驴友阁 >风水知识 >周公解梦


  A man's character is his destiny. An inescapable truth lies at the heart of this simple yet profound truth: The quality of our lives is not determined by the happenstance of genetics or by the influence of environment; it is not measured in material possessions or in the trappings of youth; it is not dependent on personality or social acclaim. On the contrary, the intrinsic value of the lives we lead reflects the strength of a single trait: our personal character. We should take the steps to personal growth from examining our lives to taking responsibility for our actions, from discarding selfishness to embracing the greater good, from becoming a better role model for our loved ones to finding the courage to do the right thing naturally and consistently. By cultivating the habits of virtue, we will strengthen not only ourselves but, more important, our families and our world. Each and every day we are faced with scores of choices that, in subtle yet discernible ways, can either enrich or impoverish our personal character. The choices we make, and the manner in which we make them, illuminate the paths our lives will take. Our character can be our compass that leads to our destiny.。


  Last night,I had a wonderful dream.In the dream,I rode my bike in a country road.On the both sides of the road,there are many trees.And these trees all have different fruits,apples,pears,oranges,bananas and many other fruits.The fruits are ripe.I can get them on the bike.They are delicious.I eat many fruits and I am full.And then,I go back home.I tell the story to my mother,but she doesn’t believe me.Then,I woke up.,


  my dream   as is widely acknowledged,dream plays an important part in our life ,with which we make our lives meaningful. But dreams vary from person to person.some want to be teacher to educted the next generation;others prefer to be policeman or police so that they can prevent us from being harm.   As far as i' concerned,my dream is to be a person who have a good knowledge about food and nutrition .To be a people like that ,not only can I have a frast of food,but also i can help others to built up theirs bodies and keep health.At the same time,I want to realise my dream by learning hard about all knowledge on food and nutrition ant I keep my resolve to achieve my dream.!


  The Wu Xing,also known as the Five Phases,the Five Agents,the Five Movements,and the Five Steps/Stages,are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device,in many traditional Chinese fields.   It is sometimes translated as Five Elements,but the Wu Xing are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device,hence the preferred translation of "movements","phases" or "steps" over "elements".By the same token,Mu is thought of as "Tree" rather than "Wood".   The five elements are:   Wood (Chinese:木,pinyin:mù)   Fire (Chinese:火,pinyin:huǒ)   Earth (Chinese:土,pinyin:tǔ)   Metal (Chinese:金,pinyin:jīn)   Water (Chinese:水,pinyin:shuǐ)   The system of five phases was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena.It was employed as a device in many fields of early Chinese thought,including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy or Feng shui,astrology,traditional Chinese medicine,music,military strategy and martial arts.、




  Now!with the development of high-technology, we can get access to all kinds of high-tech products, such as computer, digital cameras and so on. These products make our life more convenient, we can keep in touch with family and friends any time any where.Sometimes family party, you will see the children are holding a mobile phone, play games, watch video, brush blog and so on. Our life has been changed by the high-tech, we live in a fast-pace world. Cell phone influences our life deeply, everyone owns it. While cell phone brings many dangers. First, cell hone contains radiation which hurts people’s body. Today, more and more people die of cancer, the main reason is that the high-tech products radiate their bodies, in the long run, the bodies get sick. Cell phone is one of such products, it hurts our bodies as long we use it. Second, cell phone distracts our attention about discovering the beauty of life. People pay their attention on cell phone, they count on it by reading news and making friends, being less going out. We should use cell phone properly.   现在,随着高科技的发展,我们可以获得各种各样的高科技产品,如电脑。数码相机等等?这些产品使我们的生活更方便,我们可以与家人和朋友保持联系在任何时间任何地方。高科技改变了我们的生活,我们生活在一个紧张的节奏的世界,有的时候家人聚会!都会看到孩子们都拿着手机,玩游戏的、看视频的、刷博客的等等,手机会影响我们的生活,每个人都拥有它。虽然手机带来很多危险,首先,细胞磨练包含辐射伤害人的身体。今天,越来越多的人死于癌症,高科技产品辐射的主要原因是他们的身体,从长远来看,身体生病、手机是一种这样的产品,它会伤害我们的身体,只要我们使用它?第二,手机对发现生命的美丽分散了我们的注意力、人们在手机支付他们的注意力,他们指望通过阅读新闻和交朋友,不出去、我们应该正确使用手机,、


