驴友阁 >办公室风水 >风水禁忌


  The British general price not expensive but have a memorable gift, don't send the lilies, because it means death. Receive gifts to open presents in front of everyone.   Americans send something to send singular and exquisite packaging. They think the snails and horseshoe is mascot.   The French don't send chrysanthemum flowers, azaleas, and yellow flowers; Don't send gifts with a crane pattern; Don't send walnuts. They think that cranesis a sign of stupid and walnuts are not auspicious.   Russian people send flowers to send singular. To entertain guests with bread and salt, friendly and respect. The most taboo to send money to other people, because it means giving and insult.   The Japanese FangQinWenYou, attending banquets will bring a gift. Receive, send gift   附中文:   英国人一般送价钱不贵但有纪念意义的礼物。切记不要送百合花!因为这意味着死亡!收到礼物的人要当着众人的面打开礼物、   美国人送东西要送单数,且讲究包装!他们认为蜗牛和马蹄铁是吉祥物。   法国人送花的时候不要送菊花,杜鹃花及黄色的花!不要送带有仙鹤图案的礼物、1333也不要送核桃。他们认为仙鹤是蠢汉的标志。而核桃是不吉祥!   俄罗斯人送鲜花要送单数。用面包与盐招待贵客,9484表示友好和尊敬,最忌讳送钱给别人!因为这意味着施舍和侮辱,!

中西方节日的禁忌 英语作文加翻译

  在西方。假如13号正逢星期五。被称为“黑色星期五”,   有很多的西方人忌讳“13”!原因是。按照迷信的说法!只8815要到每月的13日这一天!12个巫婆(witch)都要举行狂欢夜会。第13个魔鬼撒旦就会在夜会高潮时出现,给人们带来灾难,因此,西方人不仅忌讳“13”日!3690也忌讳有“13”数字!典型的例子就是:西方许多楼房都没有第13层。   很多西方人也忌讳“星期五”、圣经说!上帝创造了第一个男人--亚当后!从他身上取下一根肋骨又造了一个女人-夏娃,据说、亚当是在星期五被造出来的。他和夏娃吃禁果也在星期五。他俩死的日子也是星期五,亚当和夏娃的儿子该隐也是在“黑色星期五”了他的弟弟亚伯、   传说!犹太教(Judaism)以星期五日落到星期六日落为休息日、称为安息日(Sabbath)?   英国从前常常在星期五处死罪犯、因此星期五有时也叫“绞刑日”、   正因为有上述传说!西方人就很是忌讳“13”、同时也忌讳“星期五”!要是“13日”这一天正好赶上“星期五”。则被认为更不吉利,称之为“黑色星期五”、   现在“黑色星期五”的含义好象不仅仅指13日与星期五重合的日子、很多人把“最倒霉的日子”称之为“黑色星期五”。不管这一天是不是13日、也不管这一天是不是星期五!   西方忌讳:13号之黑色星期五   分析家认为。问题不在这两个日子有什么魔法、而是忌讳这两个3619数字的人心理在作怪。以为“13日”再加上“星期五”就是是最“险恶”的日子,   不仅普通人!名人也7870惧怕“13日”和“星期五”!每当这时!歌德总是睡大觉!拿破仑绝不用兵。俾斯麦不签署任何条约,即使是不触动任何人根本利益的文件他也不愿签字、美国前总统胡佛··罗斯福也很迷信、有人还记得!每月“131086日”罗斯福都不出行?尽管并非每个13日都赶上“星期五”!   其实、并非所有“13”都是不祥之兆,有的欧洲人就很喜欢13:以色列曾被分成13部分,救世主恰恰就是13日降临的。欧洲神秘的占卜术中有许多13。比如说!有13眼天泉、13座天门!信奉上帝的人希望得到13种神药,而在古埃及、在玛雅人(印第安民族群)的心目中,13象征着上帝的青睐!有人认为13不仅不晦气,而且会给人带来运气、第一位飞越大西洋的驾驶员林德伯格前12次都以失败告终。却在第13次飞越时获得成功……   长期以来,人们为克服迷信(superstition),崇尚科!


  from the place of work or school to home. The Britsh people tend to have a big breakfast before they go to work and the meal at mid-day is not spent with the members of the family but with workmates or schoolmates. Lunch is normally eaten between 12.30 pm and 1.30pm. Most people finish work at five thirty. It often takes at least an hour to get home from the school or workplace so people tend to eat their evening meal between 6.30pm and 8pm. On Sundays people don't have to work so they take the opportunity to eat together with their family. Sunday lunch is usually the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered typically British are eaten for Sunday lunch. For example roast beef .!

春节闹社火的英语作文 急需!!! 谢谢!

