驴友阁 >风水知识 >生肖运势


  the year of mouse, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep,monkey, rooster,dog,pig   鼠年 the year of mouse,其他的都以此类推。上面是各个属相的英文!   上面答案鸡一般不用cock 或者chicken!因为这两个词在因为里都有很不好的意思。这里不便多说!一般翻译为rooster(大公鸡)比较好。   rat是老鼠。但是rat给人6706的联想也不是啥好东西,所以还是mouse比较好点。米老鼠也是micky mouse啊,不会是micky rat的,rat是很脏恶心的东西,大老鼠哦,   牛!不用ox和cattle。用bull比较好,芝加哥公牛对用的也是chicago bulls,如果用ox或者是cattle都让人觉得是牲口的感觉。   小小注解一下、希望对你有帮助!、


 6695 The sheep love eating green grass   满意请采纳,谢谢、


  在英语中羊分三种:ram,有角大公羊(嗯。白羊座的羊也是这个ram),goat,有胡子的山羊!sheep!小绵羊!   1.最开始!英国曼彻斯特媒体就出了这么一篇文章:4334“曼彻斯特的中国春节:可是这是哪一种羊的年?是ram。sheep。还是goat!” 后来他们发现伯明翰人也在纠结同样的问题,再后来发现!英国人绝对不是唯一的一个在纠结的外国人。美国CNN的新闻标题也是一样:“今年究竟是sheep年,goat年,还是ram年,”   2.有的媒体直接就认定是goat了!比如华尔街时报!   3.还有的媒体觉得应该还是sheep,比如今日美国(USA TODAY)。还搞了一只宛如“土豪金”的羊!   老外搞起街头调查   没想到满城尽是喜羊羊   为了搞清楚这个问题!外国媒体开始了各种研究!先8452是各种“中国问题专家”“中国历史学家”出马,他们研究了很久!有的专家研究了一下中国地域分布之后表示。中国北方草原绵羊比较多!所以北方的生肖应该是绵羊!南方山羊比较多。所以南方的生肖应该是山羊、


  For those things i don't talk about,


  数一数英语中有多少个字母。数-鼠 、,


  Rumors, faint in the valley, has one thousand beautiful treasures--" LongDi ". Only the real dragon preach   The little gray (2 a) talent can open the door of the treasure chamber of......   The clouds dropped to the ground, hurricane plunged and the green grassland in a chaotic, it all with dragon world is under the slightest miscalculations are closely related, and end the disaster is the only way of the legendary "LongDi" blew...... So, "sheep sheep team" was again, decided to go this mysterious and unknown country beitou!   The other side, and that tragedy and family of loose big big Wolf was a sudden gust of strange wave involved in dragon world, have to again and all the sheep fought together...   "Ding ding", "product", "and it", the valley came the sound of harsh, careful a look, was pleasant goat and grey Wolf in thanks them too "art". To become a dragon, must pass 9981 close examination, music, kung fu, has the knowledge...   Dragon in the fort, the final showdown in recent days. Mechanical dragon powerful far removed all of the imagination, originally sharp weapon is vulnerable. When boiling sheep sheep hanging by a thread, a flute of rising rang through the air, a small figure is from "mechanical dragon" walking slowly......   Pleasant goat, grey too Wolf can smoothly, and put on the armor dragon? Who is the bottomless "ultimate big Boss"? All in all the riddle big movie "pleasant goat and grey Wolf ran too happy dragon"!!


5494  羊的生肖就是羊!你换一个问法。




  猪羊 、   东方尚英   ( 回答 )   猪 。十二生肖排行第十二位 : 亥猪 、、


