驴友阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字


  MC.....我记得星月神话也是一直啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊的- -虽然不是英文歌、但是我相信以楼主的睿智。完全可以来个改编版9349的DJ版星月神话~~希望楼主能够采纳我的答案?谢谢哒~。


  一首很重口味的歌曲【booty music】——歌手deep side、


  Fields of Gold 金色麦田,自然之美   Fields of Gold   You'll remember me when the west wind moves   Upon the fields of barley1   You'll forget the sun in his jealous sky   As we walk in fields of gold   当西风拂过麦田   我会在你的记忆中浮现   漫步于金色的原野   你会忘记嫉妒的太阳和云天   So she took her love for to gaze awhile   Upon the fields of barley   In his arms she fell as her hair came down   Among the fields of gold   带上她的至爱   凝望这片金色的麦田   倾倒在他的臂弯   发丝在原野中飘散   Will you stay with me, will you be my love   Among the fields of barley?   We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky   As we lie in fields of gold   你可愿意停留!为我所爱   在这金色的原野间!   躺在它的怀抱   我们会忘记嫉妒的太阳和云天   See the west wind move like a lover so   Upon the fields of barley   Feel her body rise when you kiss her mouth   Among the fields of gold   看那西风拂过麦田   如情人般走近又走远   吻她、感受她身体浮起在   这金色的原野间   I never made promises lightly   And there have been some that I've broken   But I swear in the days still left   We'll walk in fields of gold   We'll walk in fields of gold   我不会轻易许愿   我也曾打破诺言   然而这一次我发誓   让我们在金色的原野里   度过有生之年   Many years have passed since those summer days   Among the fields of barley   See the children run as the sun goes down   Among the fields of gold   那些夏日逝去   时光一去不返   看那金色的原野里   孩子嬉闹奔跑在落日前   You'll remember me when the west wind moves   Upon the fields of barley   You can tell the sun in his jealous sky   When we walked in fields of gold   When we walked in fields of gold   When we walked in fields of gold   当西风拂过麦田   我会在你记忆中浮现   你可告诉嫉妒的太阳   我们曾如何漫步在   这金色的原野间   这金色的原野间,


  Let Me Go(feat. Chad Kroeger) - Avril Lavigne   .   Love that once hung on the wall   Used to mean something, but now it means nothing   The echoes are gone in the hall   But I still remember, the pain of december   .   Oh, there isn't one thing left you could say   I'm sorry it's too late   .   I'm breaking free from these memories   Gotta let it go, just let it go   I've said goodbye   Set it all on fire   Gotta let it go, just let it go   .   You came back to find I was gone   And that place is empty, like the hole that was left in me   Like we were nothing at all   It's not that you meant to me   Thought we were meant to be   .   Oh, there isn't one thing left you could say   I'm sorry it's too late   .   I'm breaking free from these memories   Gotta let it go, just let it go   I've said goodbye   Set it all on fire   Gotta let it go, just let it go   .   I let it go, and now I know   A brand new life, this tale is rude   Where it's right, you always know   So this time, I won't let go   .   There's only one thing left here to say   Love's never too late   .   I've broken free from these memories   I've let it go, I've let it go   And two goodbyes, lend you this new life   Don't let me go, don't let me go   .   Don't let me go, don't let me go, don't let me go   .   Won't let you go, don't let me go   Won't let you go, don't let me go   .。


  《Take my breath away》- Glee Cast?

姐姐 救我 的英文歌叫什么

  Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi only mimi   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi sexy me   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi only mimi   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi Sexy me   Mimimi   Hush now!   I can, motherocker give u complete bliss!   I got your "Wow wow!"   Look at my bottom, give it a kiss   I am so super pupper drupper,   I'm the front girl in round!   I am so cool with my fashion pink lips   Stacking money rolls down   All the boys say: "Wow wow!"   Girls in the back same: "Wow wow!"   Enter the party,   Call me dandy candy cause I'm high, high!   I am so super pupper drupper,   I'm the front girl in round!   I am so cool with my awesome big tits   On the ground!   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi only mimi   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi Sexy me   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi only mimi   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi Sexy me   Yo yo   I pull up in Lamba!   I pull up in my Louboutin!   I pull up phone in my hand and ice on my bracelet and all I've got   I am so super pupper drupper   I'm the front girl in round   I am so cool with my sexy bad hips   When I am walking down   All the boys say: "Wow wow!"   Girls in the back same: "Wow wow!"   Enter the party,   Call me dandy candy cause I'm high, high!   I am so super pupper drupper,   I'm the front girl in round!   I am so cool with my awesome big tits   On the ground!   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi only mimi   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi Sexy me   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi only mimi   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi Sexy me   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi only mimi   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi Sexy me   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi only mimi   Mimimimimimimi   Mimimi Sexy me?

求一首跟12星座有关的英文歌 随便哪个星座都行 谢谢


命运化妆师mv播放时间只有4分钟56秒的英文歌叫什么 感觉蛮好听的,知道的帮帮忙告诉一下啊

  Should It Matter - Sissel     试听:[?


