驴友阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字

金牛座适合什么英文歌 5分



  Fields of Gold 金色麦田,自然之美   Fields of Gold   You'll remember me when the west wind moves   Upon the fields of barley1   You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky   As we walk in fields of gold   当西风拂过麦田   我会在你的记忆中浮现   漫步于金色的原野   你会忘记嫉妒的太阳和云天   So she took her love for to gaze awhile   Upon the fields of barley   In his arms she fell as her hair came down   Among the fields of gold   带上她的至爱   凝望这片金色的麦田   倾倒在他的臂弯   发丝在原野中飘散   Will you stay with me, will you be my love   Among the fields of barley?   We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky   As we lie in fields of gold   你可愿意停留、为我所爱   在这金色的原野间。   躺在它的怀抱   我们会忘记嫉妒的太阳和云天   See the west wind move like a lover so   Upon the fields of barley   Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth   Among the fields of gold   看那西风拂过麦田   如情人般走近又走远   吻她。感受她身体浮起在   这金色的原野间   I never made promises lightly   And there have been some that I've broken   But I swear in the days still left   We'll walk in fields of gold   We'll walk in fields of gold   我不会轻易许愿   我也曾打破诺言   然而这一次我发誓   让我们在金色的原野里   度过有生之年   Many years have passed since those summer days   Among the fields of barley   See the children run as the sun goes down   Among the fields of gold   那些夏日逝去   时光一去不返   看那金色的原野里   孩子嬉闹奔跑在落日前   You'll remember me when the west wind moves   Upon the fields of barley   You can tell the sun in his jealous sky   When we walked in fields of gold   When we walked in fields of gold   When we walked in fields of gold   当西风拂过麦田   我会在你记忆中浮现   你可告诉嫉妒的太阳   我们曾如何漫步在   这金色的原野间   这金色的原野间、


  Pray GodYou can copeI stand outsideThis woman's workThis woman's worldOh, it's hard on the manNow his part is overNow starts the craftOf the fatherI know you have a little life in you yetI know you have a lot of strength leftI know you have a little life in you yetI know you have a lot of strength leftI should be crying but I just can't let it showI should be hoping but I can't stop thinkingOf all the things I should've said that I never saidAll the things we should've done that we never didAll the things I should've given but I didn'tOh, my darling make it goMake it go awayGive me these moments backGive them back to meGive me that little kissGive me your handI know you have a little life in you yetI know you have a lot of strength leftI know you have a little life in you yetI know you have a lot of strength leftI should be crying but I just can't let it showI should be hoping but I can't stop thinkingOh, of all the things we should've said that we never saidAll the things we should've done that we never didAll the things that you needed from meAll the things that you wanted for meAll the things that I should've done but I didn'tOh, darling make it goMake it go away nowThis Woman's Work - Greg Laswell!


  nothing Josiah Graves said would induce him to remove the!


