驴友阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  他有一个水瓶He has a water bottle.!


  My name is HuangXia   My name is+姓名(用拼音。首字母大写)   单词解析:   1。my 读音:英 [maɪ]   美 [maɪ]   adj.我的(I的所有格形式)  int.啊呀;天啊   2,name 读音:英 [neɪm]   美 [nem]   n.名字;名声;有…名称的;著名的人物   vt.确定;决定;给…取名;说出…的名字  adj.著名的;据以取名   第三人称单数: names 复数: names 现在分词: naming 过去式: named 过去分词: named   !


  若是复姓。则名在前!复姓在后, 如 欧阳奋强——Fengqiang Ouyang   若是个性的那种!如父姓加母姓!再加名字!如 王梁美泽——Liangmeize Wong   希望楼主满意我的答复~~。


  如下。有些小区别   destiny:命运!天命   fate:指命中注定的祸福   furtune:指运气、机会!偏向好的方面   lot:由偶然因素引起的命运、


  汽车贸易有限公司 autombile trading company ltd,诚创的话一般用拼音!或者是找个英文好的创一个英文谐音!

用英文写复活节人们常常做什么?吃什么?心情怎么样? 5分

  Jesus crucified upon a cross, the third day Easter holiday was born. Easter Festival with religious origins to countries in Europe and the United States, Easter is a major holiday after Christmas. According to the "Bible Gospel According to Matthew" argument in the cross of Jesus Christ three days after the revival of torture, and thus the establishment of this section. According to the Western church tradition, the Spring equinox festival (March 21) or a full day to see the first month after the Spring equinox, the first encounter is Easter Sunday. Eastern Church provides that if one happens to appear in this first Sunday, Easter again postponed a week. Therefore, generally in a section between March 22 and April 25 . On the death of Jesus Christ, according to the Christian creed is to change the world of crime. Thus, in Christianity, Easter is of great significance. However, and Christmas, along with social progress, Easter religious overtones increasingly weak, as a folk festival features are becoming increasingly evident.、


  Snacks around或者 来个“ling shi you yue ”也可以,,。通俗易懂。!


  1) 第一选择汉语拼音: 儒盟文=Ru Meng Wen Industrial Co. Ltd.     2) 第二选择英文字: (例) Romanwing; Roamingwain; Metalman (与产品有关)...   例=SHANGHAI METALMAN INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD.。


Shanshan ,


  我属猪   i am pig     我属鼠   I belong to the mouse,