  导读:性格潜质会因环境有所变化,良好的生活习惯有助于改造性格缺陷。实现理6024想人生,   天蝎座:性格高雅,曲高合寡!缺乏亲和力!有实力而不善逢迎、目光敏锐、孤独!被世界异化!   天蝎,生于秋深。性喜静、意清幽,爱之切!怨亦深、本质轻名利。但拥有成名得利的天赋!   偏重灵与肉的完美结合,直觉力之准之锐、行动力之潇洒之特,常令徒有虚表之人忌愤不已!天蝎、一个别具一格的星座、格调分明有别常人。心胸高妙不露于表。常容人难容之事、亦笑人可笑之处。       对于朋友、重质不重量。高度要求知心,宁可孤独!也不违心。对于爱情。宁缺毋滥!宁可抱憾终生,也不苟且凑合!风流不羁的言行下、执着追求一种宗教意识的爱情信仰、内心7121具有高度责任性!忠诚性。自律性以及矛盾性!浪漫儒雅,风趣超脱,拥有奇异诱人的容貌气质、根本上!提倡由爱生性的性爱模式。鄙视纯粹的兽性性行为。但!自己却又常在意志薄弱时,自虐般地沉溺其间。       天蝎大多恩怨分明。黑白绝不混肴!犹如包公、宁可得罪众官。也要奖惩公道,多思少言的特质,齐全透彻的智慧。使一切真相假面恐慌不已。因此,本质静默孤僻的天蝎们极易招惹他人的非难和灌上莫须有的罪名、而其强硬又柔弱的本质,常使其背负黑锅也不辩护!不低头!典型的“独当千古错!冷漠自逍遥”的天蝎风格!只5682有在忍无可忍时。天蝎才会真正采取报复行为!可也因其很多时候过于忍辱负重,好比老实人发火、报复也就更显突兀强劲!反令圆滑的小人真正的祸首们恼羞成怒,借机大肆渲染!由于天蝎5922有隐忍为善的一面,更有别致的独特气质。从而也导致了天蝎倍受他人嫉妒却常被反咬一口的现象出现、也因为典型的天蝎,并不9517擅长疏通改善人际关系!7459更不善于有效地表达澄清自己,从而成为了十二星座里最具争议的一个星座!       天蝎们拥有天赋般灵性的思维。结合现实的洞察,产生了异于常人的思索角度!爱情观。友情观。人生观,皆如此,由于意识超常,天蝎们总是:苦于红尘无知音、不如隐形爱孤独,天蝎的确就是这样极端:不是最另类的现代人、就是最9653另类的原始人、       人们研究天蝎的误区在于没有能力到达天蝎的心理根本。   其实!天蝎们一生都在寻求知心的朋友。同时他们也容1332忍对手的存在!但、并非制造敌人。要知道、天蝎本性不好战!但具备战斗的智慧和能量。请注意:这是关键、所以你可以成为天蝎的对手和朋友!但!不要把天蝎当敌人、因为,天蝎从不主动侵犯他人的利益。你也不要做些低层次的敌对事情?那只能显得你自己无聊挫败,比如:如果你煽动众人,想用流言蜚谣打击算计!甚至孤立天蝎,那么不久你就会发现天蝎依旧活得很洒脱。很独特、因为,他们本来没有把你当敌人、某种意义上,是你自己“自作多情”、以小人之心度君子之腹了?而这种俗不可耐的敌对伎俩、对于天蝎们来说!无疑是一堆可笑差劲的破招、天蝎生性渴望理解,却不奢求理解。安于孤独。更能乐于孤独!天蝎的优势在于。对于别有用心的人、能够一眼看穿、并完全做到视若无睹、也许!当你自鸣得意时!天蝎想的正是不和这头牲口一般见识,看、天蝎就是这样的心态!清高地忍让、忧郁地承受。却、酷得干脆利落。宛如一位高超的剑手,不是不过招。只是你非对手,为什么你非对手、因为你已经把自己立意为敌人。对于敌人。不用过招,兴趣无时不7059屑一顾,兴趣来时!一剑定胜负!这种彻骨的冷静和孤高。也正是天蝎人虽不招惹别人?却还是招致阴险9297有毒的恶名的根本?而,也只有天蝎自己知道、真正恶毒的其实是你、但是!一切也都没有用、要知道、能够忍受孤独的人!也就是最无所畏惧的人了。这也就是天蝎为什么可以在铺天盖地的恶名谣传里!依旧活出自己风格的原因。......余下全文>>、


  see the fire in the sky   看见空中的火焰   we feel the beating of our hearts together   感觉到我们的心一起在跳动   this our time to rise above   这是我们的时刻、让这团火焰缓缓升起   we know the chance is here to live forever   我们知道机会永远会在这里   for all time   永远   hand in hand we stand   我们手拉手   all across the land   穿越五大洲   we can make this world a better place in which to live   我们能让这个世界变得更美好   hand in hand we can   我们心连心   start to undrestand   开始懂得了   breaking down the walls that come between us for all time   打破在我们之间的那道隔阂的墙   everytime we give it all   每次我们的给予   we feel the flame eternally inside us   我们能感受到心中那永恒的火焰   lift our hands up to the sky   举起我们的手   the morning calm helps us to live in harmony   早晨的平静使我们变得融洽   for all time   永远、