  New Year's Eve is real buzz. Families rush to do New Year's dinner, wine and meat is full of flavor. Men and women are wearing new clothes, the door labeled red couplets, posted good house colored paintings. New Year's Eve every family lights the night, and not intermittent, firecrackers, day and night without a break. A lot of people outside, unless a last resort, must get home to eat reunion dinner. That night, in addition to small children, no one sleep, should stay up.   First day of New Year's Eve with different circumstances: shop are on the board, set off firecrackers last night piled in front of cardboard, the whole city was at rest.   The men in the morning to relatives, friends home New Year. Women at home to receive guests. Many temple festivals held outside the city, outside the temple stall hawkers selling tea, food and toys. Children are particularly fond of visiting the temple, in order to have a chance to look at the scenery and wildlife outside, you can ride a donkey, but also buy the toys unique New Year. Horse racing, as well as camel racing in the temple. These games are not to fight anyone who first second, but in front of an audience for a better attitude and skill skilled performance horses, camels and the rider.   Most shop opened in the sixth month, but not too busy, the guys in the shop can also turn teach temple, visiting the bridge and listen to opera.   Lantern listing, the Spring Festival and a climax to. Fifteenth, everywhere decorated, the whole street like a wedding, prosperous and beautiful. Famous old shop have hung out a few hundred light years, Gexinggese, is always some glass, some invariably horns, and some are Shadeng, some painted all All "Dream of Red Mansions", or "Water Margin "story. This year is also a kind of advertising. Hanging from a lamp, anyone can enter the shop to visit. Candle lights at night on the mid-point, the audience even more.   Young children to buy all kinds of fireworks set off, if not go to the street naug!

英语作文 怎么处理同学之间的矛盾

  A person over a lifetime can not be isolated,and human contact is bound to be,it is necessary to live in the dealings of human beings.Contacts with people,it is not possible as all of them as your parents,let your pet,give,there is always friction,collisions,in particular,many students are now more self-consciousness,in a sense I dominated drawcircle conflict inevitable.Therefore,students can not slightly unpleasant won on may not be wronged,and students no longer contact with their own closed.Contradictions between students,often because of some life some trivial matters,and sometimes is a word,a look,a small bump,a small contact,or hearsay,or very often caused by misunderstanding.!


  蚩尤!   因为中国神华里的神仙!没有什么太坏的人!阎王爷在中3254国神话里也只是个小龙套。不比散旦在西方人心中的地位!   2194因为文化的关系?只要本土神话里,历害的神。都是正面的!反面的、历害点的,也只有和黄帝打过的蚩尤了,,


  I was born on 1992,so in Chinese lunar month,I was born on the year of monkey,so I'm a "monkey".Because of that,I really like a monkey sometimes. I love to do sports,my classmates said I just as smart as a monkey.I run very fast,nobody can catch me,I'm very happy about that!I'm outgoing and active,that's another point to show I like a monkey.And I'm quick mind and clever,you can see that I like to answer teachers' questions on the class. But I also have short commings.I'm careless and forgetful.I know I have to change.This is the short comming of a monkey too. Anyway,I am a good student.Remember me,a smart student who likes a monkey!,


  The fire hazard at homeThere used be a fire hazard in my house several years ago.It was because the stove fire lost control,with lots of fire went around the house.The sheets,the clothes,the furniture all caught fire.Everything that were in the fire,it was terrible.We had to do something to stop it.We went out with wet towel cover the face to get some walter to fight the fire.with barrels of water pourred onto the fire,the fire ended finally.!


  The importance of learning basic skills In the face of various and complicated requirements of employment market,some students begin to question the significance of learning basic knowledge and skills,just as what is exposed in the cartoon above.However,it is absolutely wrong to hold that idea.Owing to the fact that we are living in a competitive society,the development of our society demands that we arm ourselves with basic skills and up-to-date knowledge so as to keep up with the pace of our society.An investigation shows that millions of people spend time and energy grasping skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market or enhance their opportunities.While focusing on creativity,innovation,management and leadership skills,we should never forget the fundamental importance of the more basic,essential skills.It is universally known that opportunity is important,but you could do nothing with it if you are not equipped with competitive forces,such basic reading and calculating skills,to seize it.!


  【作文】   There are many happy memories in my mind. But for me, the most unforgetable time is that my father and I went climbing the mountain last summer. I still remember that day I got a worse grades from my final exam. I felt hurt and didn't know how to go on my study. It was my father who asked me to climb the mountain with him. On our way , he told me never give up climbing and also cheered me up with his plain words. I was touched by his love. I got to know, life is like climbing a mountain. Maybe there were ups and downs, but if you never give up, you can always get to the top. I really benefited a lot from mountain climbing.   【翻译】   有许多美好的回忆在脑海里!但对我来说!最难忘的一次是、我的父亲和我去爬山!去年夏天、我还记得那天我得到了一个糟糕的成绩从我的期末考试。我感到伤害。不知道怎么去我的书房!这是我的父亲是谁问我去爬山了他,在我们的路上。他告诉我、永不放弃登山、也鼓舞了我与他平淡的话,我很感动!他的爱,我才知道。人生就7196像爬山。也许有跌宕起伏,但如果你从未放弃、你总是可以得到顶端,我这次登山真的受2190益匪浅,,
