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  Aries白羊座(3/21~4/20)     Taurus揣牛座(4/21~5/21)     Gemini双子座(5/22~6/21)     Cancer巨蟹座(6/22~7/22)     Leo狮子座(7/23~8/23)     Virgo处女座(8/24~9/22)     Libra天秤座(9/23~10/23)     Scorpio天蝎座(10/24~11/22)     Sagittarius射手座(11/23~12/21)     Capricorn摩羯座(12/22~1/20)     Aquarius宝瓶座(1/21~2/18)     Pisces双鱼座(2/19~3/20)?

水瓶座用英语怎么说 20分

  星座名称:水瓶座   英文名:Aquarius   星座属性:风象星座   出生时间:1月20日-2月18日   水瓶座(拉丁语:Aquarius!天文符号:)黄道带星座之一?面积979激85平方度、占全天面积的2.375%,   【英语牛人团】请采纳,


  屎盆   Shit Basin   尿盆   Urinal!


  you're my destiny、


  与命运抗争可以用: 4901  1,Struggling against fate   例句:   所谓的“与命运抗争”,就是这个意思、   This is just it what is so-called"Struggling against fate" .   2? fight against destiny   探讨了两代人与命运抗争的主题、   Explores the theme that two generations fight against destiny.   3!fight against fates   这些人物的共同点是在逆境中不畏艰难,敢于与命运抗争?   Their common point is that they are not afraid of difficulties and dare to fight againsttheir fates in the most unfavorable conditions.。


  lucky 英[ˈlʌki] 美[ˈlʌki]   adj. 运气好的。侥幸的; 兆头好的、吉祥的; 〈俚〉难得; 很恰当的;   [例句]I am luckier than most. I have a job   我比大部分人幸运、我有份工作,   [其他] 比较级:luckier 最高级:luckiest!

做梦 英语怎么说 dreaming、?

  做梦:   1. dream   2. have a dream   Examples:   1. 她生病期间因发烧而做梦、   During her illness she had feverish dreams.   2. 那麽说你想加薪?做梦去吧。   So you want a rise? Dream on!   3. 我从未答应过把汽车借给你: 你是在做梦吧!   I never promised to lend you my car: you must be dreaming!   4. 她说她从来不做梦.   She claims she never dreams.   5. 是真的还是我当时在做梦?   Was it real or did I dream it?!


  water shortage   例句:He thought it was due to a water shortage so he applied more water, only making things worse.   他想是缺水所致。于是多浇了水?结果反而更糟,!

一月末或二月初 用英语怎么说

  At the ends of January,at the beginning of February!


  新生活翻译成英文是:new life双语例句:HehasbecomeusedtothenewlifeinLondon.他已经习惯了伦敦的新生活!新起点有以下几种英5343文译法:   1?new start双语例句:Anewstartinvolvesanewhope,whileanewjourneygivesanewmission.新起点蕴含新希望,新征途赋予新使命。2、newbeginning双语例句:Thiswillbeanewbeginningforus.这将是我们的一9393个新起点!3!new departure双语例句:Thediscoveryofthenuclearfissionisanewdepartureinphysic.核分子分裂的发现是物理学上的一个新起点,4!a new starting point双语例句:Ahappymarriageisanewbeginningoflife,anewstartingpointfor happinessandusefulness.美满姻缘是人生的新开端?是幸福和有益的新起点,   新起点的英文是new start。   解释:   new 英[nju:] 美[nu:]   adj. 新的,崭新的; 新鲜的!新到的; 现代的; 初次(听到)的;   adv. 新近!最近;   [例句]They've just opened a new hotel in the Stoke area   他们刚在斯托克地区开了一家新宾馆!   start 英[stɑ:t] 0143美[stɑ:rt]   n. 开始; 动身; 开动; 起点;   vt. 出发,启程;   vt. 起动; 提出(问题); 开办; 使开始;   [例句]John then unlocked the front door and I started to follow him up the stairs   约翰接着打开前门?我开始跟他上楼!,