  The last that ever she saw him   她最后一次看到他时候   Carried away by a moonlight shadow   因为月夜光影而悸动   He passed on worried and warning   他表现出忧虑和警告   Carried away by a moonlight shadow.   因为月夜光影而悸动   Lost in a river last saturday night   消失在上个星期六晚上   Far away on the other side.   就在河远远的另一岸   He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight   他在一次激烈的对决中被抓走   And she couldn't find how to push through   她想不到什麼方法解救他   The trees that whisper in the evening   夜晚树林低语   Carried away by a moonlight shadow   因为月夜光影而悸动   Sing a song of sorrow and grieving   唱著哀伤苦恼之歌   Carried away by a moonlight shadow   因为月夜光影而悸动   All she saw was a silhouette of a gun   她只目睹那把枪的影子   Far away on the other side.   就在河远远的另一岸   He was shot six times by a man on the run   一个边跑边开枪的男人 射了他六枪   And she couldn't find how to push through   她想不到什麼方法解救他   I stay   我留在原地   I pray   祷告   I see you in heaven far away   能在天堂遇见你   I stay   我站著不动   I pray   祷告   I see you in heaven far away   能在天堂遇见你   Four am in the morning   早上四点时   Carried away by a moonlight shadow   因为月夜光影而悸动   I watched your vision forming   我看到你模糊的身影在我面前显现   Carried away by a moonlight shadow   因为月夜光影而悸动   Star was light in a silvery night   在银色的夜晚中 星星像灯光般   Far away on the other side   就在河远远的另一岸   Will you come to talk to me this night   今晚你会来和我说话吗?   But she couldn't find how to push through   她想不到什麼方法才能   I stay   我留在原地   I pray   祷告   I see you in heaven far away   能在天堂遇见你   I stay   我留在原地   I pray   祷告   I see you in heaven far away   能在天堂遇见你   Far away on the other side.   就在河远远的另一岸   Caught in the middle of a hundred and five   他在一场战争中被抓走   The night was heavy but the air was alive   那晚气氛凝重 可是却又鲜明   But she couldn't find how to push through   她想不到什麼方法解救他   Carried away by a moonlight shadow   因为月夜光影而悸动   Carried away by a moonlight shadow   因为月夜光影而悸动   Far away on the other side.   就在河远远的另一岸   这首歌最初由英国作曲家Mike Oldfield创作!据说是纪念被枪杀的披头士主唱John Lennon, 作曲家本人的性8480格就很忧郁?如同这支曲子!   thedayyouwentaway   Well I wonder could it be ? 哦,我想知道,这是真的吗,   When I was dreaming about you baby. 当我梦到你的时候   You were dreaming of me. 你的梦中也有我吗   Call me crazy. 有人说我疯狂   Call me blind. 有人说我盲目   To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time. 已经过去了这么长时候还如此的全心是多么蠢   Did I lose my love to someone better. 我该将属于我的爱给她吗   And does she love you like I do. 她会像我那样爱你吗   I do,you know I really really do. 是的,你知道我真的真的很爱你   Well hey. 是的   So much I need to say. 我多么想告诉你   Been lonely since the day. 从那一天起我是多么的孤独   The day you went away. 你离去的那一天   So sad but true. 我是真的很难过   For me there's only you. 你是我的唯一   Been crying since the day. 从那一天起我就一直在哭泣   The day you went away. 你离去的那一天   I remember date & time. 我记得那一天那一刻   September twenty second Sunday twenty five after nine. 九月的一个星期天九点二十五分二十秒   In the doorway with your case. 在你离开的门前   No longer shouting at each other. 我们不再争吵   There were tears on our faces. 泪水挂在我们的脸上   And we were letting go of something special. 我们因为特殊的事而分手   Something we'll never have again. 那些事在我们之间再也不会发生了   I know,I guess I really really know. 我明白,我想,