  内蒙记游 又是一年暑假时、 这才暑假刚开头、老爸老妈就开始张罗着去哪儿玩!老妈一直向往着能到辽阔的大草原一游,而老爸崇尚古文化。则想拉我们去古都西安领略昔日繁华洛阳的今貌!我可不太喜欢西安。也不想到遥远的内蒙去、比起古都的底蕴,草原的空旷。我更喜欢江南水乡的柔情万千。所以我向爸爸提出就在杭州附近的周边城市玩玩就行。爸爸一口回绝:“水乡固然是美。但你不能老把自己锁在这儿!5990这次旅游决定了!就七月份!让你去草原。见识见识草原的大气。感受一下粗犷的魅力!也好改改你小家子的性格、” 就这样。老爸不由分说地订了票、旅游的日7576子定在7月中旬!日子一到!把我们就上了北上的火车! 内蒙古真是远。火车要坐整整36个小时,车上百般无聊、我怀着既来之则安之的想法!开始猜想草原的种种好处!是“风吹草低见牛羊”、还是“胡天八月即飞雪”,尽管来之前老爸已经一再向我保证。草原比江南要好玩得多。可是我还是持将信将疑的态度:“老爸。你说大草原真的很好玩吗、”老爸显得不耐烦地回答我:“这个个问题你已经问了不下10次了、我也懒得再重复‘草原真的很好玩’这句话、”我7451识趣地闭上了嘴, 好不容易渡过36小时单调的车上旅程,赶在我得“火车综合症”之前到了内蒙古第二大城市――包头、一下车,我不由自主地抖了三抖!江南还是40℃的日子。这儿居然跟个冷藏库似的、1201冻得我瑟瑟发抖,不过尽管牙齿都冻得打颤、我还是抑制不住好奇心的膨胀:“老爸老妈!你们说为什么这地方叫‘包头’哇,”8206老妈答不上来,直勾7459勾地望着老爸?老爸得意地笑笑:“嘿嘿、不知道了吧!这个地方风沙大,人们需2205要经常把头包起来,所以叫‘包头’嘛!”我和老妈都很怀疑这个解释的真实性,但看老爸说得如此确凿!也不好意思2681提出质疑!便点点头。哈哈了事、 下车已经很晚了、爸爸的哥们领我们在外面吃了草原特色小吃。因疲倦得不得了。回到宾馆后一沾着床就睡熟了, 第二天!我们启程前往希拉穆仁大草原?爸爸的哥们一家和我们一起去!这位叔叔很好客。言谈之间让你感觉到他的热情和对我们到来的欢迎。一路上对我们不停地介绍草原和包头:“‘包头’这两个字蒙语的意思是鹿头,这个城市之所以叫‘包头’是因为这儿原本是一座鹿城”、“啊。,,”老爸一脸尴尬。我和老妈两人“哼哼”笑着!取笑老爸:“你怎么又误导小孩子呢,”、 从包头到草原的路也不短、要足足四小时。也好、趁机我可以领略一下风光!包头城区跟我们江南水乡除温差,


  看你用的具体珐句子语境中。dream 本身可作动词用!即dream to do sth!如果用名词属性 就 have a dream 或是 make a dream?。


  1 我的梦想My Dream   Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight. Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame. I have a lot of dreams,too. When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future.However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts. So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal. I read a lot of books to get more knowledge. I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books. Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time. Now I have made great progress. Several of my research papers have been published. The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems. I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.   每个人都有很多的梦想!有些人想要有钱,梦想成为百万富翁过夜,别人想要出名,梦想着突然跳跃到很高的声誉。我有很多梦想,也是、当我还是个小女孩的时候,我梦想成为一名科学家像华Luogen,在未来的!然而,我知道得很清楚,我不可能取得成功的艰苦的努力、所以我努力学习在中学和大学为了达到了我的目标。大学毕业后,我找到了一份当老师的工作。虽然我非常忙碌和在教学过程中,我从来没有放弃我的目标。我读了很多书,获得更多的知识。1937我做了实验来练习和运用我所学过的书、有时,4629我是那么深深沉迷在我的研究,我忘了我的饭和时间,现在我有了很大的进步!我的几位研究论文发表!在我的论文中提出的方法都已经被3753证明是有价值的解决一些问题?我很高兴。梯子要成为一名科学家仍遥遥领先,但我已经爬上了第一响吧、   2 Everyone has a dream, some of them are easy to get through but some are hard. I have a dream as well, and my dream is to be a computer scientist, because my hobby is playing computer. And computer technology can make our live more easy and convenience. People can send E-mail to thier freinds instead of writting letters. Sometimes people can do shopping oline using internet. Although my dream is a bit difficult for me to get through, but i will try my best to study hard, and make my dream come ture.   每个人都有一个梦想。有些很容易实现,有些却很难、我也有一个梦想。我的梦想是成为一名计算机科学家,因为我的爱好是玩电脑。计算机技。


  In your dreams. 你做梦去吧   Not in your life,等下辈子吧!   Dream on. 做梦呢!。 想什么呢、, 比如:你想让我娶你!做梦,   你懂的、、
