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父亲节的由来英文版 5句话

  Mrs. John B Dodd, of Washington, first proposed the idea of a “father’s day” in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William, whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child.The first Father’s Day was observed on June 19,1910 in Washington. And it was in 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson officially declared the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day. Father’s Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Father’s Day.   华盛顿州的约翰.布鲁斯.多德夫人在1909年首先提出了设立“父亲节”的提议、多德夫人希望有一个特殊的日子3920来向她的父亲———威廉.斯玛特表示敬意!他的妻子在生他们第六个孩子时因难产而死、1910年的6月19日人们在华盛顿庆祝了第一个父亲节,林登.约翰逊总统最终于1966年宣布每年六月的第3个星期天为父亲节,父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演父亲角色的人表达敬意的节日!继父。伯父、祖父所有成年男性都将在父亲节受到尊敬,、


  1.文章第一段写她记忆中八岁以前的日子的目的是 、 2.“可是有一天,她睁开眼睛、一切全变了样。”结合上下文说说“一切全变了样”的根本原因, 3.她听了妈妈得病死了的消息后之所以“木木的、并不觉得特别难过”是因为 ? 4.没有文章的最后一段,本文也是一个完整的故事!如果删除文章最后一段。您觉得好不好。请简要说明理由。 5.品味文中两处画线的句子、说说其表达效果、(1) (2) 6.本文构思匠心独运!请围绕此角度对本文略作赏析! 【第5版《〈奔跑的小狮子〉阅读训练》参考答案】 1.写妈妈对她深深的爱。表现童年生活的美好,也与下文内容形成鲜明的对比、2216表现母亲后来的变化的“不正常”! 2.“一切全变了样”的根本原因是母亲患了绝症。母亲要培养女儿的生活自理能力, 3.示例:因为她认为妈妈并不爱自己。自己肯定4569不是妈妈亲生的、妈妈狠心地让她自己做自己的事情,妈妈的死对她的生活好像没有什么影响、她对妈妈没有什么感情!所以对妈妈的死“木木的!并不觉得特别难过”, 4.女儿对妈妈的爱!最初是没有感7016受到的!是《动物世界》中的故事。让女儿恍然感悟到母亲深深的爱、文章的结尾是本文的点睛之笔。升华了文章的主题。也点明母亲对女儿深深的爱。 5.略 6.示例一:文章运用了欲扬先抑的手法、先写母亲种种“狠心”的行为、后揭示母2779亲的“大爱”、情感的强烈对比,让读者的心灵受到极大的冲击!示例二:文章结尾运用类5509比的手法,点明妈妈当年“心狠”的原因——是让女儿“迅速成为一头奔跑的小狮子!好让她在漫漫人生路上、能够很好地活下来”、。


