驴友阁 >风水知识 >周公解梦


  When girls gossip about the couple, they always believe in the constellation, they treat it as an important standard to measure whether the couple will be suitable for each other. I don’t believe in constellation, I doubt it deeply, because people’s emotion can’t be decided by the constellation.   当女孩们八卦情侣的时候。她们总是相信星座,把星座当作很重要的标准,以此来衡量一对情侣是否彼此合适、我不相信星座。对星座深深怀疑?因为人们的情感是不可能由星座来决定的,   The people who believe in the constellation think that their characters are described by it, when they read it, they find what the constellation says is completely conforming to their characters. As people so believe in it that they do as what the constellation suggests, such as what they should wear today and what kind of boyfriend they should choose.   那些相信星座的人认为他们的性格在星座上有被描述出来!当他们读到时!发现星座讲的和他们的性格完全吻合,人们如此的相信星座以至于他们按照星座所建议的去做,比如他们今天该穿什么和他们该选怎么样的男朋友。   I don’t believe in constellation, first, there are 12 constellations, which means there are 12 characters. We are told that there are no two same men in the world, which means every person has his own character, and then it is not conformed to the constellation. Second, if we read what every constellation says, we may find it describes the good and bad side of the character, people will naturally choose to believe the good side in their mind. So that’s why people think the constellation is right.   我不相信星座,第一、总共有十二个星座、这意味着有十二种性格!我们被告知过世界上没有完全相同5113的两个人!这意味着每个人都有自己的性格!这和星座所描述的不吻合。第二,如果我们读到星座所讲的。就会发现星座有描述好的和不好的性格,人们很自然地就会选择相信好的。这就是人9169们为什么相信星座,   We should believe in the science, constellation is just a funny thing, we should not judge people accord to it.   我们应该相信科学!星座只是用来玩玩的!我们不应该根据星座来判断一个人,、


  我的身子怎么变轻了?往下一看,我离地面越来越远了,再一看,身后竟长出了一双轻快的翅膀,原来我会飞了!   我飞向天空.那云像雪一样白,如棉花那么柔软;天空一望无际,像大海湛蓝深远,小鸟在我头顶飞过,“叽叽喳喳”地叫着。太阳像一位慈爱的母亲,光芒那么柔和,温暖.我俯视地面.哇,好美啊!长城像一条巨龙俯在山间,长江,黄河澎湃汹涌,田野里一阵风吹过,掀起金色的稻浪;果园里,一个个沉甸甸的果子压弯了树枝……我飞到了青海地区,那里的余震还在不断的发生.被压在废墟下的人在痛苦挣扎,我真想对受灾人民说:“你们要坚持住,你们已经很勇敢了.房屋,学校倒了,我们一定还会让你们住上更好的房子,开心地读书.”我又飞到西南地区,那里正是大旱灾,我真想为他们献上一瓶水,哪怕是一瓶!   早上,我高兴地去上学,可在路上堵了车,许多人都非常焦急.我却不慌不忙地用我那既漂亮有轻快的翅膀扇动起来,飞向学校.   “丁零零…….“闹钟响了.呀!只是个梦.如果我真的会飞,该有多好啊!,


  The fire hazard at homeThere used be a fire hazard in my house several years ago.It was because the stove fire lost control,with lots of fire went around the house.The sheets,the clothes,the furniture all caught fire.Everything that were in the fire,it was terrible.We had to do something to stop it.We went out with wet towel cover the face to get some walter to fight the fire.with barrels of water pourred onto the fire,the fire ended finally.、


  从正常的社会公德角度来讲,应该抓住他,送到公安局或者派出所.   但由于现在的小偷在“作业”时甚至带有一种理所当然的态度,经常会出现由偷盗转为抢劫的情况,而且随着见义勇为遭到报复或身受重伤甚至亡的案例不断出现,用于伸出援手的人日渐减少,所以建议在遇到小偷的时候视情况进行反抗,并打电话报警.   From the perspective of normal social morality, should seize him, sent to the Public Security Bureau or the police station.   But because the thief now in "homework" even with a matter of attitude, often appear by theft to robbery, and with the courageous retaliation or seriously injured or even dead cases continue to emerge for extending a helping hand to people gradually reduce, it is proposed to meet the thief as the case against, and called the police.?

