驴友阁 >桃花风水 >姓名测字

把这段话翻译成英语: 我有一个卧室,我的卧室里有一张床,在床的旁边有两张桌子,一张是我写作业的桌子

  I have a bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. There are two desks next to the bed. One is for doing my homework, and one is for putting my books. There is also a lamp on my desk. I often do my homework under the lamp. There is also a closet in my bedroom.?


  桌子上有两个水瓶用英语   There are two water bottles on the table.,




  We were wet because we didn't take an umbrella.!


  用复合从句   积累一些词汇。在学一些语法、一定要攻克词汇和短语!要熟练,   学一些你比较感兴趣的英语知识。上课认真听讲、下课及时做笔记,   养成背单词的好习惯。经常复习以前学过的知识,


  二月十一日   February 11th     二月十一日   February 11th,


  饮料玻璃水瓶   翻译:   Beverage glass bottle,




  However long the night, the dawn will break.!


  China Dining CustomTable MannersThe main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.Eating No-no'sDon't stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl.Instead,lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies,the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is not polite.Also, when the food is coming too slow in a restarant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someone's home,it is like insulting the cook.DrinkingGan Bei! (Cheers! “Gan Bei” literally means “dry [the] glass”) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is Bai Jiu,high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of Bai Jiu. The Beijing favorite is called Er Guo Tou, which is a whopping 56% alcohol. More expensive are Maotai and Wuliangye?
