋的思念。牵挂、或许是对往事的留恋、或许对某种事物期待!幻想。担扰、纠结……   你的梦境应该是:睡眠不好,思虑较多。有些小压力、,


  梦见悬崖,生命和财产都会受到严重的威胁、   梦见站在悬崖边上、灾难会降临在自己和家人的头上!   梦见从悬崖上掉下来、生意会倒闭!   已婚女人梦见自己从悬崖上掉下来!会被丈夫看不起。   青年男女梦见从悬崖上掉下来!是不祥之兆。至交的竟会失败,   商人梦见从悬崖上跌落下来!生意会突然受到冲击。   病人梦见从悬崖上跌落下来。处境艰难,   老人梦见从悬崖上掉下来、孩子会溘然而逝。  4621 工作人员梦见掉在悬崖下、会有被解雇的危险、或被辞退、   梦见陌生人从悬崖上跌落下来。能治服自己的仇敌,但是会与自己的支持者分道扬镳!   梦见妻子从悬崖上掉下来。妻子0807会更加体贴自己,、


  您好,欢迎来到百度知道提问,根据您梦到的。百度团2123队为您解答。您的梦寓意着: 8614  这两天不适宜接受新的工作/学业任务了?除非你有信心在短时间内完成、贵重的生活用品也不适宜在近期购置!否则很快就有可能成为你的累赘了!   吉凶推测:   基础运佳。故而可以安定发展?排除万难而成功!但因成功运不吉!是以难于再伸展!或陷于不测之灾难袭来之虑,若无凶数则可免忧!亦可康健无病,【中吉】,




  The Love We Got   播放   歌手:Karina   en...en...en.en en ...en...en.en en... en ...en .en en ..en...   My heart he takes    He'll always be my baby   We may bend,Won't break   But we got no one else to take   He's the sun when my day is low   I'm his picture in front front row   His love is the center of my attention (oo oo)   See I don't know what he'd do for me   ...   That guy is my everything   ...   We argue,we fight   Then we make up by the end of the night   Don't even speak it speak it   We know what we got   And I love him, he loves me   And this is how love should be   I'm down for the love that he got that, he got   he stays down for the love that we got, that we got   I love him, he loves me   And this is how love should be   I'm down for the love that he got that, that he got   And he stays down for the love that we got, that we got   He's embebed in myspace   Everytime he speaks he blows me away   Don't care what people say   As long as hes in the same place where I lay   See I'll be as that goes   I'm his princess hes my general   And no matter what you think about love   Time won't outlast us   See yall don't know what he do for me   And I'm tellin' you hes my everything   We argue we fight   Then we make up by the end of the night   Yall don't know what we got   And I love him, he loves me   And this is how love should be   I'm down for the love that he got that, he got   And he stays down for the love that we got, that we got   I love him, he loves me   And this is how love should be   I'm down for the love that he got that, that he got   And he stays down for the love that we got, that we got   The miles I'd walk for him are infinite   I'll run circles around the world   And everyday I'm beside him feals heaven sent   And all else is irrelevant   So keep on exsuding your love on to me   And I love him, he loves me   And this is how love should be   I'm down for the love that he got that, he got   And he stays down for the love that we got, that we got   I love him, he loves me   And this is how love should be   I'm down for the love that he got that, that he got   And he stays down for the love that we got, that we got   I love him, he loves me   And this is how love should be   I'm down for the love that he got that, that he got   And he stays down for the love that we got, that we got   ...End...!






