驴友阁 >风水知识 >周公解梦


  Once a neighbor stole one of Washington's horses.Washington went with a police officer to the neighbor's farm to get the horse,but the neighbor refused to give the horse up; he claimed that it was his horse.   Washington placed both of his hands over the eyes of the horse and said to the neighbor,"If this is your horse,then you must tell us in which eye he is blind."!


  People often dream at night so do I. For example, I dreamed a strange dream last night. In the dream, I went to Hainan Island, I saw the blue sea and lots of sea-gulls over the sea. They were beautiful very much! Suddenly the sea got rougher and rougher, I saw nothing .I didn't know where I was later. How srange it was!!


  When girls gossip about the couple, they always believe in the constellation, they treat it as an important standard to measure whether the couple will be suitable for each other. I don’t believe in constellation, I doubt it deeply, because people’s emotion can’t be decided by the constellation.   当女孩们八卦情侣的时候,她们总是相信星座、把星座当作很重要的标准!以此来衡量一对情侣是否彼此合适。我不相信星座,对星座深深怀疑、因为人们的情感是不可2414能由星座来决定的!   The people who believe in the constellation think that their characters are described by it, when they read it, they find what the constellation says is completely conforming to their characters. As people so believe in it that they do as what the constellation suggests, such as what they should wear today and what kind of boyfriend they should choose.   那些相信星座的人认为他们的性格在星座上有被描述出来、当他们2602读到时!发现星座讲的和他们的性格完全吻合!人们如此的相信星座以至于他们按照星座所建议的去做!比如他们今天该穿什么和他们该选怎么样的男朋友!   I don’t believe in constellation, first, there are 12 constellations, which means there are 12 characters. We are told that there are no two same men in the world, which means every person has his own character, and then it is not conformed to the constellation. Second, if we read what every constellation says, we may find it describes the good and bad side of the character, people will naturally choose to believe the good side in their mind. So that’s why people think the constellation is right.   我不相信星座、第一,总共有十二个星座,这意味着有十二种性格,我们被告知过世界上没有完全相同的两个人、这意味着每个人都有自己的性格,这和星座所描述的不吻合?第二、如果我们读到星座所讲的!就会发现星座有描述好的和不好的性格!人们很自然地就会选择相信好的。这就是人们为什么相信星座,   We should believe in the science, constellation is just a funny thing, we should not judge people accord to it.   我们应该相信科学,星座只是用来玩玩的。我们不应1577该根据星座来判断一个人!,


  中国民间有12生肖一说。这12种有趣的动物嘛自然也就有相当高的人气。看看,就连我们家,也出了其中的5大生肖呢。  5523 矫健的爷爷   “爷爷,等我啊。”每次和爷爷去散步,我都要对着他喊、明明6469说是散步?5390他又情不自禁地”加速"了,很轻松地就把我甩在身后!天。如果在年轻时。1564爷爷大概可以参加国际竞走大赛吧!(虽然走法不怎么标准)爷爷走得快的原因大概有百分之零点零一的可能是因为他属兔的吧,   朴实的奶奶   “不要丢去啊,这个……还可以卖的,”奶奶接过我手中的易拉罐!小心翼翼地放进袋子里装好!奶奶就是这样节俭啊。虽然奶奶是属龙的!不过却不像龙那样被人们视为什么至尊、2465反倒是那么朴实而平易近人!龙是天之骄子。而奶奶的心愿的只有一个——那就是我们全家人能够幸福和睦的相处着?   敏感的爸爸   “你有没有闻到什么!”在一旁安静看报纸的爸爸突然问、“啊、没有。”爸爸还是一副不放心的样子,他放下报纸!走进了厨房,出于好奇、我也跟了上去!爸爸走到煤气罐前,把开关拧了一下,原来是煤气没关好!怪了。我怎么没闻到啊。“以后煤气要关好、”爸爸叮嘱了一句。诶呀,刚才煮东西时。我没关好煤气!幸好没发生意外啊,爸爸还真是敏感呢!对了、他是属狗的!   严肃的妈妈   “不要随随便便、”妈妈愤怒地使出久违的“狮吼功”。“是,我重新做!”吓死了、我把东西认认真真重新拼好后,妈妈才离开、明明是属猴的,妈妈为什么就这么严呢,真是太奇怪了!   追求快乐的我   “不管了,反正都写完了、痛痛快快地玩一阵吧、”接着。作业被我可怜地“遗弃”在一边、拿起自行车钥匙,我又开始了疯狂的游戏。……“11点了,”家里都熄灯了,会挨骂吧,我做贼似的悄悄进了家!把门关上后!我8571松了一口气?好险!原来都不3583在家啊,今天的自行车之行太兴奋了。(虽然回家得承受“风险”!但是开心就好!我只有一个童年啊,)这就是属鼠的我,    我的一家就为你们介绍到这里了。你的一家是怎样的呢!!