  (1)在古希腊时代,海神波塞顿的儿子奥立安是位有名的斗士,不仅是美少年,而且体格强壮,所以相当有女人缘.他本人也相当自豪,还曾大言不惭地公告天下世界上没有比之更棒的人!   赫拉女神听到后相当不悦,乃派出一只勇敢的天蝎去抓奥立安并放逐到原来的地方.天蝎悄无声息地溜到毫不知情的奥立安身边,以毒针刺向其脚后跟,奥立安根本来不及反应,就已气绝身亡.天蝎也因此殊勋成了天上的星座.即使现在,只要天蝎座从东方升起,奥立安座(猎户座)就赶紧向西方地平线隐藏沉没.   (2)太阳神阿波罗的儿子--巴野顿。天生美丽而性感?他自己也因此感到自负,态度总是傲慢而无礼,太过好强的个性常使他无意间得罪了不少人。有一天。有个人告诉巴野顿说:“你并非太阳神的儿子,”说完大笑扬长而去,好强的巴野顿怎能吞得下这口气、于是便问自7732己的母亲:“我到底是不是阿波罗的儿子呢、”但是不管母亲如何再三保证他的确就是阿波罗所生,巴野顿仍然不相信他的母亲!于是说:“取笑你的人是宙斯的儿子,地位很高、如果仍然不相信、那么去问太阳神阿波罗自己吧,”   阿波罗听了自己儿子的疑问!笑着说:“别听他们胡说!你当然是我的儿子。”   巴野顿仍执意不信、其实他当然知道太阳神从不说慌!可是他却另有目的--要求驾驶父亲的太阳车、以证明自己就是阿波罗的儿子、“这怎么行!”阿波罗大惊。太阳是万物生息6012的主宰,一不小心就会酿巨祸。但拗不过巴野顿!阿波罗正说明着如何在一定轨道驾驶太阳车时、巴野顿心高气傲,听都没听立刻跳上了车!疾驰而去!   结果当然很惨!地上的人们、动物。植物不是热死就是冻死,也乱了时间,弄6532得天错地暗,怨声载道、众神们为了遏止巴野顿,由天后希拉放出一支毒蝎!咬住了巴野顿的脚踝、而宙斯则用可怕的雷霆闪电击中了巴野顿!只见他惨3685叫一声堕落到地面!死了!   人间又恢复了宁静。为了纪念那支也被闪电击毙的毒蝎,这个星座就被命名为“0323天蝎座”,    (3)天后朱娜命天蝎从阴暗的地底爬出来、攻击欧立安(orion,戴安娜所钟情的猎人!后化为猎户星座)!另外一次!天8617蝎施放毒气攻击正驾着太阳神马车经过的菲顿!而使丘比特有机会发射雷电!将奔跑中的太阳车击毁,!


  Dance With My Father   和父亲一起跳舞   Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocence   回到童年时光!在生活远离天真之前   My father would lift me high and dance with my mother and me and then   父亲将我高高举起、与母亲一起跳舞   Spin me around ‘til I fell asleep  1556 围绕我旋转?直到我入眠   Then up the stairs he would carry me   走到楼梯时。父亲将我抱起   And I knew for sure I was loved   让我知道我被父亲深深爱着   If I could get another chance,   如果再有一次机会   Another walk, another dance with him,   再一次与父散步!与父共舞   I'd play a song that would never ever end   我会选一支没有结尾的歌曲   How I'd love love love(zuochamo)...   我多么喜欢   To dance with my father again.   与父亲再一次起舞   When I and my mother would disagree   当我和母亲意见分歧   To get my way, I would run from her to him   就会逃离母亲!跑向父亲   He’d make me laugh just to comfort me   他让我欢笑,给我安慰   Then finally make me do just what my mama said   最后让我按母亲所说的去做   Later that night when I was asleep   深夜当我已入睡   He left a dollar under my sheet   他会在我床边留下一美元   Never dreamed that he would be gone from me   却从没想到父亲会离开我   If I could steal one final glance, one final step, one final dance with him   如果我能偷走最后的一瞥。最后一舞步。最后与父亲的一支舞   I’d play a song that would never, ever end   我会选一支没有结尾的歌曲   ‘Cause I’d love, love, love   因为我多么的喜欢   To dance with my father again   再一次与父共舞   Sometimes I’d listen outside her door   多少次我在母亲门外倾听   And I’d hear how my mother cried for him   让我听到母亲如何为他哭泣   I pray for her even more than me   我为她祈祷胜过为自己   I pray for her even more than me   我为她祈祷胜过为自己   I know I’m praying for much too much   我知道我祈祷的太多。已到过分   But could you send back the only man she loved   但是你能不能把她深爱的男人送回来   I know you don’t do it usually   我知道你(god)通常不会做   But dear Lord she’s dying   但亲爱的上帝,她正在逝去!,   To dance with my father again   请再一次的,让她与父亲起舞   Every night I fall asleep and this is all I ever dream   (如今)每夜入睡,再与你们梦中相见。梦中起舞、

