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  第一组     Get down     I want it that way     As long as you love me     2 God is a girl 2005年德国新晋乐队Groove Coverage凭借一首Far away from home征服了全世界。富有震撼力和流行元素的音乐让你无6735法不爱上它们,更多Groove Coverage的歌曲:     Moonlight Shadow这首歌曲的钢琴前奏超级有味道哦。小编可是特别特别喜欢呢,      She     3 Never grow old如果你知道中国的王菲、那你就不得不好好听Cranberries的歌了,因为王菲的唱法可是他们的主唱小红莓哦!他们共同的特点就是:在不动声色中将一首歌演绎得如行云流水,在Zambie这首歌里你就可以感受到王菲的演唱风格、要耐心听哦,越往后越好听,     Dying in the sun     4 The day you went away这首歌不用小编再介绍了吧、M2M的8686这首歌一度红遍大街小巷!台湾的王心凌可是凭借翻唱这首歌而在演艺圈崭露头角的喔。这两个女生的歌用来练习英语听力可是非常合适呢!更多M2M的歌曲:     Pretty boy     Mirror, mirror     What you do about me     Girl in your dreams     5 Unwritten也许这首歌的名字你并不熟知。但是听听看……怎么样、熟悉吧。对了!就是林志玲做的潘婷广告的背景音乐,     6 芝华士广告歌 小编到现在也不知道这首歌的名字是什么、只是在看电视的时候!芝华士广告开始播放时!小编顿时觉得:太有味道了。相信你也会马上喜欢0588上它的,     7 Over the rainbow 这首歌被很多广告作为背景音乐!最近一直在中央3套播放的强生公益广告的背景歌曲就是出自这首歌。   3945  8 Rhythm of the rain 绿箭口香糖的广告歌。歌曲就像绿箭一样,清新而自然,     9 Casablanca经典中的经典,百听不厌。     10 Forever和Behind blue eyes这两首歌很忧伤?但却很耐人寻味,     11 My humps Black eyes peas(黑眼豆豆)他们可是杰克逊演唱会的特邀、


  I dreamed that I copied others' homework when I had difficulty/trouble with it.   I dreamed of copying others' homework when I had difficulty/trouble with it.,


  领悟   我喜欢那些山体的沟壑,它们的凹凸是我记忆的水平线和世界的交织. 我喜欢早晨坐在山沿,看这个城市的平实,看这个城市今天的青春.远处有朝霞微微的红晕泛出,映着姑娘淡漠而无知的脸. 山里的路很难走,而且要走几里才有一个商店,可我喜欢那样的感觉.它像雨一样,清爽亦或泥泞,很安全很真实,现在的这个城市反而让我心沉沉的流浪,吃力、放纵,颓废. 这个城市没有山,却有比山更大的阴影,当然,还有比阴影更广阔的阳光照耀. 我们始终要坚信,始终要学会,做一个自我的人,那种不一定真实的自我,学会带上遮不住真心的面具. 上天赋予了我生命,连带我空白的记忆,涂满我的灵魂,那里铭刻着的,都是遗忘. 宿命不会注定,但注定的,就让它静静的待在心灵的某个角落,随着时间静静的流淌,那声音会潺潺而动听. 接受不了改变的,改变不了接受的.这是微笑之神的箴言,一个没有棱角也不圆滑的事实. 我正跪拜在文字的裙角,我依恋她,她知晓我,我爱她却是真真的在面对一面独有自己的镜子. 镜子碎不了,记忆也丢不掉,权当做了一个梦,梦醒了又是烟雨的世界,泪眼朦胧. 黑暗可真是罪恶的温床?可暗夜里你温暖而又安全的哭泣却又是一种幸福. 一切,都是一场梦罢. 梦醒了又如何,擦肩而过,烟雨的世界,又是下一个轮回.!




  很难说 一般最长一个月左右 要看1526你自己的生活习惯而定、

这句话用英语怎么说: 假如不曾遇见你, 我还是那个我, 偶尔做做梦

  翻译是:   If I never met you,   I'm still that i,   Dreaming occasionally,   Then start running day after day,   Drowning in the noisy city.   In the boundless crowd walks own road,   Busy work looking for their own enrichment.   If I never met you,   I'm still that i,   I don't know,   This world there is such a you,   Only you can let the person aftertaste,   Only you can let me enchanted.   If I never meet you, I won't believe,   There is a person can never tire,   There is a kind of people feel warm.   Who can't meet, guess why?   How can I deeply understand,   What is called far, what is near,   Far distance, close to the bottom of my heart.   If I never met you,   Never thought about a distant person.   I have deep desire, wish you happy every day.   Light feelings very true, subtle greetings very pure,   Subtle longing is deep, subtle blessing is true.   Although everything can only give you unreal.   If I never met you,   I don't know myself   Have such a habit,   Collect your laughter,   Collect your feelings,   Collect everything you have.   If I never met you,   I can not deeply understand loneliness and sadness,   Have a sense of touch,   Tears surging mood.   How do I know to think of a person,   Is so bitter,   Can understand the taste of love.   If I never met you,   I will not keep a person's imagination,   Even if this imagination inevitably lonely helpless,   But I still hold on to this dream.   If I never met you,   How can I understand a person   Lonely is so profound,   But it can release self hesitation and helplessness.   Tearful vicissitudes, infinite confusion,   Because met you, will have a deeper meaning.   But why in love,   The total with a touch of sadness?   If I never meet you, I won't find,   Everything is more important than anything else.   If I never met you,   How do I know,   There is no true pure love,   Only crystal clear feelings.   How do you understand,   Time will only deepen   Love to you, nanshenanfen.   If I never met you,   How can I know the love   The true meaning of existence.   Must have the edge to dance,   Cherish today love can synchronize.   Not with you, nor with you.   If I never met you,   How to be able to comprehend,   Love only evolved into family   Can be maintained for a long time.?


  这是一句日语的中文翻译吗,     如果是的话 我估计是译者中文语序出现了问题 梦见朗读英语 才对。