  Do you know what is my favour music?My favour music is Jay"s music.You can ask me"Why my favour music is Jay"s music?Because Jay"s music is unique and his music is very nice.And his music is special.He has made six albums since2000-2006.His new album"s name is November"s Chopin.Chopin is a famous musicer.Because Jay likes Chopin very much.So his new album"s name is November"s Chopin.Jay"s music are made of his family.November"s Chopin and Fantasy is my favour Jay"s albums.So I tell you,my favour music is Jay"s music.!

消防火灾 英语作文

  It is known to all that "floods and fires have no mercy for anybody"(水火无情). If a fire took place, many things,valuable or invaluable, would turn to zero. Even some people would be killed and their families would suffer a great deal of sufferings,


  Cancer (crab)巨蟹座 June 22 to July 21Those born under the sign of crab are very sensitive, so they laugh and cry easily. They change their minds often, but when they decide they really want something, they don’t let go of that desire. Cancer love their homes and families, and are interested in history and ancient objects. They have strong imaginations so that they make good teachers, public speakers, and writersHarmonious signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Taurus?


  swan   swan[swɒn]   【释义】   *   n. 天鹅、天鹅星座   *   vi. 游荡。闲荡     【短语】   Swan Goose 鸿雁   Tundra Swan 小天鹅 ; 苔原天鹅 ; 冻原天鹅   John Swan 约翰·斯万 ; 斯万恩 ; 标签   【例句】   1.Hey,you be the swan. 而你是那天鹅。   2.In Black Swan terms, this means that you are exposed to the improbable only if you let it controlyou. 从黑天鹅的角度讲。这意味着只有你让小概率事件控制自己的时候。2957你才会受到它的影响,   3.He dreamed a black swan and several swallows flying in the sky. 他梦见一只黑天鹅和几只燕子在空中飞翔!   4.The myrtle, dove, sparrow, and swan are sacred to her. 桃金娘。鸽子!麻雀和天鹅是她的圣物!   5.It starts out ugly and becomes a beautiful swan. 开始很丑,然后变成一只美丽的天鹅、。


  If there is a fire, what should we do?   First, found that after the fire, to make alarm calls "119" report to the police. If telephone lines for fire is blocked, you can cry out, or by radio alarm.   Second, if there are other people in the home, to remind them to escape, don't you run away.   Third, if the fire is small, can use the quilt be stained with water, put in the body, if there is smoke, into three layers, should use a wet towel to cover your mouth and nose, crawl on the ground, even small and shallow breathing.   Fourth, when firefighters couldn't get there in time, can be to escape. If the stairs are heat sealed, the place such as lower floors can from the balcony, with tear sheets into a rope, such as the floor is higher, to take advantage of the smaller fires to put out the fire, if the stairs to escape, should escape from the stairs. Avoid by all means don't take the elevator at this moment, because the elevator may be because of the fire power outage, make people trapped inside, choked to death.   Fifth, if you have children, the elderly and patients trapped upstairs, more should be timely rescue. At this time, can use the string (not tear the rope with a sheet of knotting) throw upstairs, let people trapped slid out.   Sixth, take the baby to escape, you can gently with wet cloth on his face, holding his hand, one hand grip.   假如发生火灾,我们该怎么办、   第一,发现火灾发生后。要先拨打火警电话“119”报警。如果电话线路因火被阻断、可以大声呼喊或通过无线电报警!   第二、如果家里还有其他人!要提醒他们逃生、不要只顾自己逃跑,   第三,如果火势比较小、可以用被子沾上水,披在身上。如果有浓烟!应该用湿毛巾折成三层?捂住口鼻!在地上匍匐前进,呼吸还要小而浅,   第四、当消防员不能及时赶到时,可以进行自行逃生。如果楼梯被火封住。楼层较低的可以从阳台等地方、用床单撕开结成绳子滑下!如楼层较高,要趁火势较小扑灭火!如果楼梯可以逃生!应该从楼梯逃生,切忌这时千万不要乘电梯、因为电梯可能会因为火而停电、使人被困在里面?窒息而死,   第五,如果有小孩、老人、病人等被困在楼上。更应该及时抢救。这时。可以用绳子(没有绳子的用床单撕开结绳)掷到楼上。让被困的人滑出来。   第六,带婴儿逃离时,可以用湿湿布轻轻蒙上他的脸。一手抱着他、一手抓地逃生!,


  第四行:Some think it is better not to throw rubbish everywhere.   第五行:the rubbish basket宜改为:the dustbins   第八行:看不全。估计你写的是save!如果是。应改为saving, 因为介词 of后的动词应用ing形式、   第九行:something 不能加s、   第十行:draw 拼错了,不能是dram!。