英语作文 我所追求的事业是什么

  As they differ in their interests, abilities and objectives in life, different people pursue different careers. Some love to be doctors, while others prefer to be scientists. Some like to be workers, whereas others choose to be technicians. My ideal career, however, is teaching. The reasons are as follows.   因为他们在生活中的兴趣。能力和目标不同。不同的人追求的事业也不同?有些喜欢成为医生!而另一些人更喜欢成为科学家。有些人喜欢做工人、而另一些的选择则是技术人员。然而。我理想的职业是教学。理由如下。   First, I can enjoy much freedom in my work. I will not frequently be told what to do and how to do it. The content of my lessons and the way I give them are largely determined by myself, which will leave more room for my imagination and creativity. In addition, I can always stay young mentally. Being with the young people most of the time, I will be influenced by their idea and lifestyle. I will then, feel that I am always in fashion. Furthermore, I will have two long vacations and much flexible time in which I can enjoy doing what I like to do.   首先、我的工作可以让我享受到很多的自由,我不会经常被提醒要做什么!该怎么做。我,


  “世界上的名人有成百上千个,而贝多芬只有一个,”这是语文老师开课时的一句话!随即老师又在黑板写4728上了课题:音乐巨人贝多芬。语文老师先放了贝多芬的代表作《命运交响曲》!让我们闭上眼睛听音乐!认真地去感受这首名扬世界9669的曲子、我立即被那雄浑激昂的音乐给震撼了,心、一下子静了下来,一切杂念被排除的一干二净,起伏迭宕的音乐让我的脑海随之而汹涌澎湃!让一切念想在这雄健的音乐中得到净化乃至升华,那只敲击键盘的手似乎在叩击着我的心灵!那一个个跳动的音符好象是在用音乐为情节告诉你一个英雄与命运抗争的故事:低沉时仿佛是遭受厄运的人们的痛苦哀叹和内心的矛盾斗争、不禁让人沉吟万千,高昂时仿佛是他明白了应该自强。于是奋起反抗!与命运搏击!让我们的心也为之振奋,听着音乐,我很自然地想到了作者、一个饱受苦难而不屈服命运的音乐巨人1333——贝多芬,老师开始介绍人物背景:贝多芬的童年是痛苦的。父亲急于想开发他的音乐天分,使用暴力迫使贝多芬练习各种乐器!当他稍长大一些,恶运又一次降临到了贝多芬的头上、他失去了最亲爱的母亲!贝多芬悲痛欲绝、在悲伤中、他默默接受了现实?全身心投入到5332了音乐创作中。由于他的天1735分和勤奋,很快地他就成名了!当他沉醉在音乐给他带来的幸福当中时。不幸的事情又发生了!26岁时。他的耳朵聋了,对于一个音乐家而言、这个打击是接受4485不了的!但是。他没有被击垮。他默5677默接受了现实、把全身心投入到了音乐创作中!是他心中那执着的理想——热爱音乐!支持着他,激励着他。课堂上!我们反复地读着文章内容:“我的好灵魂,人家都当我是厌世者,你们怎么会想到这个、在这里我孤零零地坐着!写我的音符——我将永远听不见音乐……我有时不免叹息。我真软弱……一6612个音乐家最大的悲剧是丧失了听觉!” 这是音乐家贝多芬的感慨,读着这些文字。我的心似有千斤重。眼眶里盈满了浓浓的悲情。在泪花闪闪中。我缓缓地把这几句话语划了起来?然后闭上了眼,无边无际的黑暗世界,我的思绪在飘忽中被牵得好远好远……老师的话打断了我的思绪。老师在总结课文时说:具有坚强意志的人面对苦难时总是让自己适应并战胜它,每个人的身上都有也许你自己尚未发现的一股惊人的潜力、当你陷于困境中。只要你有理想、发挥你的潜力,就一定能通向光明的,这时。你也许会不禁感叹到:原来有缺憾的日子同样能过得精彩,所以我们不必再为痛苦磨难忧伤,愤恨,无奈!而是要坦然,勇敢地面对它……”是啊,在你接受了苦难的同时也保存了希望!那么。就为这一线希望奋斗吧,、


  定南布衣塔:全国唯一一座以风水师称号命名的风水塔   定南布衣塔:全国唯一一座以风水师称号1099命名的风水塔!


  Sometimes I think about my future.But I am always a little scared.Because I do not know what I will be,in the future. Now,I know,my ambition is to be a famous musician. Because I want to give people a lot of fun.Music makes people happy.When you are sad,music can help you.When you are bored music can help you.When you are nervous,music can help you ... When I was a little girl,I liked music very much.I also liked to play the violin and the piano.Now I still like it ,It is fun to learn music.It is a good way of relaxing.I do not need the music in fashion very much.I Do not need all the people like it,either. I know,it is not easy to be a good musician.But I will work hard to be.I think I can !Music is my friend.I hope my future will be happly.Wish everyone has a bright future!!


  Last night,I had a wonderful dream.In the dream,I rode my bike in a country road.On the both sides of the road,there are many trees.And these trees all have different fruits,apples,pears,oranges,bananas and many other fruits.The fruits are ripe.I can get them on the bike.They are delicious.I eat many fruits and I am full.And then,I go back home.I tell the story to my mother,but she doesn’t believe me.Then,I woke up.!