  Stephen Chow movies and personal data files   Chinese name: Stephen Chow   English name: Stephen Chow   Date of birth: June 22, 1962   Lunar New Year: Tiger   Place of Birth: Hong Kong   Origin: Shanghai   Sun Constellation: Cancer   Moon Constellation: Aquarius   Height: 174cm   Weight: 65kg   Idol: Bruce Lee   Favorite stars: Chow Yun-fat, Jackie Chan   Character: cheerful, and gas, stubborn   Interests: singing, operas   Favorite sports: horse riding, soccer, snooker, swimming   Most grateful to the people: Li Xiuxian, Wan Ziliang   Favorite actor: Robert Dini Road   Favorite singers: Anita Mui   Favorite song: song lyric   Favorite dance: DISCO   Favorite clothes Zang: Casual   Favorite shoes: cloth shoes   Favorite accessories: Table   Favorite color: blue   Favorite animals: dogs   Best hope: make a lot of money to study   The worst of the subjects: mathematics   Appearance look like: half of all parents   Most want to go to the place: at home   Favorite music: classical music   Favorite book: Chinese classic novels, comic books   Like the seasons: spring and autumn   Favorite people: mothers   Biggest wish: Since my self-directed   1988   "Thunderbolt vanguard" virgin works, performances by virtue of character   "Wind catchers man" state of inertia performance   "Best son-in-law" state of inertia performance   1989   "Dragon in the Tianya" supporting role, the peak performance   "Yidan Qunying" unsatisfactory   "Rogue poor woman"   Wu Junru and performance together to make sparks, the first time in transition   1990   "Jackie Chan look-fu," Wu Litou performing rudimentary, comedy talent Chulu   "A comic Chuang Tianya" Wu Litou performing rudimentary, comedy talent Chulu   "Yesterday Once restaurant" flat, but the audience has been recognized   "We Tonglu" flat, but the audience has been recognized   "Kalilajiao" completely overshadowed the performances Jacky Cheung   "A thief Star" state of inertia performance   "Shixiong hit ghost" state of inertia performance   "St. gambling," won the annual top ten box office hit when the first film, beginning with partner Wu Mengda   "Invincible Lucky" performance in general   "Finally a veteran political arena," the general performance   "Duxia" won the second annual top 10 box office hit movie, Chow has become famous   1991   "Tricky Brains," the new comedy movie themes, and Wang Jing has initially formed a tacit understanding   "Longdechuanren" Wu Litou show stereotypes   "The new Jingwu Men 1991" Wu Litou show stereotypes   "Fight Back to School" Qiangdang summer, when the blockbuster movie the first 10   "Duxia 2 on the beaches of St. gambling," Gong Li, Fang Jiwei played at the Hong Kong version, the Taiwan version of the female lead, Chow has become box-office guarantee   "Qingsheng" Maoshun Jun and his opponent plays, but the main characters too much, "Star" More modest   "Haomenyeyan" guest   1992 (the year is Zhou Xingchi)   "Comic Veyron" It was the beginning of suspected Chow in the end how much longer can persist   "Jiayouxishi" Hong Kong one of the most successful comedy, when the second annual top 10 blockbuster movies   "Fight Back to School 2" is known as Waterloo   "Official death trial" When the film first hit the top 10   "Luding Ji" When the third annual Top 10 blockbuster movies   "Royal Tramp II" When the 10 year blockbuster movie fifth   "Wu Su Qier champion" When the fourth in the 10 blockbuster movies   1993   "Fight Back to School 3-over chicken," when the seventh annual top 10 blockbuster movies, some people say that this is the final year of weeks   "Snowster point mobiledog" When the first 10 blockbuster movies, Chow ***   "Economy of" crushing defeat   1994   "Pohuaizhiwang" habitual performance   "九品芝麻官of flour Justice Bao" selected the top 10 when the blockbuster movie   "Ling Ling Chinese lacquer" and Yuan Yongyi together to make sparks, Wu Litou performances fully mature, and the cooperation has recognized Luo Jiaying   1995   "Journey to the West of the 101 back Whether" the second in transition, were then selected the 10 blockbuster films, Wu Litou *** + + romantic imagination   "Journey to the West Wan Jiepian of Cinderella"   "Huihun Night" continue to try restructuring, I do not see the basic features of the audience to accept the general   "Baibianxingjun" was Stephen Chow movie box office is the best one, is a "Tricky Brains," a continuation of   "King of Comedy," the third time in transition, in-depth form of comedy, since my shot lead   "Qianwangzhiwang 2000," Wu Litou cast aside, in-depth and meticulous comedy completely overshadowed protagonist Zhang Jiahui   2001   "Shaolin Soccer" Hong Kong has created the highest level since before the box office, to the cause since his debut summit   2004   "Kung Fu" Tinggao heard that the box office, but I feel that too little of the art components, computer special effects are not optimistic about,


  1   爸妈以身作则、放下手机。拿起书本   先看看下面几个情况你都中招了吗,   每天在家刷朋友圈,看电视,玩游戏,   陪孩子。也会时不时拿着手机点来点去、   把手机或平板给孩子当玩具玩、   孩子最强的能力是模仿。你的行为和习惯,都会影响到孩6250子的生活习惯!孩子是父母7457的一面镜子?模仿是一个持续终生的行为,   因此、如果孩子不爱看书,很大原因在于家长。建议爸妈们除了别总在孩子面前玩电子产品、还应该和孩子一起拿起书本去阅读。曾有记者在某校做过采访!不少孩子都是说平时家长晚饭后就看电视连续剧。除了看些报纸!很少阅读文字类的东西,所以孩子也很少看书!而且容易跟家长一起看电视?   2   营造良好的读书环境和氛围   阅读环境很重要!家长在周末时可以多带孩子去图书馆看书和参加阅读活动。能够让孩子受到不少好5663的影响。   当然家里还是培养孩子阅读习惯最重要的地方!爸妈可以给孩子买一个单独的书柜。准备不同类型和风格的儿童书籍!让孩子在家里随时随处都能找到合适的书去读!   当孩子玩累了或是坐下来安静的时候都会很容易地从书架上拿出一本爱看的书翻上几页,慢慢就会喜欢上阅读了。   有位妈妈举过一个这样的例子:“女儿刚出世时!家里居住面积小,书又多!她的儿童床上都铺了厚厚的一层书,就这样女儿一天天在书堆上长大,她没有弄脏!弄折一本书,她似乎对书有一种眷恋、长大了她从不挑吃挑穿。她的漂亮衣服比别人少!但她的6685各色藏书比别人多,她可以从书柜里为你精选出不同题材的美味佳肴。”   3   鼓励孩子读后“说来听听”   在阅读之后家长可以多鼓励孩子“说来听听”。这样能增加孩子的沟通和表述能力!   家长要引导孩子发表自己的看法,接受他说出来的一切!不管是对是错!慢慢地,孩子就能完整地表述自己的观点、自主思考能力也会5116有所提高,家长可以让孩子试着将观点写出来、意识到阅读与写作的重要性!孩子尝到甜头后也会更有成就感、从而爱上阅读。   有位爸爸是这样做的:“每次我让孩子看书!他都以功课忙为理由、一律拒读。4593但我却找到了他的一处软肋,就是他的作文差。一次他在写一篇作文之前。我先让他看了一本书、读一遍、记一遍。让他将所有能理解的词汇尽量恰如其分地用在作文中!结果!老师的评判是‘语言生动形象’,于是孩子在阅读的过程中逐渐找到了写好文章的方法,自己便主动找书来读!”   4   坚持每天给孩子读书讲故事   儿童阅读分为不同的阶段:绘本。讲故事,文字阅读。   给孩子讲故事这个阶段非常重要,数十年来的研究显示:一个儿童听父母讲故事的时间长短!与他数年后的阅读水平有很大关系,   父5036母每天给孩子朗读故事?能让孩子了解更多的词汇!并且能提高理解的速度,让孩子接触更大的世界、大量研究证实、父母给孩子朗读可以提高孩子的听!说,读!写能力。   给孩子讲故事最好的方法就是把孩子抱在怀里,读上20!30分钟,这会把阅读和对4614孩子的关爱连接起来、只要几个月就会让孩子体会到阅读的好处、并爱上阅读、   5   根据孩子的兴趣、引导和吸引孩子阅读   阅读不能强迫。要适当引导。   爸妈要根据孩子的兴趣爱好!选择合适的书籍,有些家长为了让孩子养成阅读的习惯。经常给孩子买很多书!但孩子很少看书。原因就在于没有选对书籍!   有个例子5946是这样的:爸爸认为孩子不喜欢阅读只喜欢玩游戏?但是,有一回朋友送给孩子一套丁丁历险记,大版的漫画。孩子非常喜欢而且反复读了好多遍?最后慢慢开始喜欢上阅读了。爸爸才发现自己之前的想法是错误的,只是自己没有给孩子选对合适的书而已、   6   阅读不能急功近利。要静待花开   阅读并不会在短期内看到明显或直接的效果!它在很多时候都是隐性技能、   所以。家长千万不要有通过阅读迅速达到某种效果的想法!不要觉得孩子多读几本书就能马上写好作文了,就可以迅速提升成绩了!否则就是书白读了!阅读没有用。   事实上。孩子大量阅读的效果大约在初,高中才能明显体现出来!孩子学习和写作。都需要清晰的逻辑思维能力、而4643阅读能帮助孩子日积月累地提升这项能力,孩子读书越多。知识和知识之间就能形成连接,发挥更大的作用、并用产生9747正向反馈,所以。让孩子坚持阅读!总有一天会开出最美的那朵花。。