英文翻译歌词是 :当我是个女孩时,我问妈妈什么是爱~当我结婚后,我~这到底是什么英文歌?很有感

  是这个么!,   《Whatever will Be, will Be》   When I was just a little girl,   I asked my mother,   "What will I be?   Will I be pretty?   Will I be rich?"   Here's what she said to me:   "Que sera, sera,   Whatever will be, will be;   The future's not ours to see.   Que sera, sera,   What will be, will be."   When I grew up and fell in love.   I asked my sweetheart,   "What lies ahead?   Will we have rainbows   Day after day?"   Here's what my sweetheart said:   "Que sera, sera,   Whatever will be, will be;   The future's not ours to see.   Que sera, sera,   What will be, will be."   Now I have Children of my own.   They ask their mother,   "What will I be?"   Will I be handsome?   Will I be rich?"   I tell them tenderly:   "Que sera, sera,   Whatever will be, will be;   The future's not ours to see.   Que sera, sera,   What will be, will be.   Que Sera, Sera!"   歌词大意:   当我还是个小女孩!   我问妈妈。   “将来我会变成什么样子呢!   会漂亮吗。   会富有吗、”   她对我说:   “世事不可强求   顺其自然吧,   我们不能预见未来。   世事1275不可强求。顺其自然吧,”   当我长大了,恋爱了!   我问我的心上人,   “我们将来会怎么样呢。   我们的生活每天都会美好吗!”   我的爱人对我说:   “世事不可强求   顺其自然吧!   我们不能预见未来,   世事不可强求   顺其自然吧,”   现在我有了自己的孩子!   他们问我!   “将来我会4434变成什么样子呢!会英俊吗,会富有吗!”   我轻声地回答:  6739 “世事不可强求   顺其自然吧。   我们不能预见未来、   世事不可强求   顺其自然吧。”、


GOOD BOY -GD X TAEYANG 跟Sugar - Maroon 5。 、,


  booty music,中文名扭臀之歌,由Deep Side歌手演唱,属于R&B类歌曲,于2008年5月发行。   [ti:Booty Music]   [ar:Deepside]   [al:R&B]   [00:00.00]Booty Music   [00:02.00]Deepside   [00:16.42]When the beat going like that (boom boom)   [00:18.39]Girl, I wanna put you up in my room   [00:20.38]I wanna put you up against that wall   [00:22.39]Throw you on the bed and take your clothes off (clothes off)   [00:24.70]Everybody don't like it slow (it slow)   [00:26.71]Consider me one of them folk   [00:28.40]Let's get to it (get to it)   [00:29.91]Do it (do it)   [00:30.93]Get to it (get to it)   [00:32.02]Get to it   [00:32.71]Kinda crunk and I'm off this scene   [00:34.36]A look back and that's my shit   [00:36.39]Once I had a shot of that good Petrone   [00:38.41]I'm all in my boxers like Bobby Jones   [00:40.72]Everybody don't like it slow (it slow)   [00:42.73]Consider me one of them folk   [00:44.41]And let's do it (do it)   [00:45.92]Do it (do it)   [00:46.63]Let's do it (do it)   [00:47.72]Let's do it   [00:48.73]Baby, that's the way I like it (hey)   [00:50.89]That's the way you like it (hey)   [00:52.89]That's the way we like it   [00:54.39]Making love to booty music   [00:56.76]Go Leo! It's your birthday (hey)   [00:58.63]Go Virgo! It's your birthday (hey)   [01:00.63]Go Pisces! It's your birthday   [01:02.40]Making love to booty music   [01:04.56]I feel it all in my bones   [01:06.42]Tryna keep up with that tempo   [01:08.50]Make it all night till your back gets sore   [01:10.42]Till we just can take it no......余下全文>>。