  没有易经六传的说法啊!   你说的是不是六艺经传,   六艺经传:“六艺”指《易》,《诗》,《书》。《礼》、《乐》。《春秋》等六种课本。   经。0219指六经的原文!“传”,不同于《史记》中的“列传”,《4181水浒传》等的“传”字,它是8450阐述儒家经义的文字、“传”即是阐述,解释的意思。也就是解经的。如《春秋左氏传》是解释《春秋》经的,《毛诗传》是解释《毛诗》的,因此、古书中常说的“经传”、即是指经书和古人解释经书的那些文字,   “六艺经传”一词源于《史记·太史公自序》中所引其父司马谈之言:“夫儒者六艺为法,六艺经传以千万数,累世不能通其学,当年不能究其礼,”、


  易经   《易经》指夏代的《连山》。商代的《归藏》及周代的《周易》、这三部经卦书统称为易经,其中《连山》!《归藏》已失传,传世7904的只有《周易》一本?从本质上来讲!《易经》是阐述关于变化之书。长期被用作7690“卜筮”!“卜筮”就是对未来事态的发展进行预测!而《易经》便是总结这些预测的规律理论的书、 《易经》含盖万有,纲纪群伦,是中国传统文化的杰出代表、广大精微!包罗万象,亦是中华文明的源头活水!   中文名   易经   类 别   古代经卦   涵 盖   《连山》!《归藏》,《周易》   时 间   夏代至周代   《易经》!分为三部。夏代的《连山》?商代的《归藏》[1] 。周代的《周易》,并称为三易,东汉学者桓谭在《新论正经》中说:“《连山》八万言。《归藏》9002四千三百言(秦朝精简本)!《连山》藏于兰台?《归藏》藏于太卜,”《连山》与《归藏》魏晋之后下落不明或被佛道吸收作经或亡佚、成为中华文化领域里的千古之谜,   关于“三易”之说,《周礼》“掌三易之法,一曰《连山易》。二曰《归藏易》!三曰《周易》,其经卦皆八、其别卦六四有四”!就是说!在周朝《连3289山易》、《归藏易》、《周易》这三个易由卜官掌控、对国家大事、军事战争!祭祀活动进行预测,   [!


  The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special. .   The origin of Father's Day is not clear. Some say that it began with a church service in West Virginia in 1908. Others say the first Father's Day ceremony was held in Vancouver, Washington.   Regardless of when the first true Father's Day occurred, the strongest promoter of the holiday was Mrs. Bruce John Dodd of Spokane, Washington. She thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909.   Sonora wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart. Smart, who was a Civil War veteran, was widowed when his wife died while giving birth to their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state.   After Sonora became an adult she realized the selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a courageous, selfless, and loving man. In 1909, Mrs. Dodd approached her own minister and others in Spokane about having a ch梗rch service dedicated to fathers on June 5, her father's birthday.   That date was too soon for her minister to prepare the servi......余下全文>>,
